<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
<link type="guide" xref="index#channels"/>
<link type="guide" xref="channels#list"/>
<subtitle><link href="http://dirble.com/">//dirble.com/</link></subtitle>
<p>Dirble.com is another radio station directory, made up of
user-contributed content, and automatic streaming server polling.</p>
<p>It provides a JSON API, which as of v2 has a lot of unneeded meta
information and internal ids. But it's actually nicer to scan, and
contains even station homepages now.</p>
<note><p>The config option for a custom API key is perhaps
redundant. Should streamtuner2 -D however reveal an error, you
can however configure your own account there.</p></note>