# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Drag and Drop
# description: Move streams/stations from and to other applications.
# depends: uikit
# version: 0.1
# type: interface
# config:
# { name: dnd_format, type: select, value: pls, select: "pls|m3u|xspf|jspf|asx|smil", description: "Default temporary file format for copying a station entry." }
# category: ui
# priority: experimental
# Implements Gtk/X11 drag and drop support for station lists.
# Should allow to export either just stream URLs, or complete
# PLS, XSPF collections.
# Also used by the bookmarks tab to move favourites around.
# mousepad == ['GTK_TEXT_BUFFER_CONTENTS', 'application/x-gtk-text-buffer-rich-text',
# 'text/plain;charset=utf-8', 'text/plain']
# libreoffice ==# ['text/plain;charset=utf-8', 'UTF8_STRING', 'application/x-openoffice-embed-source-xml;windows_formatname="Star Embed# Source (XML)"', 'text/richtext', 'text/html',
# 'application/x-openoffice-objectdescriptor-xml;windows_formatname="Star Object Descriptor (XML)";classname="8BC6B165-B1B2-4EDD-aa47-dae2ee689dd6";typename="LibreOffice 4.4 Textdokument";viewaspect="1";width="16999";height="2995";posx="5347";posy="5347"']
import copy
from config import conf, __print__, dbg, json
from uikit import *
import action
# Drag and Drop support
class dnd(object):
module = "dnd"
meta = plugin_meta()
# Keeps selected row on starting DND event
row = None
# Buffer converted types
buf = {}
# Supported type map
drag_types = [
# internal
("json/vnd.streamtuner2.station", 0, 51),
# literal exports
("audio/x-mpegurl", 0, 20),
("application/x-scpls", 0, 21),
("application/xspf+xml", 0, 22),
("application/smil", 0, 23),
("text/html", 0, 23),
("text/richtext", 0, 23),
("application/jspf+json", 0, 25),
# direct srv urls
("text/url", 0, 15), #@TODO: support in action.save_/convert_
("message/external-body", 0, 15),
("url/direct", 0, 15),
# url+comments
("TEXT", 0, 5),
("STRING", 0, 5),
("UTF8_STRING", 0, 5),
("text/plain", 0, 5),
# filename, file:// IRL
("FILE_NAME", 0, 3),
("text/uri-list", 0, 4),
cnv_types = {
20: "m3u",
21: "pls",
22: "xspf",
23: "smil",
25: "jspf",
15: "srv",
4: "temp",
5: "srv",
51: "json",
# Hook to main, and extend channel tabs
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.meta, self.module)
# Attach drag and drop handlers to each channels´ station TreeView
def add_dnd(self, parent):
# visit each module
for cn,module in parent.channels.items():
w = module.gtk_list
# bind SOURCE events
w.enable_model_drag_source(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, self.drag_types, gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT|gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY|gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE)
w.connect('drag-begin', self.begin)
w.connect('drag-data-get', self.data_get)
# bind DESTINATION events
w.enable_model_drag_dest(self.drag_types, gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT|gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
w.connect('drag-drop', self.drop)
w.connect('drag-data-received', self.data_received)
# -- SOURCE, drag'n'drop from ST2 to elsewhere --
# Starting to drag a row
def begin(self, widget, context):
__print__(dbg.UI, "dnd←source: begin-drag, store current row")
self.row = self.treelist_row()
self.buf = {}
uikit.do(context.set_icon_stock, gtk.STOCK_ADD, 16, 16)
return "url" in self.row
# Keep currently selected row when source dragging starts
def treelist_row(self):
cn = self.parent.channel()
row = copy.copy(cn.row())
row.setdefault("format", cn.audioformat)
row.setdefault("listformat", cn.listformat)
row.setdefault("url", row.get("homepage"))
return row
# Target window/app requests data for offered drop
def data_get(self, widget, context, selection, info, time):
__print__(dbg.UI, "dnd←source: data-get, send and convert to requested target type", info, selection.get_target())
# Start new converter if not buffered (because `data_get` gets called mercilessly along the dragging path)
if not info in self.buf:
r = self.row
cnv = action.save_playlist(source=r["listformat"], multiply=False)
# internal JSON row
info = 5
if info >= 51:
buf = 'text', json.dumps(r)
# Pass M3U/PLS/XSPF as literal payload
elif info >= 20:
buf = 'text', cnv.export(urls=[r["url"]], row=r, dest=self.cnv_types[info])
# Direct server URL
elif info >= 10:
urls = action.convert_playlist(r["url"], r["listformat"], "srv", False, r)
#buf = 'uris', urls
buf = 'text', urls[0]
# Text sources are assumed to understand the literal URL or expect a description block
elif info >= 5:
buf = 'text', "{url}\n# Title: {title}\n# Homepage: {homepage}\n\n".format(**r)
# Create temporary PLS file, because "text/uri-list" is widely misunderstood and just implemented for file:// IRLs
tmpfn = "{}/{}.{}".format(conf.tmp, re.sub("[^\w-]+", " ", r["title"]), conf.dnd_format)
cnv.file(rows=[r], dest=conf.dnd_format, fn=tmpfn)
buf = 'uris', ["file://{}".format(tmpfn)] if (info==4) else tmpfn
# Keep in type request buffer
self.buf[info] = buf
# Return prepared data
func, data = self.buf[info]
if func.find("text") >= 0:
selection.set_text(data, len(data))
if func.find("uris") >= 0:
return True
# -- DESTINATION, when playlist/url gets dragged in from other app --
# Just a notification for incoming drop
def drop(self, widget, context, x, y, time):
__print__(dbg.UI, "dnd→dest: drop-probing", context.targets, x, y, time, context.drag_get_selection())
widget.drag_get_data(context, "STRING", time)#context.targets[0], time)
context.drop_reply(True, time)
return True
# Actual data is being passed,
# now has to be converted and patched into stream rows and channel liststore
def data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, info, time):
__print__(dbg.UI, "dnd→dest: data-receival", info, selection.get_target(), selection.get_uris(), selection.get_text())
context.drop_finish(True, time)
context.finish(True, False, time)
return True