# api: streamtuner2
# title: MODarchive
# description: Collection of module / tracker audio files (MOD, S3M, XM, etc.)
# type: channel
# version: 0.2
# url: http://www.modarchive.org/
# priority: extra
# config: -
# category: collection
# A genre browser for tracker music files from the MOD Archive.
# MOD files dodn't work with all audio players. And with the default
# download method, it'll receive a .zip archive with embeded .mod file.
# Configuring VLC for */* is the best option. See the help on how to
# setup wget/curl to download them.
import re
import ahttp as http
from config import conf
from channels import *
from config import __print__, dbg
# The MOD Archive
# Modarchive actually provides an API
# http://modarchive.org/index.php?xml-api
# (If only it wasn't XML based..)
class modarchive (ChannelPlugin):
# description
title = "modarchive"
module = "modarchive"
homepage = "http://www.modarchive.org/"
base = "http://modarchive.org/"
titles = dict(genre="Genre", title="Song", playing="File", listeners="Rating", bitrate=0)
# keeps category titles->urls
catmap = {"Chiptune": "54", "Electronic - Ambient": "2", "Electronic - Other": "100", "Rock (general)": "13", "Trance - Hard": "64", "Swing": "75", "Rock - Soft": "15", "R & B": "26", "Big Band": "74", "Ska": "24", "Electronic - Rave": "65", "Electronic - Progressive": "11", "Piano": "59", "Comedy": "45", "Christmas": "72", "Chillout": "106", "Reggae": "27", "Electronic - Industrial": "34", "Grunge": "103", "Medieval": "28", "Demo Style": "55", "Orchestral": "50", "Soundtrack": "43", "Electronic - Jungle": "60", "Fusion": "102", "Electronic - IDM": "99", "Ballad": "56", "Country": "18", "World": "42", "Jazz - Modern": "31", "Video Game": "8", "Funk": "32", "Electronic - Drum & Bass": "6", "Alternative": "48", "Electronic - Minimal": "101", "Electronic - Gabber": "40", "Vocal Montage": "76", "Metal (general)": "36", "Electronic - Breakbeat": "9", "Soul": "25", "Electronic (general)": "1", "Punk": "35", "Pop - Synth": "61", "Electronic - Dance": "3", "Pop (general)": "12", "Trance - Progressive": "85", "Trance (general)": "71", "Disco": "58", "Electronic - House": "10", "Experimental": "46", "Trance - Goa": "66", "Rock - Hard": "14", "Trance - Dream": "67", "Spiritual": "47", "Metal - Extreme": "37", "Jazz (general)": "29", "Trance - Tribal": "70", "Classical": "20", "Hip-Hop": "22", "Bluegrass": "105", "Halloween": "82", "Jazz - Acid": "30", "Easy Listening": "107", "New Age": "44", "Fantasy": "52", "Blues": "19", "Other": "41", "Trance - Acid": "63", "Gothic": "38", "Electronic - Hardcore": "39", "One Hour Compo": "53", "Pop - Soft": "62", "Electronic - Techno": "7", "Religious": "49", "Folk": "21"}
categories = []
# refresh category list
def update_categories(self):
html = http.get("http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_genres")
rx_current = re.compile(r"""
>\s+(\w[^<>]+)\s+</h1> |
""", re.S|re.X)
#-- archived shows
sub = []
self.categories = []
for uu in rx_current.findall(html):
(main, id, subname) = uu
if main:
if sub:
sub = []
self.catmap[subname] = id
# .categories and .catmap are saved by reload_categories()
# download links from dmoz listing
def update_streams(self, cat):
url = "http://modarchive.org/index.php"
params = dict(query=self.catmap[cat], request="search", search_type="genre")
html = http.get(url, params)
entries = []
rx_mod = re.compile("""
.*? /formats/(\w+)\.png"
.*? title="([^">]+)">([^<>]+)</a>
.*? >(?:Rated|Unrated)</a>\s*(\d*)
""", re.X|re.S)
for uu in rx_mod.findall(html):
(url, id, fmt, title, file, rating) = uu
#__print__( dbg.DATA, uu )
"genre": cat,
"url": url,
"id": id,
"format": self.mime_fmt(fmt) + "+zip",
"title": title,
"playing": file,
"listeners": int(rating if rating else 0),
"homepage": "http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query="+id,
# done
return entries