Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

βŒˆβŒ‹ βŽ‡ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [50c58e1601]

Artifact 50c58e1601aea9ad036961bad09a7241980ca034:

  • File channels/ — part of check-in [bd1a9cba05] at 2015-05-10 19:20:49 on branch trunk — Move `favicon` module into extension/feature plugin. Simplify row["favicon"] cache filename pregeneration; separate from favicon module (but basically duplicated code there). Refactor most internal favicon+banner processing, rename methods for clarity. Plugin registers itself as .hooks["play"] callback. Uses main.thread() now instead of custom variant. Create icon cache dir on initialiation rather. Use combined row_to_fn() for cache filename generation instead of domain(), url(), file(), etc. Previous banner downloads are ignored, because the filename normalization is more in line with domain favicons now. Only update pixstore on successful downloads. Pre-check the content type per binary regex now, before saving image files. Combine resizing into store_image() function as well. Even PNG files will be piped through PIL (for sanitization). Completely got rid of urllib usage. Homepage/HTML extraction got rewritten, simpler, still inexact; but works now for most webpages. Favicon homepage downloading checks both returned MIME type and actual file content prior saving. Shorten timeouts to 2-3 seconds for Google and custom favicon retrieval. (user: mario, size: 30042) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# type: class
# category: ui
# title: Channel plugins
# description: Base implementation for channels and feature plugins
# version: 1.5
# license: public domain
# author: mario
# url:
# pack:
# config: -
# priority: core
# GenericChannel implements the basic GUI functions and defines
# the default channel data structure. It implements fallback logic
# for all other channel implementations. Only `bookmarks` uses it
# directly.
# All other plugins don't have a pre-defined Notebook tab in the
# GtkBuilder description. They derive from ChannelPlugins therefore,
# which constructs and registers the required gtk widgets manually.

import gtk
from uikit import uikit, ver as gtk_ver
from config import *
import ahttp
import action
import os.path
import xml.sax.saxutils
import re
import copy
import inspect

# Only export plugin classes
__all__ = [
    "GenericChannel", "ChannelPlugin", "use_rx",
    "entity_decode", "strip_tags", "nl", "unhtml", "to_int"
#__path__.insert(0, "plugins")#conf.plugin_dir)

# generic channel module                            ---------------------------------------
class GenericChannel(object):

    # control attributes
    meta = { "config": [] }
    base_url = ""
    listformat = "pls"
    audioformat = "audio/mpeg" # fallback value
    has_search = False

    # categories
    categories = []
    catmap = {}
    shown = None      # last selected entry in stream list, also indicator if notebook tab has been selected once / stream list of current category been displayed yet

    # gui + data
    streams = {}      # Station list dict, associates each genre to a list of stream rows
    gtk_list = None   # Gtk widget for station treeview
    gtk_cat = None    # Gtk widget for category columns
    _ls = None        # ListStore for station treeview
    _rowmap = None    # Preserve streams-datamap
    _pix_entry = None # ListStore entry that contains favicon

    # mapping of stream{} data into gtk treeview/treestore representation
    datamap = [
       # coltitle   width	[ datasrc key, type, renderer, attrs ]	[cellrenderer2], ...
       ["",		20,	["state",	str,  "pixbuf",	{}],	],
       ["Genre",	65,	['genre',	str,	"t",	{}],	],
       ["Station Title",275,	["title",	str,    "text",	{"strikethrough":11, "cell-background":12, "cell-background-set":13}],  ["favicon", gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, "pixbuf", {}], ],
       ["Now Playing",	185,	["playing",	str,	"text",	{"strikethrough":11}],	],                                                                             #{"width":20}
       ["Listeners", 	45,	["listeners",	int,	"t",	{"strikethrough":11}],	],
      #["Max",		45,	["max",		int,	"t",	{}],	],
       ["Bitrate",	35,	["bitrate",	int,	"t",	{}],	],
       ["Homepage",	160,	["homepage",	str,	"t",	{"underline":10}],	],
       [False,		25,	["url",		str,	"t",	{"strikethrough":11}],	],
       [False,		20,	["format",	str,	None,	{}],	],
       [False,		0,	["favourite",	bool,	None,	{}],	],
       [False,		0,	["deleted",	bool,	None,	{}],	],
       [False,		0,	["search_col",	str,	None,	{}],	],
       [False,		0,	["search_set",	bool,	None,	{}],	],
    rowmap = []   # [state,genre,title,...] field enumeration still needed separately
    titles = {}   # for easier adapting of column titles in datamap

    # for empty grouping / categories
    placeholder = [dict(genre="./.", title="Subcategory placeholder", playing="./.", url="none:", listeners=0, bitrate=0, homepage="", state="gtkfolder")]
    empty_stub = [dict(genre="./.", title="No categories found (HTTP error)", playing="Try Channel→Reload Categories later..", url="none:", listeners=0, bitrate=0, homepage="", state="gtk-stop")]
    nothing_found = [dict(genre="./.", title="No contents found on directory server", playing="Notice", listeners=0, bitrate=0, state="gtk-info")]
    # regex            
    rx_www_url = re.compile("""(www(\.\w+[\w-]+){2,}|(\w+[\w-]+[ ]?\.)+(com|FM|net|org|de|PL|fr|uk))""", re.I)

    #-- keep track of currently selected genre/category
    __current = None
    def current(self):
        return self.__current
    def current(self, newcat):
        log.PROC("{}.current:={} ← from {}".format(self.module, newcat, [inspect.stack()[x][3] for x in range(1,4)]))
        self.__current = newcat
        return self.__current

    #--------------------------- initialization --------------------------------

    # constructor
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        #self.streams = {}
        self.gtk_list = None
        self.gtk_cat = None
        self.module = self.__class__.__name__
        self.meta = plugin_meta(src = inspect.getcomments(inspect.getmodule(self)))
        self.config = self.meta.get("config", [])
        self.title = self.meta.get("title", self.module)

        # add default options values to config.conf.* dict
        conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.meta, self.module)
        # Only if streamtuner2 is run in graphical mode        
        if (parent):

        # Stub for ST2 main window / dispatcher
            self.parent = stub_parent(None)

    # initialize Gtk widgets / data objects
    def gui(self, parent):

        # save reference to main window/glade API
        self.parent = parent
        self.gtk_list = parent.get_widget(self.module+"_list")
        self.gtk_cat = parent.get_widget(self.module+"_cat")
        # last category, and prepare genre tree
        self.current = conf.state(self.module).get("current")

        # update column names
        for field,title in list(self.titles.items()):
            self.update_datamap(field, title=title)
        # Initialize stations TreeView
        # add to main menu
        uikit.add_menu([parent.channelmenuitems], self.meta["title"], lambda w: parent.channel_switch_by_name(self.module) or 1)

    # Just wraps uikit.columns() to retain liststore, rowmap and pix_entry
    def columns(self, entries=None, pix_entry=False, typecast=0):
        self._ls, self._rowmap, self._pix_entry = uikit.columns(self.gtk_list, self.datamap, entries)

    # Statusbar stub (defers to parent/main window, if in GUI mode)
    def status(self, *args, **kw):
        if self.parent: self.parent.status(*args, **kw)
        else: log.INFO("status():", *v)

    #--------------------- streams/model data accesss ---------------------------

    # traverse category TreeModel to set current, expand parent nodes
    def select_current(self, name):
        log.UI("reselect .current category in treelist:", name)
        model = self.gtk_cat.get_model()
           # [Gtk3] Warning: g_object_ref_sink: assertion 'object->ref_count >= 1' failed
           # ERROR:../../gi/pygobject.c:688:pygobject_register_wrapper: assertion failed: (gself->obj->ref_count >= 1)
        iter = model.get_iter_first()
        self.iter_cats(name, model, iter)

    # iterate over children to find current category        
    def iter_cats(self, name, model, iter):
        while iter:
            val = model.get_value(iter, 0)
            if val == name:
                #log.UI("FOUND CATEGORY", name, "β†’select")
                self.gtk_cat.scroll_to_cell(model.get_path(iter), None)
                return True
            if model.iter_has_child(iter):
                found = self.iter_cats(name, model, model.iter_children(iter))
                if found:
                    self.gtk_cat.expand_row(model.get_path(iter), 0)
                    return True
            iter = model.iter_next(iter)
    # selected category
    def currentcat(self):
        (model, iter) = self.gtk_cat.get_selection().get_selected()
        if (type(iter) == gtk.TreeIter):
            self.current = model.get_value(iter, 0)
        return self.current
    # Get list of stations in current category
    def stations(self):
        return self.streams.get(self.current, [])

    # Convert ListStore iter to row number
    def rowno(self):
        (model, iter) = self.model_iter()
        return model.get_path(iter)[0]

    # Return ListStore object and Iterator for currently selected row in gtk.TreeView station list
    def model_iter(self):
        return self.gtk_list.get_selection().get_selected()

    # Currently selected entry in stations list, return complete data dict
    def row(self):
        return self.stations() [self.rowno()]
    # Fetches a single varname from currently selected station entry
    def selected(self, name="url"):
        return self.row().get(name)
    # Inject status icon into currently selected row (used by main.bookmark() call)
    def row_icon(self, gtkIcon = gtk.STOCK_ABOUT):
            # Updates gtk_list store, set icon in current display.
            # Since it is used by bookmarks, would be reshown with next display() anyhow,
            # and there's no need to invalidate the ls cache, because that's referenced by model anyhow.
            (model,iter) = self.model_iter()
            model.set_value(iter, 0, gtkIcon)
        except Exception as e:
            log.ERR_UIKIT("Couldn't set row_icon()", e)


    #------------------------ base implementations -----------------------------

    # read previous channel/stream data, if there is any
    def cache(self):
        # stream list
        cache = conf.load("cache/" + self.module)
        if (cache):
            self.streams = cache
        # categories
        cache = conf.load("cache/categories_" + self.module)
        if (cache):
            self.categories = cache
        # catmap (optional)
        cache = conf.load("cache/catmap_" + self.module)
        if (cache):
            self.catmap = cache

    # make private copy of .datamap and modify field (title= only ATM)
    def update_datamap(self, search="name", title=None):
        if self.datamap == GenericChannel.datamap:
            self.datamap = copy.deepcopy(self.datamap)
        for i,row in enumerate(self.datamap):
            if row[2][0] == search:
                row[0] = title

    # Called on switching genre/category.
    # Either fetches new stream data, or displays list from cache.
    def load(self, category, force=False, y=None):

        # called to early
        if not category:
        self.current = category

        # get data from cache or download
        if force or not category in self.streams:
            log.PROC("load", "update_streams")
            self.status("Updating streams...")
            if category == "empty":
                new_streams = self.empty_stub
                new_streams = self.update_streams(category)
            if new_streams:
                # check and modify entry;
                # assert that title and url are present
                modified = []
                for row in new_streams:
                    if len(set(["", None]) & set([row.get("title"), row.get("url")])):
                        modified.append( self.postprocess(row) )
                    except Exception as e:
                        log.DATA(e, "Missing title or url. Postprocessing failed:", row)
                new_streams = modified
                # don't lose forgotten streams
                if conf.retain_deleted:
                   self.streams[category] = new_streams + self.deleted_streams(new_streams, self.streams.get(category,[]))
                   self.streams[category] = new_streams
                # save in cache
                # parse error
                self.status("Category parsed empty.")
                self.streams[category] = self.nothing_found
                log.INFO("Oooops, parser returned nothing for category " + category)
        # Update treeview/model (if category is still selected)
        if self.current == category:
            log.UI("load() β†’ uikit.columns({}.streams[{}])".format(self.module, category), [inspect.stack()[x][3] for x in range(1,5)])
  , self.prepare(self.streams[category]))
            if y:
      , 0, y + 1)   # scroll to previous position, +1 px, because
                # somehow Gtk.TreeView else stumbles over itself when scrolling to the same position the 2nd time

        # unset statusbar

    # store current streams data
    def save(self):"cache/" + self.module, self.streams, gz=1)

    # called occasionally while retrieving and parsing
    def update_streams_partially_done(self, entries):
        if gtk_ver == 3 and not conf.nothreads:
        else:  # kills Gtk3 too easily
  , entries)

    # finds differences in new/old streamlist, marks deleted with flag
    def deleted_streams(self, new, old):
        diff = []
        new = [row.get("url","") for row in new]
        for row in old:
            if ("url" in row and (row.get("url") not in new)):
                row["deleted"] = 1
        return diff

    # prepare data for display
    #  - favourite icon
    #  - or deleted icon
    def prepare(self, streams):
        for i,row in enumerate(streams):
            # state icon: bookmark star
            if (conf.show_bookmarks and "bookmarks" in self.parent.channels and self.parent.bookmarks.is_in(streams[i].get("url", "file:///tmp/none"))):
                streams[i]["favourite"] = 1
            # state icon: INFO or DELETE
            if (not row.get("state")):
                if row.get("favourite"):
                    streams[i]["state"] = gtk.STOCK_ABOUT
                if conf.retain_deleted and row.get("deleted"):
                    streams[i]["state"] = gtk.STOCK_DELETE
            # Favicons? construct local cache filename, basically reimplements favicon.row_to_fn()
            if conf.show_favicons and "favicon" in self.parent.features:
                url = row.get("img") or row.get("homepage")
                if url:
                    # Normalize by stripping proto:// and non-alphanumeric chars
                    url = re.sub("[^\w._-]", "_", re.sub("^\w+://|/$", "", url.lower()))
                    streams[i]["favicon"] = "{}/icons/{}.png".format(conf.dir, url)

        return streams

    # data preparations directly after reload
    # - drop shoutcast homepage links
    # - or find homepage name in title
    def postprocess(self, row):
        # deduce homepage URLs from title
        # by looking for domain names
        if not row.get("homepage"):
            url ="title", ""))
            if url:
                url =" ", "")
                url = (url if url.find("www.") == 0 else "www."+url)
                row["homepage"] = ahttp.fix_url(url)
        return row


    # reload current stream from web directory
    def reload(self):
        self.load(self.current, force=1)
    def switch(self):
        self.load(self.current, force=0)
    # update streams pane if currently selected (used by bookmarks.links channel)
    def reload_if_current(self, category):
        if self.current == category:
    # display .current category, once notebook/channel tab is first opened
    def first_show(self):

        # Already processed
        if (self.shown == 55555):
        log.PROC(self.module, "β†’ first_show()", ", current=", self.current, ", categories=", len(self.categories))
        # if category tree is empty, initialize it
        if not self.categories:
            log.PROC(self.module, "β†’ first_show() β†’ reload_categories()");
                log.ERR("HTTP error or extraction failure.")
                self.categories = ["empty"]

        # Select first category
        if not self.current:
            log.STAT(self.module, "β†’ first_show(); use first category as current =", self.current)
            self.current = self.str_from_struct(self.categories) or None

        # put selection/cursor on last position
        if True:
  , self.current)

        # Show current category in any case
        log.UI(self.module, "β†’ first_show(); station list β†’ load(", self.current, ")")
        # Invoke only once
        self.shown = 55555

    # Retrieve first list value, or key from dict (-- used to get first category on init)
    def str_from_struct(self, d):
        if isinstance(d, (str)):
            return d
        elif isinstance(d, (dict)):
            return self.str_from_struct(d.keys()) or self.str_from_struct(d.values())
        elif isinstance(d, (list, tuple)):
            return d[0] if len(d) else None

    # update categories, save, and display                
    def reload_categories(self):
        # get data and save
        if self.categories:
  "cache/categories_"+self.module, self.categories)
        if self.catmap:
  "cache/catmap_" + self.module, self.catmap);

        # display outside of this non-main thread

    # insert content into gtk category list
    def display_categories(self):
        log.UI("{}.display_categories(), uikit.tree(#{}), expand_all(#<20), select_current(={})".format(self.module, len(self.categories), self.current))
        # rebuild gtk.TreeView
        uikit.tree(self.gtk_cat, self.categories, title="Category", icon=gtk.STOCK_OPEN)

        # if it's a short list of categories, there's probably subfolders
        if len(self.categories) < 20:
        # Select last .current or any first element
        if self.current:
  , self.current)
        #else: self.gtk_cat.get_selection().select_path("0") #set_cursor


    # Insert/append new station rows - used by importing/drag'n'drop plugins
    def insert_rows(self, rows, y=None):
        streams = self.streams[self.current]
        tv = self.gtk_list
        # Inserting at correct row requires deducing index from dnd `y` position
        if y is not None:
            i_pos = (tv.get_path_at_pos(10, y) or [[len(streams) + 1]])[0][0]
            for row in rows:
                streams.insert(i_pos - 1, row)
                i_pos = i_pos + 1
            streams += rows

        # Now appending to the liststore directly would be even nicer
        y = int(tv.get_vadjustment().get_value())
        self.load(self.current, y=y)

    #--------------------------- actions ---------------------------------

    # Invoke for current station.
    # Can be overridden to provide channel-specific "play" alternative
    def play(self):
        row = self.row()
        if row and "url" in row:
            # playlist and audio type
            audioformat = row.get("format", self.audioformat)
            listformat = row.get("listformat", self.listformat)
            # invoke audio player
  , audioformat, listformat)
            self.status("No station selected for playing.")
        return row

    # Start streamripper/youtube-dl/etc
    def record(self):
        row = self.row()
        if row and "url" in row:
            audioformat = row.get("format", self.audioformat)
            listformat = row.get("listformat", self.listformat)
            action.record(row, audioformat, listformat)
        return row

    #--------------------------- utility functions -----------------------


    # convert audio format nick/shortnames to mime types, e.g. "OGG" to "audio/ogg"
    def mime_fmt(self, s):
        # clean string
        s = s.lower().strip()
        # rename
        map = {
            "audio/mp3":"audio/mpeg",  # Note the real mime type is /mpeg, but /mp3 is more understandable in the GUI
            "ogg":"ogg", "ogm":"ogg", "xiph":"ogg", "vorbis":"ogg", "vnd.xiph.vorbis":"ogg",
            "mp3":"mpeg", "mp":"mpeg", "mp2":"mpeg", "mpc":"mpeg", "mps":"mpeg",
            "aac+":"aac", "aacp":"aac",
            "realaudio":"x-pn-realaudio", "real":"x-pn-realaudio", "ra":"x-pn-realaudio", "ram":"x-pn-realaudio", "rm":"x-pn-realaudio",
            # yes, we do video
            "flv":"video/flv", "mp4":"video/mp4",
        #map.update(action.listfmt_t)   # list type formats (.m3u .pls and .xspf)
        if map.get(s):
            s = map[s]
        # add prefix:
        if s.find("/") < 1:
            s = "audio/" + s
        return s

# channel plugin without glade-pre-defined notebook tab
class ChannelPlugin(GenericChannel):

    module = "abstract"

    def gui(self, parent):

        if not parent:

        module = self.__class__.__name__
        # two panes
        vbox = gtk.HPaned()
        # category treeview
        sw1 = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
        sw1.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
        sw1.set_property("width_request", 150)
        tv1 = gtk.TreeView()
        tv1.set_property("width_request", 75)
        tv1.set_property("enable_tree_lines", True)
        uikit.tree_column(tv1, "Category")
        tv1.connect("button_release_event", parent.on_category_clicked)
        vbox.pack1(sw1, resize=False, shrink=True)
        # stream list
        sw2 = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
        sw2.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
        tv2 = gtk.TreeView()
        tv2.set_property("width_request", 200)
        tv2.set_property("enable_tree_lines", True)
        tv2.connect("row_activated", parent.on_play_clicked)
        vbox.pack2(sw2, resize=True, shrink=True)

        # prepare label
        pixbuf = None
        if "png" in self.meta:
            pixbuf = uikit.pixbuf(self.meta["png"])
            png = get_data("channels/" + self.module + ".png")
            pixbuf = uikit.pixbuf(png)
        if pixbuf:
            icon = gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
            icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIRECTORY, size=1)
        label = gtk.HBox()
        label.pack_start(icon, expand=False, fill=True)
        l = gtk.Label(self.meta.get("title", self.module))
        if self.meta.get("color"):
            l =, self.meta["color"])
        label.pack_start(l, expand=True, fill=True)
        # pack it into an event container to catch double-clicks
        ev_label = gtk.EventBox()
        ev_label.connect('event', parent.on_homepage_channel_clicked)
        plain_label = gtk.Label(self.module)

        # to widgets
        self.gtk_cat = tv1
        parent.widgets[module + "_cat"] = tv1
        self.gtk_list = tv2
        parent.widgets[module + "_list"] = tv2
        parent.widgets["v_" + module] = vbox
        parent.widgets["c_" + module] = ev_label
        tv2.connect('button-press-event', parent.station_context_menu)

        # try to initialize superclass now, before adding to channel tabs
        GenericChannel.gui(self, parent)

        # add notebook tab
        tab = parent.notebook_channels.insert_page_menu(vbox, ev_label, plain_label, -1)
        parent.notebook_channels.set_tab_reorderable(vbox, True)

# WORKAROUND for direct channel module imports,
# eases instantiations without GUI a little,
# reducing module dependencies (conf. / ahttp. / channels. / parent.) would be better
def stub_parent(object):
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return lambda *x: None
    def status(self, *x):

# Decorator
def use_rx(func):
    def try_both(*args, **kwargs):
        for method, use_rx in [("RX", not conf.pyquery), ("PQ", conf.pyquery)]:
                return func(*args, use_rx=not conf.pyquery, **kwargs)
            except Exception as e:
                log.ERR("{} extraction failed:".format(method), e)
        return []
    return try_both

#---------------- utility functions -------------------
# Used by raw page extraction in channel modules

# Strip html <tags> from string
def strip_tags(s):
    return re.sub("<.+?>", "", s)

# remove SGML/XML entities
def entity_decode(str):
    return re.sub('&(#?(x?))(\w+);', _entity, str)
def _entity(sym):
    num, hex, name = sym.groups()
    if hex:
        return unichr(int(name, base=16))
    elif num:
        return unichr(int(name))
        return unichr(htmlentitydefs_n2cp[name])

# Nay for the Py3 raft
htmlentitydefs_n2cp = {'aring': 229, 'gt': 62, 'sup': 8835, 'Ntilde': 209, 'upsih': 978, 'Yacute': 221,
'Atilde': 195, 'radic': 8730, 'otimes': 8855, 'aelig': 230, 'Psi': 936, 'Uuml': 220, 'Epsilon': 917, 'Icirc':
206, 'Eacute': 201, 'Lambda': 923, 'Prime': 8243, 'Kappa': 922, 'sigmaf': 962, 'lrm': 8206, 'cedil': 184,
'kappa': 954, 'AElig': 198, 'prime': 8242, 'Tau': 932, 'lceil': 8968, 'dArr': 8659, 'ge': 8805, 'sdot': 8901,
'lfloor': 8970, 'lArr': 8656, 'Auml': 196, 'brvbar': 166, 'Otilde': 213, 'Theta': 920, 'Pi': 928, 'OElig': 338,
'Scaron': 352, 'egrave': 232, 'sub': 8834, 'iexcl': 161, 'ordf': 170, 'sum': 8721, 'ntilde': 241, 'atilde':
227, 'theta': 952, 'nsub': 8836, 'hArr': 8660, 'Oslash': 216, 'THORN': 222, 'yuml': 255, 'Mu': 924, 'thinsp':
8201, 'ecirc': 234, 'bdquo': 8222, 'Aring': 197, 'nabla': 8711, 'permil': 8240, 'Ugrave': 217, 'eta': 951,
'Agrave': 192, 'forall': 8704, 'eth': 240, 'rceil': 8969, 'iuml': 239, 'Egrave': 200, 'divide': 247, 'igrave':
236, 'otilde': 245, 'pound': 163, 'frasl': 8260, 'ETH': 208, 'lowast': 8727, 'chi': 967, 'Aacute': 193, 'cent':
162, 'Beta': 914, 'perp': 8869, 'there4': 8756, 'pi': 960, 'empty': 8709, 'euml': 235, 'notin': 8713, 'uuml':
252, 'icirc': 238, 'bull': 8226, 'upsilon': 965, 'Oacute': 211, 'ensp': 8194, 'ccedil': 231, 'cap': 8745, 'mu':
956, 'deg': 176, 'tau': 964, 'emsp': 8195, 'hellip': 8230, 'ucirc': 251, 'ugrave': 249, 'cong': 8773, 'Iota':
921, 'quot': 34, 'rarr': 8594, 'Rho': 929, 'uacute': 250, 'acirc': 226, 'sim': 8764, 'phi': 966, 'diams': 9830,
'Euml': 203, 'Ccedil': 199, 'Eta': 919, 'Gamma': 915, 'euro': 8364, 'thetasym': 977, 'sect': 167, 'ldquo':
8220, 'hearts': 9829, 'oacute': 243, 'zwnj': 8204, 'yen': 165, 'ograve': 242, 'Chi': 935, 'trade': 8482, 'xi':
958, 'nbsp': 160, 'tilde': 732, 'lsaquo': 8249, 'oelig': 339, 'equiv': 8801, 'le': 8804, 'auml': 228, 'cup':
8746, 'Yuml': 376, 'lt': 60, 'Upsilon': 933, 'ndash': 8211, 'yacute': 253, 'real': 8476, 'psi': 968, 'rsaquo':
8250, 'darr': 8595, 'Alpha': 913, 'not': 172, 'amp': 38, 'oslash': 248, 'acute': 180, 'zwj': 8205, 'laquo':
171, 'rdquo': 8221, 'Igrave': 204, 'micro': 181, 'shy': 173, 'supe': 8839, 'szlig': 223, 'clubs': 9827,
'agrave': 224, 'Ocirc': 212, 'harr': 8596, 'larr': 8592, 'frac12': 189, 'prop': 8733, 'circ': 710, 'ocirc':
244, 'asymp': 8776, 'uml': 168, 'prod': 8719, 'reg': 174, 'rlm': 8207, 'infin': 8734, 'Sigma': 931, 'mdash':
8212, 'uarr': 8593, 'times': 215, 'rArr': 8658, 'or': 8744, 'gamma': 947, 'lambda': 955, 'rang': 9002, 'sup3':
179, 'dagger': 8224, 'Ouml': 214, 'image': 8465, 'alefsym': 8501, 'sube': 8838, 'alpha': 945, 'Nu': 925,
'plusmn': 177, 'sup1': 185, 'sup2': 178, 'frac34': 190, 'oline': 8254, 'Delta': 916, 'loz': 9674, 'iota': 953,
'iacute': 237, 'para': 182, 'ordm': 186, 'epsilon': 949, 'weierp': 8472, 'part': 8706, 'delta': 948, 'omicron':
959, 'copy': 169, 'Iuml': 207, 'Xi': 926, 'Dagger': 8225, 'Ograve': 210, 'Ucirc': 219, 'scaron': 353, 'lsquo':
8216, 'isin': 8712, 'Zeta': 918, 'minus': 8722, 'and': 8743, 'ang': 8736, 'curren': 164, 'int': 8747, 'rfloor':
8971, 'crarr': 8629, 'exist': 8707, 'oplus': 8853, 'Acirc': 194, 'piv': 982, 'ni': 8715, 'Phi': 934, 'Iacute':
205, 'Uacute': 218, 'Omicron': 927, 'ne': 8800, 'iquest': 191, 'sbquo': 8218, 'Ecirc': 202, 'zeta': 950,
'Omega': 937, 'nu': 957, 'macr': 175, 'frac14': 188, 'aacute': 225, 'uArr': 8657, 'beta': 946, 'fnof': 402,
'rho': 961, 'eacute': 233, 'omega': 969, 'middot': 183, 'lang': 9001, 'spades': 9824, 'rsquo': 8217, 'thorn':
254, 'ouml': 246, 'raquo': 187, 'sigma': 963, 'apos': 39}

# Extracts integer from string
def to_int(s):
    i = re.findall("\d+", s) or [0]
    return int(i[0])

# Strip newlines
rx_spc = re.compile("\s+")
def nl(str):
    return rx_spc.sub(" ", str).strip()

# Combine html tag, escapes and whitespace cleanup
def unhtml(str):
    return nl(entity_decode(strip_tags(str)))