# encoding: utf-8
# title: Spec buttons for apps
# description: Adds configurable mini toolbar buttons
# version: 0.8
# depends: streamtuner2 >= 2.2.0
# type: feature
# category: ui
# config:
# { name: specbutton_rows, value: 2, max: 4, type: int, description: "Number of rows to arrange buttons in." }
# { name: specbuttons, type: dict, columns: "Icon,Command", description: "Icons can be `<a href='http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2reference/gtk-stock-items.html'>gtk-xyz</a>` internal names. Else use `/usr/share/icon/*.png` file names. Icon file basenames will be expanded into full paths. "}
# doc:
# http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/info/43b36ed35b1488d5
# Adds the mini/extra buttons in the toolbar, which allow to control your
# audio player or run other system commands. The configuration list is in
# the Settings → Options tab.
# Icons can either be gtk-xyz icon names, or load /usr/share/icon/*.png
# pixmaps. Enter a shortcut like "firefox" as icon name for it be looked up.
# Then specify an external command to start. For example:
# Icon Cmd
# ------ ------
# volume pavucontrol
# mute amixer -c 0 set Front 50DB
# up amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+
# kill pkill vlc
# The commands can be pretty much any shell command, but still allow for
# streamtuner2 placeholders like %g or %url and $title.
import os.path
import subprocess
import math
import re
from config import conf, log
import action
from uikit import gtk
# Extra/mini buttons in toolbar
class specbuttons(object):
module = __name__
# Hook toolbar label
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
self.specbuttons = parent.get_widget("specbuttons")
# Extra buttons
def update_buttons(self, parent):
# define table width (2 rows default)
y = max(min(int(conf.specbutton_rows), 4), 1) # 1 <= y <= 4
self.specbuttons.resize(y, int(math.ceil(len(conf.specbuttons) / y)))
# clean up
for widget in self.specbuttons.get_children():
# add icon buttons
for xy, (btn, cmd) in enumerate(conf.specbuttons.items()):
#log.IN(btn, cmd)
w_btn = gtk.Button()
w_btn.connect("clicked", lambda x0, cmd=cmd, *x: self.action(cmd))
child = w_btn,
left_attach = int(xy / y),
right_attach = int(xy / y) + 1,
top_attach = xy % y,
bottom_attach = (xy % y) + 1,
xoptions = gtk.EXPAND,
yoptions = gtk.EXPAND,
xpadding = 1,
ypadding = 1
# Instantiate Image from gtk-* string or path
def icon(self, btn):
wi = gtk.Image()
if (btn.find("gtk-") == 0):
wi.set_from_stock(btn, gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)
if not os.path.exists(btn):
btn = self.locate(btn)
if btn:
wi.set_from_stock("gtk-image-missing", gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)
return wi
# Look for image basename (e.g. "play") in /usr/share/icons/*.* and /pixmaps/*
def locate(self, btn):
f = subprocess.Popen(["locate", "/usr/share/[pi]*s/*%s*.*" % btn], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
path, err = f.communicate()
if not err:
return path.split("\n")[0]
# Update paths when saving config dialog
def update_paths(self):
r = {}
for btn, cmd in conf.specbuttons.items():
# replace "gtk." to "gtk-"
if re.match("^gtk\.\w+", btn, re.I):
btn = re.sub("[._]+", "-", btn).lower()
# not /path or gtk-
elif not re.match("^/|\./|gtk-", btn):
path = self.locate(btn)
if path:
btn = path
log.WARN("Extra button icon '%s' could not be found" % btn)
r[btn] = cmd
conf.specbuttons = r
# Button callback, allow for %url/%title placeholders
def action(self, cmd):
if re.search("[%$]", cmd):
row = self.parent.channel().row()
cmd = action.interpol(cmd, row=row, add_default=False)