#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: UTF-8
# api: python
# type: application
# title: streamtuner2
# description: directory browser for internet radio / audio streams
# depends: gtk, pygtk, xml.dom.minidom, threading, lxml, pyquery, kronos
# version: 2.0.9
# author: mario salzer
# license: public domain
# url: http://freshmeat.net/projects/streamtuner2
# config: <env name="http_proxy" value="" description="proxy for HTTP access" /> <env name="XDG_CONFIG_HOME" description="relocates user .config subdirectory" />
# category: multimedia
# Streamtuner2 is a GUI browser for internet radio directories. Various
# providers can be added, and streaming stations are usually grouped into
# music genres or categories. It starts external audio players for stream
# playing and streamripper for recording broadcasts.
# It's an independent rewrite of streamtuner1 in a scripting language. So
# it can be more easily extended and fixed. The use of PyQuery for HTML
# parsing makes this simpler and more robust.
# Stream lists are stored in JSON cache files.
""" project status """
# Cumulative development time is two months now, but the application
# runs mostly stable already. The GUI interfaces are workable.
# There haven't been any optimizations regarding memory usage and
# performance. The current internal API is acceptable. Documentation is
# coming up.
# current bugs:
# - audio- and list-format support is not very robust / needs better API
# - lots of GtkWarning messages
# - not all keyboard shortcuts work
# - in-list search doesn't work in our treeviews (???)
# - JSON files are only trouble: loading of data files might lead to more
# errors now, even if pson module still falls back on old method
# (unicode strings from json.load are useless to us, require typecasts)
# (nonsupport of tuples led to regression in mygtk.app_restore)
# (sometimes we receive 8bit-content, which the json module can't save)
# features:
# - treeview lists are created from datamap[] structure and stream{} dicts
# - channel categories are built-in defaults (can be freshened up however)
# - config vars and cache data get stored as JSON in ~/.config/streamtuner2/
# missing:
# - localization
# security notes:
# - directory scrapers use fragile regular expressions - which is probably
# not a security risk, but might lead to faulty data
# - MEDIUM: little integrity checking for .pls / .m3u references and files
# - minimal XML/SGML entity decoding (-> faulty data)
# - MEDIUM: if system json module is not available, pseudo-json uses eval()
# to read the config data -> limited risk, since it's only local files
# - HIGH RISK: no verification of downloaded favicon image files (ico/png),
# as they are passed to gtk.gdk.Pixbuf (OTOH data pre-filtered by Google)
# - MEDIUM: audio players / decoders are easily affected by buffer overflows
# from corrupt mp3/stream data, and streamtuner2 executes them
# - but since that's the purpose -> no workaround
# still help wanted on:
# - any of the above
# - new plugins (local file viewer)
# - nicer logo (or donations accepted to consult graphics designer)
# standard modules
import sys
import os, os.path
import re
import copy
import urllib
# threading or processing module
from processing import Process as Thread
from threading import Thread
Thread.stop = lambda self: None
# gtk modules
import pygtk
import gtk
import gtk.glade
import gobject
# custom modules
sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/share/streamtuner2") # pre-defined directory for modules
sys.path.insert(0, ".") # pre-defined directory for modules
from config import conf # initializes itself, so all conf.vars are available right away
from mygtk import mygtk # gtk treeview
import http
import action # needs workaround... (action.main=main)
from channels import *
from channels import __print__
import favicon
#from pq import pq
# this represents the main window
# and also contains most application behaviour
main = None
class StreamTunerTwo(gtk.Builder):
# object containers
widgets = {} # non-glade widgets (the manually instantiated ones)
channels = {} # channel modules
features = {} # non-channel plugins
working = [] # threads
# status variables
channel_names = ["bookmarks"] # order of channel notebook tabs
current_channel = "bookmarks" # currently selected channel name (as index in self.channels{})
# constructor
def __init__(self):
# gtkrc stylesheet
self.load_theme(), gui_startup(0.05)
# instantiate gtk/glade widgets in current object
ui_file = ("st2.xml" if os.path.exists("st2.xml") else conf.share+"/st2.xml");
gtk.Builder.add_from_file(self, ui_file), gui_startup(0.10)
# manual gtk operations
self.extensionsCTM.set_submenu(self.extensions) # duplicates Station>Extension menu into stream context menu
# initialize channels
self.channels = {
"bookmarks": bookmarks(parent=self), # this the remaining built-in channel
"shoutcast": None,#shoutcast(parent=self),
self.load_plugin_channels() # append other channel modules / plugins
# load application state (widget sizes, selections, etc.)
winlayout = conf.load("window")
if (winlayout):
mygtk.app_restore(self, winlayout)
# selection values
winstate = conf.load("state")
if (winstate):
for id in winstate.keys():
self.channels[id].current = winstate[id]["current"]
self.channels[id].shown = winlayout[id+"_list"].get("row:selected", 0) # actually just used as boolean flag (for late loading of stream list), selection bar has been positioned before already
pass # fails for disabled/reordered plugin channels
# display current open channel/notebook tab
self.current_channel = self.current_channel_gtk()
try: self.channel().first_show()
except: print("channel .first_show() initialization error")
# bind gtk/glade event names to functions
"gtk_main_quit" : self.gtk_main_quit, # close window
# treeviews / notebook
"on_stream_row_activated" : self.on_play_clicked, # double click in a streams list
"on_category_clicked": self.on_category_clicked, # new selection in category list
"on_notebook_channels_switch_page": self.channel_switch, # channel notebook tab changed
"station_context_menu": lambda tv,ev: station_context_menu(tv,ev),
# toolbar
"on_play_clicked" : self.on_play_clicked,
"on_record_clicked": self.on_record_clicked,
"on_homepage_stream_clicked": self.on_homepage_stream_clicked,
"on_reload_clicked": self.on_reload_clicked,
"on_stop_clicked": self.on_stop_clicked,
"on_homepage_channel_clicked" : self.on_homepage_channel_clicked,
"double_click_channel_tab": self.on_homepage_channel_clicked,
# menu
"menu_toolbar_standard": lambda w: (self.toolbar.unset_style(), self.toolbar.unset_icon_size()),
"menu_toolbar_style_icons": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS)),
"menu_toolbar_style_both": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH)),
"menu_toolbar_size_small": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)),
"menu_toolbar_size_medium": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND)),
"menu_toolbar_size_large": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG)),
# else
"menu_properties": config_dialog.open,
"config_cancel": config_dialog.hide,
"config_save": config_dialog.save,
"update_categories": self.update_categories,
"update_favicons": self.update_favicons,
"app_state": self.app_state,
"bookmark": self.bookmark,
"save_as": self.save_as,
"menu_about": lambda w: AboutStreamtuner2(),
"menu_help": action.action.help,
"menu_onlineforum": lambda w: action.browser("http://sourceforge.net/projects/streamtuner2/forums/forum/1173108"),
# "menu_bugreport": lambda w: BugReport(),
"menu_copy": self.menu_copy,
"delete_entry": self.delete_entry,
"quicksearch_set": search.quicksearch_set,
"search_open": search.menu_search,
"search_go": search.start,
"search_srv": search.start,
"search_google": search.google,
"search_cancel": search.cancel,
"true": lambda w,*args: True,
"streamedit_open": streamedit.open,
"streamedit_save": streamedit.save,
"streamedit_new": streamedit.new,
"streamedit_cancel": streamedit.cancel,
# actually display main window
#-- Shortcut fo glade.get_widget()
# allows access to widgets as direct attributes instead of using .get_widget()
# also looks in self.channels[] for the named channel plugins
def __getattr__(self, name):
if (self.channels.has_key(name)):
return self.channels[name] # like self.shoutcast
return self.get_object(name) # or gives an error if neither exists
# custom-named widgets are available from .widgets{} not via .get_widget()
def get_widget(self, name):
if self.widgets.has_key(name):
return self.widgets[name]
return gtk.Builder.get_object(self, name)
# returns the currently selected directory/channel object
def channel(self):
return self.channels[self.current_channel]
#except Exception,e:
# print(e)
# self.notebook_channels.set_current_page(0)
# self.current_channel = "bookmarks"
# return self.channels["bookmarks"]
def current_channel_gtk(self):
i = self.notebook_channels.get_current_page()
try: return self.channel_names[i]
except: return "bookmarks"
# notebook tab clicked
def channel_switch(self, notebook, page, page_num=0, *args):
# can be called from channelmenu as well:
if type(page) == str:
self.current_channel = page
# notebook invocation:
else: #if type(page_num) == int:
self.current_channel = self.channel_names[page_num]
# if first selected, load current category
print("try: .first_show", self.channel().module);
print("channel .first_show() initialization error")
# convert ListStore iter to row number
def rowno(self):
(model, iter) = self.model_iter()
return model.get_path(iter)[0]
# currently selected entry in stations list, return complete data dict
def row(self):
return self.channel().stations() [self.rowno()]
# return ListStore object and Iterator for currently selected row in gtk.TreeView station list
def model_iter(self):
return self.channel().gtk_list.get_selection().get_selected()
# fetches a single varname from currently selected station entry
def selected(self, name="url"):
return self.row().get(name)
# play button
def on_play_clicked(self, widget, event=None, *args):
row = self.row()
if row:
# streamripper
def on_record_clicked(self, widget):
row = self.row()
action.record(row.get("url"), "audio/mp3", "url/direct", row=row)
# browse stream
def on_homepage_stream_clicked(self, widget):
url = self.selected("homepage")
# browse channel
def on_homepage_channel_clicked(self, widget, event=2):
if event == 2 or event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
# reload stream list in current channel-category
def on_reload_clicked(self, widget=None, reload=1):
__print__("reload", reload, self.current_channel, self.channels[self.current_channel], self.channel().current)
category = self.channel().current
lambda: ( self.channel().load(category,reload), reload and self.bookmarks.heuristic_update(self.current_channel,category) )
# thread a function, add to worker pool (for utilizing stop button)
def thread(self, target, *args):
thread = Thread(target=target, args=args)
# stop reload/update threads
def on_stop_clicked(self, widget):
while self.working:
thread = self.working.pop()
# click in category list
def on_category_clicked(self, widget, event, *more):
category = self.channel().currentcat()
__print__("on_category_clicked", category, self.current_channel)
self.on_reload_clicked(None, reload=0)
# add current selection to bookmark store
def bookmark(self, widget):
# code to update current list (set icon just in on-screen liststore, it would be updated with next display() anyhow - and there's no need to invalidate the ls cache, because that's referenced by model anyhow)
(model,iter) = self.model_iter()
model.set_value(iter, 0, gtk.STOCK_ABOUT)
# refresh bookmarks tab
# reload category tree
def update_categories(self, widget):
# menu invocation: refresh favicons for all stations in current streams category
def update_favicons(self, widget):
entries = self.channel().stations()
# save a file
def save_as(self, widget):
row = self.row()
default_fn = row["title"] + ".m3u"
fn = mygtk.save_file("Save Stream", None, default_fn, [(".m3u","*m3u"),(".pls","*pls"),(".xspf","*xspf"),(".smil","*smil"),(".asx","*asx"),("all files","*")])
if fn:
action.save(row, fn)
# save current stream URL into clipboard
def menu_copy(self, w):
# remove an entry
def delete_entry(self, w):
n = self.rowno()
del self.channel().stations()[ n ]
# stream right click
def station_context_menu(self, treeview, event):
return station_context_menu(treeview, event) # wrapper to the static function
# shortcut to statusbar
# (hacked to work from within threads, circumvents the statusbar msg pool actually)
def status(self, text="", sbar_msg=[]):
# init
sbar_cid = self.get_widget("statusbar").get_context_id("messages")
# remove text
while ((not text) and (type(text)==str) and len(sbar_msg)):
# progressbar
if (type(text)==float):
if (text >= 1.0): # completed
else: # show percentage
mygtk.do(lambda:self.progress.show() or self.progress.set_fraction(text))
if (text <= 0.0): # unknown state
# add text
elif (type(text)==str):
mygtk.do(lambda:self.statusbar.push(sbar_cid, text))
# load plugins from /usr/share/streamtuner2/channels/
def load_plugin_channels(self):
# find plugin files
ls = os.listdir(conf.share + "/channels/")
ls = [fn[:-3] for fn in ls if re.match("^[a-z][\w\d_]+\.py$", fn)]
# resort with tab order
order = [module.strip() for module in conf.channel_order.lower().replace(".","_").replace("-","_").split(",")]
ls = [module for module in (order) if (module in ls)] + [module for module in (ls) if (module not in order)]
# step through
for module in ls:
gui_startup(0.2 + 0.7 * float(ls.index(module))/len(ls), "loading module "+module)
# skip module if disabled
if conf.plugins.get(module, 1) == False:
__print__("disabled plugin:", module)
# load plugin
plugin = __import__("channels."+module, None, None, [""])
plugin_class = plugin.__dict__[module]
# load .config settings from plugin
conf.add_plugin_defaults(plugin_class.config, module)
# add and initialize channel
if issubclass(plugin_class, GenericChannel):
self.channels[module] = plugin_class(parent=self)
if module not in self.channel_names: # skip (glade) built-in channels
# other plugin types
self.features[module] = plugin_class(parent=self)
except Exception, e:
print("error initializing:", module)
# default plugins
conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.channels["bookmarks"].config, "bookmarks")
#conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.channels["shoutcast"].config, "shoutcast")
# store window/widget states (sizes, selections, etc.)
def app_state(self, widget):
# gtk widget states
widgetnames = ["win_streamtuner2", "toolbar", "notebook_channels", ] \
+ [id+"_list" for id in self.channel_names] + [id+"_cat" for id in self.channel_names]
conf.save("window", mygtk.app_state(wTree=self, widgetnames=widgetnames), nice=1)
# object vars
channelopts = {} #dict([(id, {"current":self.channels[id].current}) for id in self.channel_names])
for id in self.channels.keys():
if (self.channels[id]):
channelopts[id] = {"current":self.channels[id].current}
conf.save("state", channelopts, nice=1)
# apply gtkrc stylesheet
def load_theme(self):
if conf.get("theme"):
for dir in (conf.dir, conf.share, "/usr/share"):
f = dir + "/themes/" + conf.theme + "/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
if os.path.exists(f):
# end application and gtk+ main loop
def gtk_main_quit(self, widget, *x):
if conf.auto_save_appstate:
# auxiliary window: about dialog
class AboutStreamtuner2:
# about us
def __init__(self):
a = gtk.AboutDialog()
a.set_license("Public Domain\n\nNo Strings Attached.\nUnrestricted distribution,\nmodification, use.")
a.set_authors(["Mario Salzer <http://mario.include-once.org/>\n\nConcept based on streamtuner 0.99.99 from\nJean-Yves Lefort, of which some code remains\nin the Google stations plugin.\n<http://www.nongnu.org/streamtuner/>\n\nMyOggRadio plugin based on cooperation\nwith Christian Ehm. <http://ehm-edv.de/>"])
a.connect("response", lambda a, ok: ( a.hide(), a.destroy() ) )
# right click in streams/stations TreeView
def station_context_menu(treeview, event):
# right-click ?
if event.button >= 3:
path = treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y))[0]
treeview.set_cursor(path, None, False)
main.streamactions.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
return None
# we need to pass on to normal left-button signal handler
return False
# this works better as callback function than as class - because of False/Object result for event trigger
# encapsulates references to gtk objects AND properties in main window
class auxiliary_window(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
if main.__dict__.has_key(name):
return main.__dict__[name]
elif StreamTunerTwo.__dict__.has_key(name):
return StreamTunerTwo.__dict__[name]
return main.get_widget(name)
""" allows to use self. and main. almost interchangably """
# aux win: search dialog (keeps search text in self.q)
# and also: quick search textbox (uses main.q instead)
class search (auxiliary_window):
# show search dialog
def menu_search(self, w):
# hide dialog box again
def cancel(self, *args):
return True # stop any other gtk handlers
#self.search_dialog.hide() #if conf.hide_searchdialog
# perform search
def start(self, *w):
# prepare variables
self.q = self.search_full.get_text().lower()
entries = []
main.bookmarks.streams["search"] = []
# which fields?
fields = ["title", "playing", "genre", "homepage", "url", "extra", "favicon", "format"]
if not self.search_in_all.get_active():
fields = [f for f in fields if (main.get_widget("search_in_"+f) and main.get_widget("search_in_"+f).get_active())]
# channels?
channels = main.channel_names[:]
if not self.search_channel_all.get_active():
channels = [c for c in channels if main.get_widget("search_channel_"+c).get_active()]
# step through channels
for c in channels:
if main.channels[c] and main.channels[c].streams: # skip disabled plugins
# categories
for cat in main.channels[c].streams.keys():
# stations
for row in main.channels[c].streams[cat]:
# assemble text fields
text = " ".join([row.get(f, " ") for f in fields])
# compare
if text.lower().find(self.q) >= 0:
# add result
# display "search" in "bookmarks"
main.channel_switch(None, "bookmarks", 0)
# insert data and show
main.channels["bookmarks"].streams["search"] = entries # we have to set it here, else .currentcat() might reset it
# live search on directory server homepages
def server_query(self, w):
# don't search at all, open a web browser
def google(self, w):
action.browser("http://www.google.com/search?q=" + self.search_full.get_text())
# search text edited in text entry box
def quicksearch_set(self, w, *eat, **up):
# keep query string
main.q = self.search_quick.get_text().lower()
# get streams
c = main.channel()
rows = c.stations()
col = c.rowmap.index("search_col") # this is the gtk.ListStore index # which contains the highlighting color
# callback to compare (+highlight) rows
m = c.gtk_list.get_model()
m.foreach(self.quicksearch_treestore, (rows, main.q, col, col+1))
search_set = quicksearch_set
# callback that iterates over whole gtk treelist,
# looks for search string and applies TreeList color and flag if found
def quicksearch_treestore(self, model, path, iter, extra_data):
i = path[0]
(rows, q, color, flag) = extra_data
# compare against interesting content fields:
text = rows[i].get("title", "") + " " + rows[i].get("homepage", "")
# config.quicksearch_fields
text = text.lower()
# simple string match (probably doesn't need full search expression support)
if len(q) and text.find(q) >= 0:
model.set_value(iter, color, "#fe9") # highlighting color
model.set_value(iter, flag, True) # background-set flag
# color = 12 in liststore, flag = 13th position
model.set_value(iter, color, "") # for some reason the cellrenderer colors get applied to all rows, even if we specify an iter (=treelist position?, not?)
model.set_value(iter, flag, False) # that's why we need the secondary -set option
return False
search = search()
# instantiates itself
# aux win: stream data editing dialog
class streamedit (auxiliary_window):
# show stream data editing dialog
def open(self, mw):
row = main.row()
for name in ("title", "playing", "genre", "homepage", "url", "favicon", "format", "extra"):
w = main.get_widget("streamedit_" + name)
if w:
w.set_text((str(row.get(name)) if row.get(name) else ""))
# copy widget contents to stream
def save(self, w):
row = main.row()
for name in ("title", "playing", "genre", "homepage", "url", "favicon", "format", "extra"):
w = main.get_widget("streamedit_" + name)
if w:
row[name] = w.get_text()
# add a new list entry, update window
def new(self, w):
s = main.channel().stations()
s.append({"title":"new", "url":"", "format":"audio/mp3", "genre":"", "listeners":1});
main.channel().switch() # update display
main.channel().gtk_list.get_selection().select_path(str(len(s)-1)); # set cursor to last row
# hide window
def cancel(self, *w):
return True
streamedit = streamedit()
# instantiates itself
# aux win: settings UI
class config_dialog (auxiliary_window):
# display win_config, pre-fill text fields from global conf. object
def open(self, widget):
self.apply(conf.__dict__, "config_", 0)
#self.win_config.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse('#443399'))
def hide(self, *args):
return True
# set/load values between gtk window and conf. dict
def apply(self, config, prefix="config_", save=0):
for key,val in config.iteritems():
# map non-alphanumeric chars from config{} to underscores in according gtk widget names
id = re.sub("[^\w]", "_", key)
w = main.get_widget(prefix + id)
__print__("config_save", save, prefix+id, w, val)
# recurse into dictionaries, transform: conf.play.audio/mp3 => conf.play_audio_mp3
if (type(val) == dict):
self.apply(val, prefix + id + "_", save)
# load or set gtk.Entry text field
elif (w and save and type(w)==gtk.Entry):
config[key] = w.get_text()
elif (w and type(w)==gtk.Entry):
elif (w and save):
config[key] = w.get_active()
elif (w):
# fill combobox
def combobox_theme(self):
# self.theme.combo_box_new_text()
# find themes
themedirs = (conf.share+"/themes", conf.dir+"/themes", "/usr/share/themes")
themes = ["no theme"]
[[themes.append(e) for e in os.listdir(dir)] for dir in themedirs if os.path.exists(dir)]
# add to combobox
for num,themename in enumerate(themes):
if conf.theme == themename:
# erase this function, so it only ever gets called once
self.combobox_theme = lambda: None
# retrieve currently selected value
def apply_theme(self):
if self.theme.get_active() >= 0:
conf.theme = self.theme.get_model()[ self.theme.get_active()][0]
# add configuration setting definitions from plugins
once = 0
def add_plugins(self):
if self.once:
for name,enabled in conf.plugins.iteritems():
# add plugin load entry
if name:
label = ("enable ⎗ %s channel" if self.channels.get(name) else "use ⎗ %s plugin")
cb = gtk.ToggleButton(label=label % name)
self.add_( "config_plugins_"+name, cb )#, label=None, color="#ddd" )
# look up individual plugin options, if loaded
if self.channels.get(name) or self.features.get(name):
c = self.channels.get(name) or self.features.get(name)
for opt in c.config:
# default values are already in conf[] dict (now done in conf.add_plugin_defaults)
# display checkbox or text entry
if opt["type"] == "boolean":
cb = gtk.CheckButton(opt["description"])
self.add_( "config_"+opt["name"], cb )
self.add_( "config_"+opt["name"], gtk.Entry(), opt["description"] )
# spacer
self.add_( "filler_pl_"+name, gtk.HSeparator() )
self.once = 1
# put gtk widgets into config dialog notebook
def add_(self, id, w, label=None, color=""):
w.set_property("visible", True)
main.widgets[id] = w
if label:
label = gtk.Label(label)
label.set_property("visible", True)
label.set_size_request(250, -1)
vbox = gtk.HBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=10)
vbox.set_property("visible", True)
vbox.pack_start(w, expand=False, fill=False)
vbox.pack_start(label, expand=True, fill=True)
w = vbox
if color:
w = mygtk.bg(w, color)
# save config
def save(self, widget):
self.apply(conf.__dict__, "config_", 1)
config_dialog = config_dialog()
# instantiates itself
# class GenericChannel:
# is in channels/__init__.py
#-- favourite lists ------------------------------------------
# This module lists static content from ~/.config/streamtuner2/bookmarks.json;
# its data list is queried by other plugins to add 'star' icons.
# Some feature extensions inject custom categories[] into streams{}
# e.g. "search" adds its own category once activated, as does the "timer" plugin.
class bookmarks(GenericChannel):
# desc
api = "streamtuner2"
module = "bookmarks"
title = "bookmarks"
version = 0.4
base_url = "file:.config/streamtuner2/bookmarks.json"
listformat = "*/*"
# i like this
config = [
{"name":"like_my_bookmarks", "type":"boolean", "value":0, "description":"I like my bookmarks"},
# content
categories = ["favourite", ]
current = "favourite"
default = "favourite"
streams = {"favourite":[], "search":[], "scripts":[], "timer":[], }
# cache list, to determine if a PLS url is bookmarked
urls = []
# this channel does not actually retrieve/parse data from anywhere
def update_categories(self):
def update_streams(self, cat):
return self.streams.get(cat, [])
# initial display
def first_show(self):
if not self.streams["favourite"]:
# all entries just come from "bookmarks.json"
def cache(self):
# stream list
cache = conf.load(self.module)
if (cache):
self.streams = cache
# save to cache file
def save(self):
conf.save(self.module, self.streams, nice=1)
# checks for existence of an URL in bookmarks store,
# this method is called by other channel modules' display() method
def is_in(self, url, once=1):
if (not self.urls):
self.urls = [row.get("url","urn:x-streamtuner2:no") for row in self.streams["favourite"]]
return url in self.urls
# called from main window / menu / context menu,
# when bookmark is to be added for a selected stream entry
def add(self, row):
# normalize data (this row originated in a gtk+ widget)
row["favourite"] = 1
if row.get("favicon"):
row["favicon"] = favicon.file(row.get("homepage"))
if not row.get("listformat"):
row["listformat"] = main.channel().listformat
# append to storage
# simplified gtk TreeStore display logic (just one category for the moment, always rebuilt)
def load(self, category, force=False):
#self.liststore[category] = \
# print(category, self.streams.keys())
mygtk.columns(self.gtk_list, self.datamap, self.prepare(self.streams.get(category,[])))
# select a category in treeview
def add_category(self, cat):
if cat not in self.categories: # add category if missing
# change cursor
def set_category(self, cat):
return self.currentcat()
# update bookmarks from freshly loaded streams data
def heuristic_update(self, updated_channel, updated_category):
if not conf.heuristic_bookmark_update: return
save = 0
fav = self.streams["favourite"]
# First we'll generate a list of current bookmark stream urls, and then
# remove all but those from the currently UPDATED_channel + category.
# This step is most likely redundant, but prevents accidently re-rewriting
# stations that are in two channels (=duplicates with different PLS urls).
check = {"http//": "[row]"}
check = dict((row["url"],row) for row in fav)
# walk through all channels/streams
for chname,channel in main.channels.iteritems():
for cat,streams in channel.streams.iteritems():
# keep the potentially changed rows
if (chname == updated_channel) and (cat == updated_category):
freshened_streams = streams
# remove unchanged urls/rows
unchanged_urls = (row.get("url") for row in streams)
for url in unchanged_urls:
if url in check:
del check[url]
# directory duplicates could unset the check list here,
# so we later end up doing a deep comparison
# now the real comparison,
# where we compare station titles and homepage url to detect if a bookmark is an old entry
for row in freshened_streams:
url = row.get("url")
# empty entry (google stations), or stream still in current favourites
if not url or url in check:
# need to search
title = row.get("title")
homepage = row.get("homepage")
for i,old in enumerate(fav):
# skip if new url already in streams
if url == old.get("url"):
pass # This is caused by channel duplicates with identical PLS links.
# on exact matches (but skip if url is identical anyway)
elif title == old["title"] and homepage == old.get("homepage",homepage):
# update stream url
fav[i]["url"] = url
save = 1
# more text similarity heuristics might go here
# if there were changes
if save: self.save()
#-- startup progress bar
progresswin, progressbar = 0, 0
def gui_startup(p=0.0, msg="streamtuner2 is starting"):
global progresswin,progressbar
if not progresswin:
# GtkWindow "progresswin"
progresswin = gtk.Window()
progresswin.set_property("title", "streamtuner2")
progresswin.set_property("default_width", 300)
progresswin.set_property("width_request", 300)
progresswin.set_property("default_height", 30)
progresswin.set_property("height_request", 30)
progresswin.set_property("window_position", "center")
progresswin.set_property("decorated", False)
progresswin.set_property("visible", True)
# GtkProgressBar "progressbar"
progressbar = gtk.ProgressBar()
progressbar.set_property("visible", True)
progressbar.set_property("show_text", True)
progressbar.set_property("text", msg)
if p<1:
progressbar.set_property("text", msg)
while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(False)
except: return
#-- run main ---------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
#-- global configuration settings
"conf = Config()" # already happened with "from config import conf"
# graphical
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
# prepare for threading in Gtk+ callbacks
# prepare main window
main = StreamTunerTwo()
# module coupling
action.main = main # action (play/record) module needs a reference to main window for gtk interaction and some URL/URI callbacks
action = action.action # shorter name
http.feedback = main.status # http module gives status feedbacks too
# first invocation
if (conf.get("firstrun")):
del conf.firstrun
# run
# invoke command-line interface
import cli