# api: dbus
# title: RadioTray hook
# description: Allows to bookmark stations to RadioTray
# version: 0.3
# type: feature
# category: bookmarks
# depends: deb:python-dbus, deb:streamtuner2, deb:python-xdg
# config:
# { name: radiotray_map, type: select, value: "group", select: 'root|group|asis|play', description: 'Map genres to default RadioTray groups, or just "root".' }
# url: http://radiotray.sourceforge.net/
# priority: extra
# id: streamtuner2-radiotray
# pack: radiotray.py
# fpm-prefix: /usr/share/streamtuner2/channels/
# Adds a context menu "Keep in RadioTray.." for bookmarking.
# Until a newer version exposes addRadio(), this plugin
# will fall back to just playUrl().
# The patch for radiotray/DbusFacade.py would be:
# +
# + @dbus.service.method('net.sourceforge.radiotray')
# + def addRadio(self, title, url, group="root"):
# + self.dataProvider.addRadio(title, url, group)
# Displays existing radiotray stations in ST2 bookmarks
# category as read from ~/.local/share/radiotray/bookmarks.xml.
# This plugin may be packaged up separately.
from config import *
from channels import *
from uikit import uikit
import re
import dbus
from xdg.BaseDirectory import xdg_data_home
from xml.etree import ElementTree
# not a channel plugin, just a category in bookmarks, and a context menu
class radiotray:
# plugin info
module = "radiotray"
meta = plugin_meta()
# bookmarks cat
parent = None
bm = None
# radiotray config file / bookmarks
rt_xml = "%s/%s/%s" % (xdg_data_home, "radiotray", "bookmarks.xml")
# DBUS connector
def radiotray(self):
return dbus.Interface(
# hook up to main tab
def __init__(self, parent):
# keep reference to main window
self.parent = parent
self.bm = parent.channels["bookmarks"]
conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.meta, self.module)
# create category
self.bm.add_category("radiotray", plugin=self);
self.bm.streams["radiotray"] = self.update_streams(cat="radiotray")
# add context menu
uikit.add_menu([parent.streammenu, parent.streamactions], "Keep in RadioTray", self.share, insert=4)
# load RadioTray bookmarks
def update_streams(self, cat):
r = []
for group in ElementTree.parse(self.rt_xml).findall(".//group"):
for bookmark in group.findall("bookmark"):
"genre": group.attrib["name"],
"title": bookmark.attrib["name"],
"url": bookmark.attrib["url"],
"playing": "",
return r
# send to
def share(self, *w):
row = self.parent.row()
if row:
# RadioTray doesn't have an addRadio method yet, so just fall back to play the stream URL
group = self.map_group(row.get("genre"))
log.PROC("mapping genre '%s' to RT group '%s'" % (row["genre"], group))
self.radiotray().addRadio(row["title"], row["url"], group)
# match genre to RT groups
def map_group(self, genre):
if not genre or not len(genre) or conf.radiotray_map == "root":
return "root"
if conf.radiotray_map == "asis":
return genre # if RadioTray itself can map arbitrary genres to its folders
if conf.radiotray_map == "play":
raise NotImplementedError("just call .playUrl()")
map = {
"Jazz": "jazz|fusion|swing",
"Pop / Rock": "top|pop|rock|metal",
"Latin": "latin|flamenco|tango|salsa|samba",
"Classical": "classic|baroque|opera|symphony|piano|violin",
"Oldies": "20s|50s|60s|70s|oldie",
"Chill": "chill|easy|listening",
"Techno / Electronic": "techno|electro|dance|house|beat|dubstep|progressive|trance",
"Country": "country|bluegrass|western",
"Community": "community|talk|sports|spoken|educational",
#for str in (genre,title):
for cat,rx in map.items():
if re.search(rx, genre, re.I):
return cat
return "root"