Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [693e44deeb]

Artifact 693e44deebdbf0f48d9fe69989196afe0bff4762:

  • File — part of check-in [ea628d6426] at 2015-04-08 17:59:53 on branch trunk — Remove extraneous class wrapper action.action. Start to regroup listformat mapping (pls-url → m3u-fn rewrites). Will need some heuristics, as depending just on the channel.listformat assumption won't work in practice (some .pls servers actually host direct server links, or occasionally .m3u references even). Currently does nothing, just returns the pls/etc URL. (user: mario, size: 8949) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# type: functions
# title: play/record actions
# description: Starts audio applications, guesses MIME types for URLs
# version: 0.8
# Multimedia interface for starting audio players, recording app,
# or web browser (listed as "url/http" association in players).
# Each channel plugin has a .listtype which describes the linked
# audio playlist format. It's audio/x-scpls mostly, seldomly m3u,
# but sometimes url/direct if the entry[url] directly leads to the
# streaming server.
# As fallback there is a regex which just looks for URLs in the
# given resource (works for m3u/pls/xspf/asx/...).

import re
import os
from ahttp import fix_url as http_fix_url, get as http_get
from config import conf, __print__ as debug, dbg
import platform

# Coupling to main window
main = None

# Streamlink/listformat mapping
lt = dict(
    pls = "audio/x-scpls",
    m3u = "audio/x-mpegurl",
    asx = "video/x-ms-asf",
    xspf = "application/xspf+xml",
    href = "url/http",
    srv = "url/direct",
    ram = "audio/x-pn-realaudio",
    smil = "application/smil",
    script = "text/x-urn-streamtuner2-script", # unused

# Audio type MIME map
mf = dict(
    mp3 = "audio/mpeg",
    ogg = "audio/ogg",
    aac = "audio/aac",
    midi = "audio/midi",
    mod = "audio/mod",

# Player command placeholders for playlist formats
placeholder_map = dict(
    pls = "%url | %pls | %u | %l | %r",
    m3u = "%m3u | %f | %g | %m",
    pls = "%srv | %d | %s",

# Exec wrapper
def run(cmd):
    if cmd: debug(dbg.PROC, "Exec:", cmd)
    try:    os.system("start \"%s\"" % cmd if else cmd + " &")
    except: debug(dbg.ERR, "Command not found:", cmd)

# Start web browser
def browser(url):
    bin ="url/http", "sensible-browser")
    run(bin + " " + quote(url))

# Open help browser, streamtuner2 pages
def help(*args):
    run("yelp /usr/share/doc/streamtuner2/help/")

# Calls player for stream url and format
def play(url, audioformat="audio/mpeg", listformat="href"):
    cmd = mime_app(audioformat,
    cmd = interpol(cmd, url, listformat)

# Call streamripper
def record(url, audioformat="audio/mpeg", listformat="href", append="", row={}):
    cmd = mime_app(audioformat, conf.record)
    cmd = interpol(cmd, url, listformat, row)

# OS shell command escaping
def quote(s):
    return "%r" % str(s)

# Convert e.g. "text/x-scpls" MIME types to just "pls" monikers
def listfmt(t = "pls"):
    if t in lf.values():
       for short,mime in lf.items():
           if mime == t:
               return short
    return t # "pls"

# Convert MIME type into list of ["audio/xyz", "audio/*", "*/*"]
# for comparison against configured record/play association.
def mime_app(fmt, cmd_list):
    for match in [ fmt, fmt[:fmt.find("/")] + "/*", "*/*" ]:
        if cmd_list.get(match):
            return cmd_list[match]

# Replaces instances of %m3u, %pls, %srv in a command string.
#  · Also understands short aliases %l, %f, %d.
#  · And can embed %title or %genre placeholders.
#  · Replace .pls URL with local .m3u file depending on map.
def interpol(cmd, url, source="pls", row={}):

    # inject other meta fields
    if row:
        for field in row:
            cmd = cmd.replace("%"+field, "%r" % row.get(field))

    # add default if cmd has no %url placeholder
    if cmd.find("%") < 0:
        cmd = cmd + " %m3u"

    # standard placeholders
    for dest, rx in placeholder_map.items():
        if, cmd, re.X):
            # from .pls to .m3u
            url = convert_playlist(url, listfmt(source), listfmt(dest))
            # insert quoted URL/filepath
            return re.sub(rx, cmd, quote(url), 2, re.X)

    return "false"

# Substitute .pls URL with local .m3u,
# or direct srv address, or leave as-is.
def convert_playlist(url, source, dest):

    # Leave alone
    if source == dest or source in ("srv", "href"):
        return url

    # Else
    return url

# Save row(s) in one of the export formats,
# depending on file extension:
#  · m3u
#  · pls
#  · xspf
#  · asx
#  · json
#  · smil
def save(row, fn, listformat="audio/x-scpls"):

    # output format
    format = re.findall("\.(m3u|pls|xspf|jspf|json|asx|smil)", fn)

    # modify stream url
    stream_urls = extract_urls(row["url"], listformat)

    # M3U
    if "m3u" in format:
        txt = "#M3U\n"
        for url in stream_urls:
            txt += http_fix_url(url) + "\n"

    # PLS
    elif "pls" in format:
        txt = "[playlist]\n" + "numberofentries=1\n"
        for i,u in enumerate(stream_urls):
            i = str(i + 1)
            txt += "File"+i + "=" + u + "\n"
            txt += "Title"+i + "=" + row["title"] + "\n"
            txt += "Length"+i + "=-1\n"
        txt += "Version=2\n"

    # XSPF
    elif "xspf" in format:
        txt = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + "\n"
        txt += '<?http header="Content-Type: application/xspf+xml" ?>' + "\n"
        txt += '<playlist version="1" xmlns="">' + "\n"
        for attr,tag in [("title","title"), ("homepage","info"), ("playing","annotation"), ("description","annotation")]:
            if row.get(attr):
                txt += "  <"+tag+">" + xmlentities(row[attr]) + "</"+tag+">\n"
        txt += "  <trackList>\n"
        for u in stream_urls:
            txt += '	<track><location>' + xmlentities(u) + '</location></track>' + "\n"
        txt += "  </trackList>\n</playlist>\n"

    # JSPF
    elif "jspf" in format:

    # JSON
    elif "json" in format:
        row["stream_urls"] = stream_urls
        txt = str(row)   # pseudo-json (python format)
    # ASX
    elif "asx" in format:
        txt = "<ASX version=\"3.0\">\n"			\
            + " <Title>" + xmlentities(row["title"]) + "</Title>\n"	\
            + " <Entry>\n"				\
            + "  <Title>" + xmlentities(row["title"]) + "</Title>\n"	\
            + "  <MoreInfo href=\"" + row["homepage"] + "\"/>\n"	\
            + "  <Ref href=\"" + stream_urls[0] + "\"/>\n"		\
            + " </Entry>\n</ASX>\n"

    # SMIL
    elif "smil" in format:
            txt = "<smil>\n<head>\n  <meta name=\"title\" content=\"" + xmlentities(row["title"]) + "\"/>\n</head>\n"	\
                + "<body>\n  <seq>\n    <audio src=\"" + stream_urls[0] + "\"/>\n  </seq>\n</body>\n</smil>\n"

    # unknown

    # write
    if txt:
        f = open(fn, "wb")

# retrieve real stream urls from .pls or .m3u links
def extract_urls(pls, listformat="__not_used_yet__"):
    # extract stream address from .pls URL
    if ("\.pls", pls)):       #audio/x-scpls
        return pls(pls)
    elif ("\.asx", pls)):	#video/x-ms-asf
        return re.findall("<Ref\s+href=\"(http://.+?)\"", http_get(pls))
    elif ("\.m3u|\.ram|\.smil", pls)):	#audio/x-mpegurl
        return re.findall("(http://[^\s]+)", http_get(pls), re.I)
    else:  # just assume it was a direct mpeg/ogg streamserver link
        return [ (pls if pls.startswith("/") else http_fix_url(pls)) ]

# generate filename for temporary .m3u, if possible with unique id
def tmp_fn(pls):
    # use shoutcast unique stream id if available
    stream_id ="http://.+?/.*?(\d+)", pls, re.M)
    stream_id = stream_id and or "XXXXXX"
        channelname = main.current_channel
        channelname = "unknown"
    return (str(conf.tmp) + os.sep + "streamtuner2."+channelname+"."+stream_id+".m3u", len(stream_id) > 3 and stream_id != "XXXXXX")

# check if there are any urls in a given file
def has_urls(tmp_fn):
    if os.path.exists(tmp_fn):
        return open(tmp_fn, "r").read().find("http://") > 0

# create a local .m3u file from it
def m3u(pls):

    # temp filename
    (tmp_fn, unique) = tmp_fn(pls)
    # does it already exist?
    if tmp_fn and unique and conf.reuse_m3u and has_urls(tmp_fn):
        return tmp_fn

    # download PLS
    debug( dbg.DATA, "pls=",pls )
    url_list = extract_urls(pls)
    debug( dbg.DATA, "urls=", url_list )

    # output URL list to temporary .m3u file
    if (len(url_list)):
        #tmp_fn = 
        f = open(tmp_fn, "w")
        f.write("\n".join(url_list) + "\n")
        # return path/name of temporary file
        return tmp_fn
        debug( dbg.ERR, "error, there were no URLs in ", pls )
        raise "Empty PLS"

# Download a .pls resource and extract urls
def extract_from_pls(url):
    text = http_get(url)
    debug(dbg.DATA, "pls_text=", text)
    return re.findall("\s*File\d*\s*=\s*(\w+://[^\s]+)", text, re.I)
    # currently misses out on the titles            

# get a single direct ICY stream url (extract either from PLS or M3U)
def srv(url):
    return extract_urls(url)[0]