Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [7dba3f833f]

Artifact 7dba3f833f60c60000113b5e728068c0449d58e2:

Wiki page [compliancy] by mario on 2016-11-01 22:05:09.
D 2016-11-01T22:05:09.316
L compliancy
N text/x-markdown
P 37385eabceda8de10f2013b60435a404e125ea8b
U mario
W 1143
### Standards compliancy

A few common plattform idioms are supported, some are custom to ST2 in lieu of existing standards:

| type | name | supported | comments |
| env  | **HTTP_PROXY=** | ✔ | - |
| dir  | **.config/** | ✔ | XDG. Albeit also using it as cache storage (which it shouldn't be) |
| file | **.netrc** | ✔ | LSB. Also supporting non-standard `~/.config/netrc` alternative. |
| file | **.desktop** | ✔ | XDG |
| doc  | **man page**  | ✔ | LSB |
| doc | **NEWS** | ✔ | - |
| doc | **releases.json** | ✔ | Not a widely used format. ( serialization here) |
| doc | **PKG-INFO** | ✔ | Old Python format. |
| doc | **doap.xml** | ✘ | Not used. |
| src | **[plugin scheme](wiki/plugin+meta+data)** | ✔ | Used by PHP libconfig and Python pluginconf. |
| src | **Makefile** | ✔ | - |
| src | **Packfile** | ✔ | Non-standard. Used by XPM. |
| src | **gtk3.xml** | ✔ | GtkBuilder (libglade) |
| file | ***.json**  | ✔ | Non-standard. Stream storage format |

See also:

  - [playlist format support](wiki/Playlist+format+support)

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