Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [8c3429615d]

Artifact 8c3429615dc6952a6e4fb12e89e14ae3e32b2064:

<page	xmlns=""

	<link type="guide" xref="index#channels"/>
	<link type="guide" xref="channels#list"/>
	<link type="guide" xref="configuration#plugins"/>
        <desc>Online radio directory</desc>

<title><media type="image" src="img/channel_streema.png" /> Streema</title>
<subtitle><link href="">//</link></subtitle>

Streema lists over 70000 radio stations. Requires a double lookup
however, as stream addresses are embedded in the web player only.
Channel only polls one page of results, skips external stream pages.

Currently playing field is quite spotty. No homepages are listed.
The category map is prepared here, because it's quite slow to
update. Region/city categories are left unused.

The server search function is implemented however.
