Artifact [90a3b1d53c]
Artifact 90a3b1d53c55c829052fc0d367e1110b224a1678:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2015-05-18 22:19:42
on branch trunk
— Delay window title updating logic and ui_cht callback via wrapper.
Seems to fix both: - Gdk:ERROR:/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.24.23/gdk/gdkregion-generic.c:1114:miUnionNonO: assertion failed: (r->x1 < r->x2) - Error in `python': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0..... (user: mario, size: 21732) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: UTF-8 # api: python # type: application # title: streamtuner2 # description: Directory browser for internet radio, audio and video streams # version: 2.1.8-dev # state: beta # author: Mario Salzer <> # license: Public Domain # url: # config: # { type: env, name: http_proxy, description: proxy for HTTP access } # { type: env, name: XDG_CONFIG_HOME, description: relocates user .config subdirectory } # category: sound # depends: pygtk | gi, threading, requests, pyquery, lxml # id: streamtuner2 # pack: *.py, gtk3.xml.gz, bin, channels/, bundle/*.py, CREDITS, help/, # streamtuner2.desktop, README, help/streamtuner2.1=/usr/share/man/man1/, # NEWS=/usr/share/doc/streamtuner2/, icon.png=/usr/share/pixmaps/streamtuner2.png # architecture: all # # Streamtuner2 is a GUI for browsing internet radio directories, music # collections, and video services - grouped by genres or categories. # It runs your preferred audio player, and streamripper for recording. # # It's an independent rewrite of streamtuner1. Being written in Python, # can be more easily extended and fixed. The mix of JSON APIs, regex # or PyQuery extraction makes list generation simpler and more robust. # # Primarily radio stations are displayed, some channels however are music # collections. Commercial and sign-up services are not an objective. # standard modules import sys import os import re from copy import copy import inspect import traceback from threading import Thread import time # add library path (either global setup, or pyzip basename) if not os.path.dirname(__file__) in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) # initializes itself, so all conf.vars are available right away from config import * # gtk modules from uikit import pygtk, gtk, gobject, uikit, ui_xml, gui_startup, AboutStreamtuner2 # custom modules import ahttp import action import logo import channels import channels.bookmarks import channels.configwin import channels.streamedit import # This represents the main window, dispatches Gtk events, # and shares most application behaviour with the channel modules. class StreamTunerTwo(gtk.Builder): # object containers widgets = {} # non-glade widgets (any manually instantiated ones) channels = {} # channel modules features = {} # non-channel plugins #working = [] # threads hooks = { "play": [], # observers queue here "record": [], "switch": [], "init": [], "quit": [action.cleanup_tmp_files], "config_load": [], "config_save": [], } meta = plugin_meta() # status variables current_channel = "bookmarks" # currently selected channel name (as index in self.channels{}) # constructor def __init__(self): # Load stylesheet, instantiate GtkBuilder in self, menu and logo hooks gui_startup(1/20.0), gtk.Builder.__init__(self) gui_startup(1/20.0), gtk.Builder.add_from_string(self, ui_xml) gui_startup(3/20.0), self.logo_scale(1.0) # initialize built-in plugins self.channels = { "bookmarks": channels.bookmarks.bookmarks(parent=self), # this the remaining built-in channel } # dialogs that are connected to main self.features = { "search":, "configwin": channels.configwin.configwin(self), "streamedit": channels.streamedit.streamedit(self), } gui_startup(4/20.0) # early module coupling action.main = self # action (play/record) module needs a reference to main window for gtk interaction and some URL/URI callbacks = self.status # http module gives status feedbacks too # load plugins self.load_plugin_channels() # restore app/widget states self.init_app_state() # and late plugin initializations [callback(self) for callback in self.hooks["init"]] # display current open channel/notebook tab gui_startup(18/20.0) self.current_channel = self.current_channel_gtk() try: except Exception as e: log.INIT("main.__init__: current_channel.first_show() initialization error:", e) # bind gtk/glade event names to functions gui_startup(19.75/20.0) self.connect_signals({ "gtk_main_quit" : self.gtk_main_quit, # close window # treeviews / notebook "on_stream_row_activated" : self.on_play_clicked, # double click in a streams list "on_category_clicked": self.on_category_clicked, # new selection in category list "on_notebook_channels_switch_page": self.channel_switch, # channel notebook tab changed "station_context_menu": lambda tv,ev: self.station_context_menu(tv,ev), # toolbar "on_play_clicked" : self.on_play_clicked, "on_record_clicked": self.on_record_clicked, "on_homepage_stream_clicked": self.on_homepage_stream_clicked, "on_reload_clicked": self.on_reload_clicked, "on_homepage_channel_clicked" : self.on_homepage_channel_clicked, "double_click_channel_tab": self.on_homepage_channel_clicked, # menu "menu_toolbar_standard": lambda w: (self.toolbar.unset_style(), self.toolbar.unset_icon_size()), "menu_toolbar_style_icons": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS)), "menu_toolbar_style_both": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH)), "menu_toolbar_size_small": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR), self.logo_scale(0.40)), "menu_toolbar_size_medium": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND), self.logo_scale(0.75)), "menu_toolbar_size_large": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG), self.logo_scale(1.0)), "menu_notebook_pos_top": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(2), "menu_notebook_pos_left": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(0), "menu_notebook_pos_right": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(1), "menu_notebook_pos_bottom": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(3), # win_config "menu_properties":, "config_cancel": self.configwin.hide, "config_save":, "config_play_list_edit_col0": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_play, path, 0, txt)), "config_play_list_edit_col1": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_play, path, 1, txt)), "config_record_list_edit_col0": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_record, path, 0, txt)), "config_record_list_edit_col1": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_record, path, 1, txt)), # else "update_categories": self.update_categories, "update_favicons": self.update_favicons, "app_state": self.save_app_state, "bookmark": self.bookmark, "save_as": self.save_as, "menu_about": lambda w: AboutStreamtuner2(self), "menu_help":, "menu_onlineforum": lambda w: action.browser(""), "menu_fossilwiki": lambda w: action.browser(""), "menu_projhomepage": lambda w: action.browser(""), # "menu_bugreport": lambda w: BugReport(), "menu_copy": self.menu_copy, "delete_entry": self.delete_entry, # search dialog "quicksearch_set":, "search_open":, "search_go":, "search_srv": lambda *w: self.thread(lambda:, "search_cancel":, "true": lambda w,*args: True, # win_streamedit "streamedit_open":, "streamedit_save":, "streamedit_new":, "streamedit_cancel": self.streamedit.cancel, }) # actually display main window self.update_title() self.win_streamtuner2.show_all() gui_startup(100.0) #-- Shortcut for glade.get_widget() # Allows access to widgets as direct attributes instead of using .get_widget() # Also looks in self.channels[] for the named channel plugins def __getattr__(self, name): if (name in self.channels): return self.channels[name] # like self.shoutcast elif (name in self.features): return self.features[name] # like self.configwin else: return self.get_object(name) # or gives an error if neither exists # Custom-named widgets are available from .widgets{} not via .get_widget() def get_widget(self, name): if name in self.widgets: return self.widgets[name] else: return gtk.Builder.get_object(self, name) # Run a function in thread def thread(self, target, *args, **kwargs): if conf.nothreads: return target(*args, **kwargs) thread = Thread(target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) thread.start() #self.working.append(thread) # Returns the currently selected directory/channel object (remembered position) def channel(self): return self.channels[self.current_channel] # List of module titles for channel tabs @property def channel_names(self): n = self.notebook_channels return [n.get_menu_label_text(n.get_nth_page(i)) for i in range(0, n.get_n_pages())] # Returns the currently selected directory/channel object (from gtk) def current_channel_gtk(self): return self.channel_names[self.notebook_channels.get_current_page()] # Notebook tab has been clicked (receives numeric page_num), but *NOT* yet changed (visually). def channel_switch(self, notebook, page, page_num=0, *args): self.current_channel = notebook.get_menu_label_text(notebook.get_nth_page(page_num)) log.UI("main.channel_switch() :=", self.current_channel) # update window title, call plugin (e.g. channel link in toolbar) # if first selected, load current category # (run in thread, to make it look speedy on first startup) self.thread( # Invoked from the menu instead, uses module name instead of numeric tab id def channel_switch_by_name(self, name): self.notebook_channels.set_current_page(self.channel_names.index(name)) # Mirror selected channel tab into main window title def update_title(self, *x, **y): meta = if conf.window_title: self.win_streamtuner2.set_title("Streamtuner2 - %s" % meta.get("title")) [cb(meta) for cb in self.hooks["switch"]] # Channel: row{} dict for current station def row(self): return # Channel: fetch single varname from station row{} dict def selected(self, name="url"): return self.row().get(name) # Play button def on_play_clicked(self, widget, event=None, *args): self.status("Starting player...") channel = pixstore = [, channel.pix_entry, channel.rowno()] row = self.status("") [callback(row, pixstore=pixstore, channel=channel) for callback in self.hooks["play"]] # Recording: invoke streamripper for current stream URL def on_record_clicked(self, widget): self.status("Recording station...") row = [callback(row) for callback in self.hooks["record"]] # Open stream homepage in web browser def on_homepage_stream_clicked(self, widget): url = self.selected("homepage") if url and len(url): action.browser(url) else: self.status("No homepage URL present.") # Browse to channel homepage (@BROKEN: double click on notebook tab) def on_homepage_channel_clicked(self, widget, event=2): if event == 2 or event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: log.UI("dblclick") url ="url", "" + action.browser(url) # Reload stream list in current channel-category def on_reload_clicked(self, widget=None, reload=1): log.UI("on_reload_clicked()", "reload=", reload, "current_channel=", self.current_channel, "c=", self.channels[self.current_channel], "cat=", self.thread(self._on_reload,, reload) def _on_reload(self, channel, reload):, force=reload) if reload: try: self.bookmarks.heuristic_update(self.current_channel, channel.category) except: pass # Click in category list def on_category_clicked(self, widget, event, *more): category = log.UI("on_category_clicked", category, self.current_channel) self.on_reload_clicked(None, reload=0) pass # Add current selection to bookmark store def bookmark(self, widget): self.bookmarks.add(self.row()) # refresh bookmarks tab self.bookmarks.load(self.bookmarks.default) # Reload category tree def update_categories(self, widget): self.thread( # Menu invocation: refresh favicons for all stations in current streams category def update_favicons(self, widget): if "favicon" in self.features: ch = self.features["favicon"].update_all(entries=ch.stations(), pixstore=[, ch.pix_entry, None]) # Save stream to file (.m3u) def save_as(self, widget): row = self.row() default_fn = row["title"] + ".m3u" fn = uikit.save_file("Save Stream", None, default_fn, [(".m3u","*m3u"),(".pls","*pls"),(".xspf","*xspf"),(".jspf","*jspf"),(".smil","*smil"),(".asx","*asx"),("all files","*")]) if fn: source = row.get("listformat", dest = (re.findall("\.(m3u|pls|xspf|jspf|json|smil|asx|wpl)8?$", fn) or ["pls"])[0] action.save_playlist(source=source, multiply=True).file(rows=[row], fn=fn, dest=dest) pass # Save current stream URL into clipboard def menu_copy(self, w): gtk.clipboard_get().set_text(self.selected("url")) # Remove a stream entry def delete_entry(self, w): cn = n = cn.rowno() del cn.stations()[ n ] cn.switch() # Alternative Notebook channel tabs between TOP and LEFT position def switch_notebook_tabs_position(self, w, pos): self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(pos); # Shortcut to statusbar and progressbar (receives either a string, or a float). def status(self, text=None, timeout=3): self.status_last = time.time() + timeout gobject.timeout_add(int(timeout*1000), self.status_clear) # progressbar if isinstance(text, (int, float)): if (text <= 0): # unknown state, immediate=1) elif text >= 0.999 or text < 0.0: # completed else: # show percentage, immediate=1), text, immediate=1) # add text elif isinstance(text, (str)):, text) # clean up else: self.status_clear(anyway=True) # Clean up after 3 seconds def status_clear(self, anyway=False): if anyway or time.time() >= self.status_last: self.statusbar.set_text("") self.progress.hide() return False else: return True # load plugins from /usr/share/streamtuner2/channels/ def load_plugin_channels(self): # initialize plugin modules (pre-ordered) ls = module_list() for name in ls: gui_startup(4/20.0 + 13.5/20.0 * float(ls.index(name))/len(ls), "loading module "+name) # load defaults - on first startup - or with -D in any case if not name in conf.plugins or conf.debug: conf.add_plugin_defaults(plugin_meta(module=name), name) # skip module if disabled if conf.plugins.get(name, 1) == False: log.STAT("disabled plugin:", name) continue # or if it's a built-in (already imported) elif name in self.features or name in self.channels: continue # load plugin try: plugin = __import__("channels."+name, globals(), None, [""]) #print [name for name,c in inspect.getmembers(plugin) if inspect.isclass(c)] plugin_class = plugin.__dict__[name] plugin_obj = plugin_class(parent=self) # add to .channels{} if issubclass(plugin_class, channels.GenericChannel): self.channels[name] = plugin_obj # or .features{} for other plugin types else: self.features[name] = plugin_obj except Exception as e: log.INIT("load_plugin_channels: error initializing:", name, ", exception:") traceback.print_exc() # Redraw logo def logo_scale(self, r=1.0, map=None): pix = uikit.pixbuf(logo.png, decode=1, fmt="png") if map and map in (2,5,0): r = { 2: 0.45, 5: 0.75, 0: 1.0 }[map] if r != 1.0: pix = pix.scale_simple(int(321*r), int(115*r), gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) self.img_logo.set_from_pixbuf(pix) # load application state (widget sizes, selections, etc.) def init_app_state(self): winlayout = conf.load("window") if (winlayout): try: uikit.app_restore(self, winlayout) self.logo_scale(map=winlayout["toolbar"]["icon_size"]) except Exception as e: log.APPSTATE_RESTORE(e) # may fail for disabled/reordered plugin channels # store window/widget states (sizes, selections, etc.) def save_app_state(self, widget): # gtk widget states widgetnames = ["win_streamtuner2", "toolbar", "notebook_channels", ] \ + [id+"_list" for id in self.channel_names] \ + [id+"_cat" for id in self.channel_names]"window", uikit.app_state(wTree=self, widgetnames=widgetnames), nice=1) # object vars channelopts = {} #dict([(id, {"current":self.channels[id].current}) for id in self.channel_names]) for id in self.channels.keys(): if (self.channels[id]): channelopts[id] = {"current":self.channels[id].current}"state", channelopts, nice=1) # end application and gtk+ main loop def gtk_main_quit(self, widget, *x): if conf.auto_save_appstate: try: # doesn't work with gtk3 yet (probably just hooking at the wrong time) self.save_app_state(widget) except Exception as e: log.ERR("st2.gtk_main_quit", e) gtk.main_quit() # Right clicking a stream/station in the treeview to make context menu pop out. def station_context_menu(self, treeview, event): if treeview and event and event.button >= 3: path = treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y)) if not path: return False else: path = path[0] treeview.grab_focus() treeview.set_cursor(path, None, False) self.streamactions.popup( parent_menu_shell=None, parent_menu_item=None, func=None, button=event.button, activate_time=event.time, data=None ) return None # else pass on to normal left-button signal handler else: return False # startup procedure def main(): # graphical if not len(conf.args.action): # prepare for threading in Gtk+ callbacks gobject.threads_init() # prepare main window main = StreamTunerTwo() # first invocation if (conf.get("firstrun")): del conf.firstrun # run gtk.main() [callback() for callback in main.hooks["quit"]] log.PROC(r"[31m gtk_main_quit [0m") # invoke command-line interface else: import cli cli.StreamTunerCLI(conf.args.action) # run if __name__ == "__main__": main()