Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [94e42b3184]

Artifact 94e42b318438fe9103003e976dbbc12be462b06e:

Wiki page [debugging] by Oliver on 2017-01-01 20:59:42.
D 2017-01-01T20:59:42.010
L debugging
N text/x-markdown
P e16b57ecdca4a9031f3a6b4ef932d24cbba74aeb
U Oliver
W 1142
In case streamtuner2 doesn't start up correctly, you can run it in a "debug mode". This could be set permanently via <kbd>F12</kbd> in the Configuration window, in the "System" tab, as "<kbd>x</kbd> Enable debug messages".

Now when streamtuner2 hangs at startup, you can use the command-line flag:

 1. Open a console / terminal window

 2. Enter the following command:

        streamtuner2 -D

    And press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

 3.  Watch the output for <b style="color:red">red error</b> messages.

Notes for <b>Windows</b>:<br>

  *  Coloring of debug messages is not supported on this platform.<br> 
  *  On Windows you can start streamtuner2 in debug mode also from the Start Menu:

         <Streamtuner2> <Extra> <Run in debug mode (-D)>
  *  Running streamtuner2 in console mode (without the Debug flag) is achieved via

         <Streamtuner2> <Extra> <Run with console>

### Disable a single plugin (once).

If it's just a single channel plugin that hangs at startup, you could disable that:

    streamtuner2 -d xiph

To make that permanent open the configuration and press <kbd>save</kbd>.

Z d514e9199196dc052b5756faf7a9c51c