Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [b38cb32770]

Artifact b38cb32770ef694c4bc606d84f9c1a470f2c2bde:

  • File channels/ — part of check-in [b784d408c1] at 2015-04-09 14:50:54 on branch action-mapfmts — Still some parameter renaming in action module to do. Optional support for row={} parameter in play/record calls, in case .pls/.m3u needs to be constructed (to retain title=). Adapt action playlist exporting to wrapper object, which preconverts plain URL lists or [rows] list, can itself call convert_playlist(), and optionalized file writing. Rewrite main save() and to utilize new save_playlist(). Implement overwrite confirmation for Save-as dialog. (user: mario, size: 1923) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Export All
# description: Exports a complete channel category (all stations into one file).
# version: -0.1
# type: feature
# category: file
# priority: optional
# config:
#   { name: export_format, value: pls, type: select, select: "pls|xspf|jspf", description: Export format. }
# hooks: config_save
# Use "Extensions > Export all" in the desired channel and category,
# to export all station entries at once. Currently just export PLS,
# which in turn references other .pls file).  Luckily most players
# can cover up for this horrid misdesign.
# This is a workaround until the main GUI supports selecting multiple
# rows at once, and the action.* module has been overhauled to export
# a bit more deterministically.

from config import *
from channels import *
import ahttp
from uikit import uikit
import action
import re

# provides another export window, and custom file generation - does not use
class exportcat():

    module = ""
    meta = plugin_meta()

    # Register callback
    def __init__(self, parent):
        conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.meta, self.module)
        if parent:
            self.parent = parent
            uikit.add_menu([parent.extensions, parent.extensions_context], "Export all stations", self.savewindow)

    # Fetch streams from category, show "Save as" dialog, then convert URLs and export as playlist file
    def savewindow(self, *w):
        cn =
        source = cn.listformat
        streams = cn.streams[cn.current]
        fn = uikit.save_file("Export category", None, "stationlist." + conf.export_format)
        __print__(dbg.PROC, "Exporting category to", fn)
        if fn:
            dest = re.findall("\.(m3u|pls|xspf|jspf|json|smil|wpl)8?$", fn)[0]
            action.save_playlist(source="asis", multiply=False).store(rows=streams, fn=fn, dest=dest)