# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Compoundβ
# description: combines station lists from multiple channels
# version: 0.1
# type: channel
# category: virtual
# url: http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/
# config: -
# { name: compound_channels, type: text, value: "shoutcast, internet_radio, xiph, surfmusic", description: "Merge channels, or use all (*)" }
# { name: compound_genres, type: text, value: "Top 40, x", description: "Extract categories, or just use intersection (x)" }
# priority: unsupported
# Use this plugin to mix categories and their station entries from two
# or more different directory channels. It merges the lists, albeit in
# a rather crude way. (If anyone is interested, I could add a proper
# regex or something now.)
# Per default it lists only selected categories. But can be configured to
# merge just intersectioning categories/genres. Entry order is determined
# from station occourence count in channels AND their individual listener
# count (where available) using some guesswork to eliminate duplicates.
from channels import *
import action
from config import conf
# merging channel
class compound (ChannelPlugin):
# runtime options
has_search = False
listformat = "href" # row entries will contain exact `listformat` classification
audioformat = "audio/*" # same as for correct encoding mime type
# references
parent = None
# data
streams = {}
categories = []
# which categories
def update_categories(self):
# as-is category list
cats = self.split(conf.compound_genres)
self.categories = [c for c in cats if c != "x"]
# if intersection
if "x" in cats:
once = []
for chan in self.channels():
for add in self.flatten(self.parent.channels[chan].categories):
# second occourence in two channels
if add.lower() in once:
if add not in self.categories:
else: #if add not in self.categories:
# flatten our two-level categories list
def flatten(self, a):
return [i for sub in a for i in (sub if type(sub)==list else [sub])]
# break up name lists
def split(self, s):
return [s.strip() for s in s.split(",")]
# get list of channels
def channels(self):
# get list
ls = self.split(conf.compound_channels)
# resolve "*"
if "*" in ls:
ls = self.parent.channel_names # includes bookmarks
if self.module in ls:
ls.remove(self.module) # but not compound
return ls
# combine stream lists
def update_streams(self, cat):
r = []
have = []
# look through channels
if cat in self.categories:
for cn in self.channels():
# get channel, refresh list
c = self.parent.channels[cn]
for row in self.get_streams(c, cat):
# copy
row = dict(row)
#row["listeners"] = 1000 + row.get("listeners", 0) / 10
row["extra"] = cn # or genre?
row["listformat"] = c.listformat
# duplicates
if row["title"].lower() in have or row["url"] in have:
for i,cmp in enumerate(r):
if cmp["title"].lower()==row["title"].lower() or cmp["url"].find(row["url"])>=0:
r[i]["listeners"] = row.get("listeners",0) + 5000
have.append(row["title"].lower()) # we're comparing lowercase titles
have.append(row["url"][:row["url"].find("http://")]) # save last http:// part (internet-radio redirects to shoutcast urls)
# sort by listeners
r = sorted(r, key=lambda x: -x.get("listeners", 0))
return r
# extract station list from other channel plugin
def get_streams(self, c, cat):
# if empty?
return c.streams.get(cat) \
or c.update_streams(cat.replace(" ","")) \
or []