# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Youtube
# description: Channel, playlist and video browsing for youtube.
# type: channel
# version: 0.1
# category: video
# priority: optional
# suggests: youtube-dl
# requires: ahttp
# Lists recently popular youtube videos by category or channels.
# Introduces the faux MIME type "video/youtube" for player and recording
# configuration; both utilizing `youtube-dl`. But VLC can consume Youtube
# URLs directly anyhow.
# For now custom channel names must be configured in the settings dialog
# text entry, and applied using Channel > Update categories..
# The Youtube v3.0 API is quite longwinded. Here the .api() call shadows
# a few of the details.
# While .wrap3() unpacks the various variations of where the video IDs
# get hidden in the result sets.
# Google uses some quote/billing algorithm for all queries. It seems
# sufficient for Streamtuner2 for now, as the fields= JSON filter strips
# a lot of uneeded data. (Clever idea, but probably incurs more processing
# effort on Googles servers than it actually saves bandwidth, but hey..)
# api("videos", chart="mostPopular")
# api("search", chart="mostPopular", videoCategoryId=10, order="date", type="video")
# api("channels", categoryId=10)
# api("search", topicId="/m/064t9", type="video")
# Discovery
# videoCat Music id= 10
# guideCat Music id= GCTXVzaWM channelid= UCBR8-60-B28hp2BmDPdntcQ
# topicId Music mid= /m/0kpv0g
from config import *
from channels import *
import ahttp
import json
# Youtube
class youtube (ChannelPlugin):
# description
title = "Youtube"
module = "youtube"
homepage = "http://www.youtube.com/"
listformat = "url/youtube"
fmt = "video/youtube"
titles = dict( genre="Channel", title="Title", playing="Playlist", bitrate=False, listeners=False )
# API config
service = {
2: [ "http://gdata.youtube.com/",
"v": 2,
"alt": "json",
"max-results": 50,
3: [ "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/",
"key": "AIzaSyAkbLSLn1VgsdFXCJjjdZtLd6W8RqtL4Ag",
"maxResults": 50,
"part": "id,snippet",
"fields": "pageInfo,nextPageToken,items(id,snippet(title,thumbnails/default/url,channelTitle))",
categories = [
["Music", "Comedy", "Movies", "Shows", "Short Movies", "Trailers", "Film & Animation", "Entertainment", "News & Politics", "Sci-Fi/Fantasy"],
["music", "pop", "music video"],
"my channels",
["Key of Awesome", "Pentatonix"]
# plugin settings
config = [
"name": "youtube_channels",
"type": "text",
"value": "Key Of Awesome, Pentatonix",
"description": "Preferred channels to list videos from.",
"category": "select",
"name": "youtube_region",
"type": "select",
"select": "=No Region|AR=Argentina|AU=Australia|AT=Austria|BE=Belgium|BR=Brazil|CA=Canada|CL=Chile|CO=Colombia|CZ=Czech Republic|EG=Egypt|FR=France|DE=Germany|GB=Great Britain|HK=Hong Kong|HU=Hungary|IN=India|IE=Ireland|IL=Israel|IT=Italy|JP=Japan|JO=Jordan|MY=Malaysia|MX=Mexico|MA=Morocco|NL=Netherlands|NZ=New Zealand|PE=Peru|PH=Philippines|PL=Poland|RU=Russia|SA=Saudi Arabia|SG=Singapore|ZA=South Africa|KR=South Korea|ES=Spain|SE=Sweden|CH=Switzerland|TW=Taiwan|AE=United Arab Emirates|US=United States",
"value": "UK",
"description": "Filter by region id.",
"category": "auth",
# from GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videoCategories?part=id%2Csnippet&
videocat_id = {
"Film & Animation": 1,
"Autos & Vehicles": 2,
"Music": 10,
"Pets & Animals": 15,
"Sports": 17,
"Short Movies": 18,
"Travel & Events": 19,
"Gaming": 20,
"Videoblogging": 21,
"People & Blogs": 22,
"Comedy": 34,
"Entertainment": 24,
"News & Politics": 25,
"Howto & Style": 26,
"Education": 27,
"Science & Technology": 28,
"Nonprofits & Activism": 29,
"Movies": 30,
"Anime/Animation": 31,
"Action/Adventure": 32,
"Classics": 33,
"Documentary": 35,
"Drama": 36,
"Family": 37,
"Foreign": 38,
"Horror": 39,
"Sci-Fi/Fantasy": 40,
"Thriller": 41,
"Shorts": 42,
"Shows": 43,
"Trailers": 44,
# Freebase topics
topic_id = {
"music": "/m/0kpv0g",
"pop": "/m/064t9",
"music video": "/m/05k5h7g",
# just a static list for now
def update_categories(self):
i = self.categories.index("my channels") + 1
self.categories[i] = [ title.strip() for title in conf.youtube_channels.split(",") ]
# retrieve and parse
def update_streams(self, cat, force=0, search=None):
entries = []
channels = self.categories[self.categories.index("my channels") + 1]
# Most Popular
if cat == "mostPopular":
#for row in self.api("feeds/api/standardfeeds/%s/most_popular"%conf.youtube_region, ver=2):
# entries.append(self.wrap2(row))
for row in self.api("videos", chart="mostPopular", regionCode=conf.youtube_region):
entries.append( self.wrap3(row, {"genre": "mostPopular"}) )
# Categories
elif cat in self.videocat_id:
for row in self.api("search", chart="mostPopular", videoCategoryId=self.videocat_id[cat], order="date", type="video"):
entries.append( self.wrap3(row, {"genre": cat}) )
# Topics
elif cat in self.topic_id:
for row in self.api("search", order="date", regionCode=conf.youtube_region, topicId=self.topic_id[cat], type="video"):
entries.append( self.wrap3(row, {"genre": cat}) )
# My Channels
# - searches channel id for given title
# - iterates over playlist
# - then over playlistitems to get videos
elif cat in channels:
# channel id, e.g. UCEmCXnbNYz-MOtXi3lZ7W1Q
UC = self.channel_id(cat)
# playlist
for i,playlist in enumerate(self.api("playlists", fields="items(id,snippet/title)", channelId=UC, maxResults=15)):
# items (videos)
for row in self.api("playlistItems", playlistId=playlist["id"], fields="items(snippet(title,resourceId/videoId,description))"):
entries.append(self.wrap3(row, {"genre": cat, "playing": playlist["snippet"]["title"]}))
self.parent.status(i / 15.0)
# plain search request for videos
elif search is not None:
for row in self.api("search", type="video", regionCode=conf.youtube_region, q=search):
entries.append( self.wrap3(row, {"genre": ""}) )
# empty entries
entries = [dict(title="Placeholder for subcategories", genre="./.", playing="./.", url="http://youtube.com/")]
# done
return entries
# Search for channel name:
def channel_id(self, title):
id = self.channel2id.get(title)
if not id:
data = self.api("search", part="id", type="channel", q=title)
if data:
id = data[0]["id"]["channelId"]
self.channel2id[title] = id
return id
channel2id = {}
#-- Retrieve Youtube API query results
def api(self, method, ver=3, pages=5, **params):
items = []
# URL and default parameters
(base_url, defaults) = self.service[ver]
params = dict(defaults.items() + params.items())
# Retrieve data set
while pages > 0:
j = ahttp.get(base_url + method, params=params)
__print__(dbg.DATA, j)
if j:
# json decode
data = json.loads(j)
# extract items
if "items" in data:
items += data["items"]
elif "feed" in data:
items += data["feed"]["entry"]
pages = 0
# Continue to load results?
if items >= conf.max_streams:
pages = 0
elif "pageInfo" in data and data["pageInfo"]["totalResults"] < 50:
pages = 0
elif "nextPageToken" in data:
params["pageToken"] = data["nextPageToken"]
pages -= 1
pages = 0
self.parent.status(pages / 10.0)
return items
# Wrap API 3.0 result into streams row
def wrap3(self, row, data):
# Video id
if "id" in row:
# plain /video queries
id = row["id"]
# for /search queries
if type(row["id"]) is dict:
id = id["videoId"]
# for /playlistItems
elif "resourceId" in row["snippet"]:
id = row["snippet"]["resourceId"]["videoId"]
url = "http://youtube.com/v/" + id,
homepage = "https://youtube.com/watch?v=" + id,
format = self.fmt,
title = row["snippet"]["title"],
# optional values
if "playing" not in data:
data["playing"] = row["snippet"]["channelTitle"]
if "description" in row["snippet"]:
data["description"] = row["snippet"]["description"],
return data
# API version 2.0s jsonified XML needs different unpacking:
def wrap2(self, row):
__print__(dbg.DATA, row)
return dict(
genre = row["category"][1]["term"],
title = row["title"]["$t"],
playing = row["author"][0]["name"]["$t"],
format = self.fmt,
url = row["content"]["src"].split("?")[0],
homepage = row["media$group"]["media$player"]["url"],
image = row["media$group"]["media$thumbnail"][0]["url"],