# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: User Plugin Manager â…¡
# description: Downloads new plugins, or updates them.
# version: 0.1
# type: hook
# category: config
# depends: uikit, config, pluginconf
# config:
# { name: plugin_repos, type: text, value: "http://fossil.include-once.org/plugins.php/streamtuner2/contrib/*.py, http://fossil.include-once.org/plugins.php/streamtuner2/channels/*.py", description: "Plugin sources (common-repo.json)" }
# priority: extra
# support: experimental
# Scans for new plugins from the repository server, using
# a common-repo.json list. Compares new against installed
# plugins, and permits to update or download new ones.
# User plugins go into ~/.config/streamtuner2/channels/
# and will be picked up in favour of system-installed ones.
# Further enables direct activation of existing plugins
# without restarting streamtuner2.
import imp
import config
import pkgutil
from channels import __path__ as channels__path__
import os
from config import *
from uikit import *
import ahttp
import json
import compat2and3
# Plugin manager
class pluginmanager2(object):
module = "pluginmanager2"
meta = plugin_meta()
parent = None
vbox = None
# Hook up
def __init__(self, parent):
# main references
self.parent = parent
conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.meta, self.module)
# config dialog
# prepare user plugin directory
conf.plugin_dir = conf.dir + "/plugins"
if not os.path.exists(conf.plugin_dir):
open(conf.plugin_dir + "/__init__.py", "w").close()
# register config dir for module loading
sys.path.insert(0, conf.dir)
channels__path__.insert(0, conf.plugin_dir)
# config.plugin_base.append("plugins")
# = pkgutil.extend_path(config.__path__, config.__name__)
# Craft new config dialog notebook tab
def add_config_tab(self, *w):
if self.vbox:
# Notebook tab = label, content = vbox in scrolledwindow
w = self.parent.config_notebook
self.vbox = gtk.VBox(True, 5)
vp = gtk.Viewport()
sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
sw.add(vp) # ScrolledWindow → Viewport → VBox
# label
label = gtk.EventBox()
label.add(gtk.Label(" 📦 Add "))
# add page
tab = w.insert_page_menu(sw, label, label, -1)
# Prepare some text
self.add_(uikit.label("\n<b><big>Install or update plugins</big></b>", size=520, markup=1))
self.add_(uikit.label("You can update existing plugins, or install new contrib/ channels. User plugins reside in ~/.config/streamtuner2/plugins/ and can even be modified there (such as setting a custom # color: entry).\n", size=520, markup=1))
self.add_(self.button("Refresh", stock="gtk-refresh", cb=self.refresh), "Show available plugins from repository\nhttp://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/")
self.add_(gtk.image_new_from_stock("gtk-info", gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR), "While plugins are generally compatible across releases, newer versions may also require to update the streamtuner2 core setup.\n Please note that plugin installation is rather experimental. It still requires a restart of ST2 to activate them.")
for i in range(1,10):
# Append to vbox
def add_(self, w, label=None, markup=0):
w = uikit.wrap(w=w, label=label, align=10, label_size=400, label_markup=1)
# Create button, connect click signal
def button(self, label, stock=None, cb=None):
b = gtk.Button(label, stock=stock)
b.connect("clicked", cb)
return b
# Add plugin list
def refresh(self, *w):
# fetch plugins
meta = []
for url in re.split("[\s,]+", conf.plugin_repos.strip()):
if re.match("https?://", url):
d = ahttp.get(url, encoding='utf-8') or []
meta += json.loads(d)
# clean up vbox
vbox = self.vbox
for i,c in enumerate(vbox.get_children()):
if i>=3:
# query existing plugins
have = {name: plugin_meta(module=name) for name in module_list()}
# add plugins
for p in meta:
id = p.get("$name")
if id.find("__") == 0: # skip __init__.py
if have.get(id):
if p.get("version") == have[id]["version"]:
# some filler
for i in range(1,3):
# Entry for plugin list
def add_plugin(self, p):
b = self.button("Install", stock="gtk-save", cb=lambda *w:self.install(p))
text = "<b>{title}</b> <small>{version}</small>\n<small>{description}</small>\n{type}/{category}".format(**p)
self.add_(b, text, markup=1)
# Download a plugin
def install(self, p):
src = ahttp.get(p["$file"], encoding="utf-8")
with open("{}/{$name}.py".format(conf.plugin_dir, **p), "w") as f:
self.parent.status("Plugin '{$name}.py' installed.".format(**p))
# Activate/deactivate changed plugins
def activate_plugins(self, *w):