Artifact [d4ddc78ae8]
Artifact d4ddc78ae8c2d85b65ad98542649c8b40e06be09:
- File help/ — part of check-in [04c9f4d564] at 2015-03-24 01:30:20 on branch trunk — Minor updates to help pages. (user: mario, size: 485) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
<page xmlns="" type="guide" id="m3u"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="glossary#filetypes"/> <desc>MP3-URL playlist file.</desc> </info> <title>.M3U files</title> <p>M3U files also contain playlists, like .pls files. They're often used by desktop audio players.</p> <p>The MIME type of these files is audio/x-mpegurl and they often look like: </p> <p><code> #M3U </code></p> </page>