# encoding: UTF-8
# api: python
# type: handler
# category: io
# title: Plugin configuration
# description: Read meta data, pyz/package contents, module locating
# version: 0.5
# priority: core
# doc: http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/wiki/plugin+meta+data
# config: -
# Provides plugin lookup and meta data extraction utility functions.
# It's used to abstract module+option management in applications.
# For consolidating internal use and external/tool accessibility.
# The key:value format is language-agnostic. It's basically YAML in
# a topmost script comment. For Python only # hash comments though.
# Uses common field names, a documentation block, and an obvious
# `config: { .. }` spec for options and defaults.
# It neither imposes a specific module/plugin API, nor config storage,
# and doesn't fixate module loading. It's really just meant to look
# up meta infos.
# This approach avoids in-code values/inspection, externalized meta
# descriptors, and any hodgepodge or premature module loading just to
# uncover module description fields.
# plugin_meta()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Is the primary function to extract a meta dictionary from files.
# It either reads from a given module= name, a literal fn=, or just
# src= code, and as fallback inspects the last stack frame= else.
# module_list()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Returns basenames of available/installed plugins. It uses the
# plugin_base=[] list for module relation. Which needs to be set up
# beforehand, or injected.
# add_plugin_defaults()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Populates a config_options{} and plugin_states{} list. Used for
# initial setup, or when adding new plugins, etc. Both dicts might
# also be ConfigParser stores, or implement magic __set__ handling
# to act on state changes.
# get_data()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Is mostly an alias for pkgutil.get_data(). It abstracts the main
# base path, allows PYZ usage, and adds some convenience flags.‾
# It's somewhat off-scope for plugin management, but used internally.
# argparse_map()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Converts a list of config: options with arg: attribute for use as
# argparser parameters.
# dependency().valid/depends()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Probes a new plugins` depends: list against installed base modules.
# Very crude and tied to streamtuner2 base names.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import re
import pkgutil
import inspect
try: from compat2and3 import gzip_decode
except: from gzip import decompress as gzip_decode # Py3 only
import zipfile
import argparse
__all__ = ["get_data", "module_list", "plugin_meta", "dependency", "add_plugin_defaults"]
# Injectables
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
log_WARN = lambda *x:None
log_ERR = lambda *x:None
# File lookup relation for get_data(), should name a top-level module/package
module_base = "config"
# Package names or base paths for module_list() and plugin_meta() lookups
plugin_base = ["channels"]
# [conf.share+"/channels", conf.dir+"/plugins"])
# Resource retrieval
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Fetches file content from install path or from within PYZ
# archive. This is just an alias and convenience wrapper for
# pkgutil.get_data().
# Utilizes the module_base / file_base as top-level reference.
def get_data(fn, decode=False, gz=False, file_base=None):
bin = pkgutil.get_data(file_base or module_base, fn)
if gz:
bin = gzip_decode(bin)
if decode:
return bin.decode("utf-8", errors='ignore')
return str(bin)
log_WARN("get_data() didn't find:", fn, "in", file_base)
# Plugin name lookup
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Search through ./plugins/ (and other configured plugin_base
# names or paths) and get module basenames.
def module_list(extra_base=[]):
# Should list plugins within zips as well as local paths
ls = pkgutil.iter_modules(plugin_base + extra_base)
return [name for loader,name,ispkg in ls]
# Plugin => meta dict
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# This is a trivial wrapper to assemble a complete dictionary
# of available/installed plugins. It associates each plugin name
# with a its meta{} fields.
def all_plugin_meta():
return {
name: plugin_meta(module=name) for name in module_list()
# Plugin meta data extraction
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Can fetch infos from different sources:
# fn= read literal files, or .pyz contents
# src= from already uncovered script code
# module= lookup per pkgutil, from plugin bases
# or top-level modules
# frame= extract comment header of caller
# (default)
def plugin_meta(fn=None, src=None, module=None, frame=1, extra_base=[]):
# Try via pkgutil first,
# find any plugins.* modules, or main packages
if module:
fn = module
for base in plugin_base + extra_base:
src = get_data(fn+".py", decode=True, file_base=base)
if src: break
continue # plugin_meta_extract() will print a notice later
# Real filename/path
elif fn and os.path.exists(fn):
src = open(fn).read(4096)
# Else get source directly from caller
elif not src and not fn:
module = inspect.getmodule(sys._getframe(frame))
fn = inspect.getsourcefile(module)
src = inspect.getcomments(module)
# Assume it's a filename within a zip
elif fn:
intfn = ""
while fn and len(fn) and not os.path.exists(fn):
fn, add = os.path.split(fn)
intfn = add + "/" + intfn
if len(fn) >= 3 and intfn and zipfile.is_zipfile(fn):
src = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, "r").read(intfn.strip("/"))
# Extract source comment into meta dict
if not src:
src = ""
if not isinstance(src, str):
src = src.decode("utf-8", errors='replace')
return plugin_meta_extract(src, fn)
# Comment and field extraction logic
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Finds the first comment block. Splits key:value header
# fields from comment. Turns everything into an dict, with
# some stub fields if absent.
def plugin_meta_extract(src="", fn=None, literal=False):
# Defaults
meta = {
"id": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn or "")),
"fn": fn,
"api": "python",
"type": "module",
"category": None,
"priority": None,
"version": "0",
"title": fn,
"description": "no description",
"config": [],
"doc": ""
# Extract coherent comment block
if not literal:
src = rx.comment.search(src)
if not src:
log_ERR("Couldn't read source meta information:", fn)
return meta
src = src.group(0)
src = rx.hash.sub("", src).strip()
# Split comment block
if src.find("\n\n") > 0:
src, meta["doc"] = src.split("\n\n", 1)
# Turn key:value lines into dictionary
for field in rx.keyval.findall(src):
meta[field[0]] = field[1].strip()
meta["config"] = plugin_meta_config(meta.get("config") or "")
return meta
# Unpack config: structures
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Further breaks up the meta['config'] descriptor.
# Creates an array from JSON/YAML option lists.
# config:
# { name: 'var1', type: text, value: "default, ..." }
# { name=option2, type=boolean, $value=1, etc. }
# Stubs out name, value, type, description if absent.
def plugin_meta_config(str):
config = []
for entry in rx.config.findall(str):
opt = {
"type": None,
"name": None,
"description": "",
"value": None
for field in rx.options.findall(entry):
opt[field[0]] = (field[1] or field[2] or field[3] or "").strip()
return config
# Comment extraction regexps
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Pretty crude comment splitting approach. But works
# well enough already. Technically a YAML parser would
# do better; but is likely overkill.
class rx:
comment = re.compile(r"""(^ {0,4}#.*\n)+""", re.M)
hash = re.compile(r"""(^ {0,4}# *)""", re.M)
keyval = re.compile(r"""
^([\w-]+):(.*$(?:\n(?![\w-]+:).+$)*) # plain key:value lines
""", re.M|re.X)
config = re.compile(r"""
[\{\<] (.+?) [\}\>] # JSOL/YAML scheme {...} dicts
""", re.X)
options = re.compile(r"""
["':$]? (\w*) ["']? # key or ":key" or '$key'
\s* [:=] \s* # "=" or ":"
(?: " ([^"]*) "
| ' ([^']*) ' # "quoted" or 'singl' values
| ([^,]*) # or unquoted literals
""", re.X)
# ArgumentParser options conversion
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# As variation of in-application config: options, this method converts
# cmdline argument specifiers.
# config:
# { arg: -i, name: input[], type: str, description: input files }
# Which allows to collect argumentparser options from different plugins.
# The only difference to normal config entries is the `arg:` attribute.
# · It adds array arguments with a [] name suffix, or a `*` type suffix.
# Else even a `?` or `+` and numeric counts after the type flag.
# · Understands the types `str`, `int` and `bool`.
# · Entries may carry a `hidden: 1` or `required: 1` attribute.
# · And `help:` is an alias to `description:`
# And `default:` an alias for `value:`
# · While `type: select` utilizes the `select: a|b|c` format as usual.
# ArgParsers const=, metavar= flag, or type=file are not aliased here.
# Basically returns a dictionary that can be fed per **kwargs directly
# to an ArgumentParsers add_argument(). Iterate over each plugins
# meta['config'][] options to convert them.
def argparse_map(opt):
if not ("arg" in opt and opt["name"] and opt["type"]):
return {}
# Extract --flag names
args = opt["arg"].split() + re.findall("-+\w+", opt["name"])
# Prepare mapping options
typing = re.findall("bool|str|\[\]|const|false|true", opt["type"])
naming = re.findall("\[\]", opt["name"])
name = re.findall("(?<!-)\\b\\w+", opt["name"])
nargs = re.findall("\\b\d+\\b|[\?\*\+]", opt["type"]) or [None]
is_arr = "[]" in (naming + typing) and nargs == [None]
is_bool= "bool" in typing
false_b = "false" in typing or opt["value"] in ("0", "false")
#print "\nname=", name, "is_arr=", is_arr, "is_bool=", is_bool, "bool_d=", false_b, "naming=", naming, "typing=", typing
# Populate partially - ArgumentParser has aversions to many parameter combinations
kwargs = dict(
args = args,
dest = name[0] if not name[0] in args else None,
action = is_arr and "append" or is_bool and false_b and "store_false" or is_bool and "store_true" or "store",
nargs = nargs[0],
default = opt.get("default") or opt["value"],
type = None if is_bool else ("int" in typing and int or "bool" in typing and bool or str),
choices = opt["select"].split("|") if "select" in opt else None,
required = "required" in opt or None,
help = opt["description"] if not "hidden" in opt else argparse.SUPPRESS
return {k:w for k,w in kwargs.items() if w is not None}
# Minimal depends: probing
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Now this definitely requires customization. Each plugin can carry
# a list of (soft-) dependency names.
# depends: config, appcore >= 2.0, bin:wkhtmltoimage, python < 3.5
# Here only in-application modules are honored, system references
# ignored. Unknown plugin names are also skipped. A real install
# helper might want to auto-tick them on, etc. This example is just
# meant for probing downloadable plugins.
# The .valid() helper only asserts the api: string, or skips existing
# modules, and if they're more recent.
# While .depends() compares minimum versions against existing modules.
# In practice there's little need for full-blown dependency resolving
# for application-level modules.
class dependency(object):
# prepare list of known plugins and versions
def __init__(self):
self.have = all_plugin_meta()
# dependencies on core modules are somewhat more interesting:
"streamtuner2": plugin_meta(module="st2", extra_base=["config"]),
"uikit": plugin_meta(module="uikit", extra_base=["config"]),
"config": plugin_meta(module="config", extra_base=["config"]),
"action": plugin_meta(module="action", extra_base=["config"]),
have = {}
# depends:
def depends(self, plugin):
if plugin.get("depends"):
d = self.deps(plugin["depends"])
if not self.cmp(d, self.have):
return False
return True
# basic list pre-filtering (skip __init__, filter by api:, exclude installed & same-version plugins)
def valid(self, newpl):
id = newpl.get("$name")
have_ver = self.have.get(id, {}).get("version", "0")
return id.find("__") < 0 \
and newpl.get("api") == "streamtuner2" \
and have_ver < newpl.get("version", "0.0")
# Split trivial "pkg, mod >= 1, uikit < 4.0" list
def deps(self, dep_str):
d = []
for dep in re.split(r"\s*[,;]+\s*", dep_str):
# skip deb:pkg-name, rpm:name, bin:name etc.
if not len(dep) or dep.find(":") >= 0:
# find comparison and version num
m = re.search(r"([\w.-]+)\s*([>=<!~]+)\s*([\d.]+([-~.]\w+)*)", dep + " >= 0")
if m and m.group(2):
d.append([m.group(i) for i in (1,2,3)])
return d
# Do actual comparison
def cmp(self, d, have):
r = True
for name, op, ver in d:
# skip unknown plugins, might be python module references ("depends: re, json")
if not have.get(name, {}).get("version"):
curr = have[name]["version"]
tbl = {
">=": curr >= ver,
"<=": curr <= ver,
"==": curr == ver,
">": curr > ver,
"<": curr < ver,
"!=": curr != ver,
r &= tbl.get(op, True)
return r
# Add plugin defaults to conf.* store
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Utility function which applies plugin meta data to a config
# store. Which in the case of streamtuner2 is really just a
# dictionary `conf{}` and a plugin list in `conf.plugins{}`.
# Adds each default option value: to conf_options{}. And sets
# first plugin state (enabled/disabled) in conf_plugins{} list,
# depending on priority: classifier.
def add_plugin_defaults(conf_options, conf_plugins, meta={}, module=""):
# Option defaults, if not yet defined
for opt in meta.get("config", []):
if "name" in opt and "value" in opt:
if opt["name"] not in conf_options:
conf_options[opt["name"]] = opt["value"] # should typemap "bool" and "int" here
# Initial plugin activation status
if module and module not in conf_plugins:
conf_plugins[module] = meta.get("priority") in ("core", "builtin", "always", "default", "standard")