# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Script stations
# description: User scripts for individual stations
# type: feature
# category: bookmark
# version: 0.1
# priority: theoretical
# This plugin provides for a simpler alternative to channel plugins.
# It reads the ~./config/streamtuner2/script/ directory for script
# files, and shows them in the bookmarks channel. Each script may
# scan/uncover a station url at runtime.
# Which obviously isn't meant for easily parseable stations, but for
# the more difficult cases.
# There's support for python scripts obviously, but any executable
# file (scripting language) can be run and queried for urls.
# Each is supposed to contain a meta comment block (much like this
# plugin), except it's using more stream-oriented descriptors:
# #!/bin/sh
# # title: Station title
# # description: Fetching a live stream
# # genre: jazz
# # homepage: http://example.org/
# #
# # Now normally, it would not just print something static.
# echo "http://example.org/.mp3"
# Obviously the purpose is more complicated extractions. Which is
# why a .py script had acces to all ST2s parsing tools already.
# This is implemented using the action.handler hooks for urn:
# modules. But ensures the resolver script is run each time - by
# not caching the final stream url.
# Conversly this plugin prevents editing of script station entries.
import os, shutil, copy, subprocess, sys
from compat2and3 import StringIO
import csv, zipfile
import re, json, pq
import ahttp
import config
from config import *
import uikit
from compat2and3 import *
import action
from channels import *
# dynamic station extractors from ~/.config/streamtuner2/scripts/
class scripts (object):
# plugin info
module = "scripts"
meta = plugin_meta()
parent = None
dir = conf.dir + "/scripts"
# register hooks
def __init__(self, parent):
if not os.path.exists(self.dir):
self.parent = parent
self.bm = parent.bookmarks
action.handler["urn:script"] = self.urn_resolve
self.bm.category_plugins["scripts"] = self
# find script files and compile station dicts
def update_streams(self, cat):
r = []
for fn in os.listdir(self.dir):
meta = config.plugin_meta(fn=self.dir+"/"+fn)
genre = meta.get("genre", meta.get("type", "script")),
title = meta.get("title", fn),
playing = meta.get("description", meta.get("playing", "")),
homepage = meta.get("homepage", ""),
listeners = to_int(meta.get("listeners", "1")),
bitrate = to_int(meta.get("bitrate", "64")),
format = meta.get("format", "audio/mp3"),
listformat = "href",
file = fn,
url = "urn:script:" + fn
return r
# run'em
def urn_resolve(self, row, *x):
if not row.get("file"):
# prepare
fn = "%s/%s" % (self.dir, row["file"])
row = copy.copy(row)
row["url"] = ""
output = None
# executable
if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.access(fn, os.X_OK):
f = subprocess.Popen([fn], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, err = f.communicate()
# plain python script
elif re.match("^[\w+-]\.py$"):
real_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO.StringIO()
output, sys.stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue(), real_stdout
# none
# extract urls
if output:
urls = re.findall("(\w+://\S+)", output)
if urls:
row["url"] = urls[0] # action module does not currently support multi-urls
return row
# Unlike other .resolve_urn() handlers this one returns a copy,
# does not modify the passed dict. And this is only handled in
# action.run_fmt_url(), but not by GenericChannel.play(). Why
# OTOH this incudes a *double script invocation*.