Technical information


Python 2.7 or 3.x

PyGtk or PyGI

Gtk2 or Gtk3



Soft dependencies



Audacious/VLC or any other player

Streamripper or fIcy


fonts: Symbola/Unifont for some UI parts

Configuration files


Corresponds to the XDG_CONFIG_HOME setting. All ST2 configuration settings are contained within here and are in JSON format.


General runtime options, plugin settings, and configured audio players.


Saved window sizes, list widths.


Last category in each channel tab.


Is a separate cache file for your bookmarked/favourite radio stations.


JSON files for stream lists in each channel.


Holds downloaded favicons for station homepages.


Contain downloaded contrib/ plugins.

On Windows the ~/.config/ directory is called %APPDATA% instead. The paths in there are equally structured.

Installation spread


Associates the main binary.


Contains the individual ST2 python modules, and plugins in channels/. Also packages in pyquery/, but which is only used if the according modules aren't installed by the distribution.


Contains the README, and Mallard/gnome-help/yelp files under help/.

Public Domain

The majority of code distributed with ST2 is placed into the Public Domain; meaning no licensing requirement and all code can be copied, modified and distributed unrestrictively.

The bundled and requests/ library are NOT however.