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<h1 class="title"><span class="title"><span class="media"><span class="media media-image"><img src="img/channel_peertube.png" class="media media-inline" alt=""></span></span> Peertube</span></h1>
<h2 class="subtitle"><span class="subtitle"><span class="link"><a href="" title="">//</a></span></span></h2>
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<p class="p">PeerTube is a federated video hosting network. And this channel
	allows you to browse /Music and other categories. It's not quite a
	very rich ecosystem yet, but very international. So perhaps worth a
<p class="p">The category list seeems to be uniform across most Peertube
	instances. So you only need to reload stations/videos once switching
	the address in the settings. </p>
<p class="p">Per default you should use VLC and 
        <span class="link"><a href="" title="">youtube-dl</a></span> in the
	playback settings. Per default the faux mime type <span class="cmd">video/youtube</span>
	is used for all listings. However, internally there's a lookup for
	an .m3u or direct .mp4 link already. So the <span class="cmd">video/*</span> entry should
	also be populated.</p>
<section id="options"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup pagewide"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Channel options.</span></h2></div>
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<dt class="terms"><span class="code">🔠 Peertube server</span></dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Sets the main isntance to query video listings from. Now most
	    of the other sites will be peered, so the main server doesn't
	    have that much influence. It changes the ordering however, and
            will reveal more local videos or languages often.</p></dd>
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<div class="title"><h2><span class="title">More Information</span></h2></div>
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<li class="links "><a href="channels.html#list" title="Available channels">Available channels</a></li>
<li class="links "><a href="configuration.html#plugins" title="Channel and feature plugins and settings">Channel and feature plugins and settings</a></li>
<li class="links "><a href="index.html#channels" title="Channel tabs">Channel tabs</a></li>
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