#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: UTF-8
# api: python
# type: application
# title: streamtuner2
# description: Directory browser for internet radio, audio and video streams
# version: 2.1.5
# author: Mario Salzer <mario@include-once.org>
# license: Public Domain
# url: http://freshcode.club/projects/streamtuner2
# config:
# { type: env, name: http_proxy, description: proxy for HTTP access }
# { type: env, name: XDG_CONFIG_HOME, description: relocates user .config subdirectory }
# category: sound
# depends: pygtk | gi, threading, requests, pyquery, lxml
# id: streamtuner2
# pack: *.py, gtk*.xml, st2.py=/usr/bin/streamtuner2, channels/__init__.py, bundle/*.py,
# streamtuner2.desktop=/usr/share/applications/, README=/usr/share/doc/streamtuner2/,
# NEWS.gz=/usr/share/doc/streamtuner2/changelog.gz, help/streamtuner2.1=/usr/share/man/man1/,
# help/*page=/usr/share/doc/streamtuner2/help/, help/img/*=/usr/share/doc/streamtuner2/help/img/,
# streamtuner2.png, logo.png=/usr/share/pixmaps/streamtuner2.png,
# architecture: all
# Streamtuner2 is a GUI for browsing internet radio directories, music
# collections, and video services - grouped by genres or categories.
# It utilizes installed audio players, and streamripper for recording.
# It's an independent rewrite of streamtuner1. Being written in Python,
# can be more easily extended and fixed. The mix of JSON APIs, regex
# or PyQuery extraction makes list generation simpler and more robust.
# Primarily radio stations are displayed, some channels however are music
# collections. Commercial and sign-up services are not an objective.
# standard modules
import sys
import os, os.path
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import copy
import traceback
from threading import Thread
# add library path
sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/share/streamtuner2") # pre-defined directory for modules
sys.path.insert(0, ".") # development module path
# gtk modules
from uikit import pygtk, gtk, gobject, ui_file, uikit, gui_startup, AboutStreamtuner2
# custom modules
from config import * # initializes itself, so all conf.vars are available right away
import ahttp
import action
import favicon
import channels
import channels.bookmarks
import channels.configwin
import channels.streamedit
import channels.search
# this represents the main window
# and also contains most application behaviour
main = None
class StreamTunerTwo(gtk.Builder):
# object containers
widgets = {} # non-glade widgets (the manually instantiated ones)
channels = {} # channel modules
features = {} # non-channel plugins
working = [] # threads
add_signals = {} # channel gtk-handler signals
hooks = {
"play": [favicon.download_playing], # observers queue here
"init": [],
"config_load": [],
"config_save": [],
__version__ = "2.1.5"
# status variables
channel_names = ["bookmarks"] # order of channel notebook tabs
current_channel = "bookmarks" # currently selected channel name (as index in self.channels{})
# constructor
def __init__(self):
# gtkrc stylesheet
self.load_theme(), gui_startup(1/20.0)
# instantiate gtk/glade widgets in current object
gtk.Builder.add_from_file(self, conf.find_in_dirs([".", conf.share], ui_file)), gui_startup(2/20.0)
# manual gtk operations
self.extensionsCTM.set_submenu(self.extensions) # duplicates Station>Extension menu into stream context menu
# initialize built-in plugins
self.channels = {
"bookmarks": channels.bookmarks.bookmarks(parent=self), # this the remaining built-in channel
# dialogs that are connected to main
self.features = {
"search": channels.search.search(self),
"configwin": channels.configwin.configwin(self),
"streamedit": channels.streamedit.streamedit(self),
# append other channel modules and plugins
# load application state (widget sizes, selections, etc.)
winlayout = conf.load("window")
if (winlayout):
uikit.app_restore(self, winlayout)
# selection values
winstate = conf.load("state")
if (winstate):
for id in winstate.keys():
self.channels[id].current = winstate[id]["current"]
self.channels[id].shown = winlayout[id+"_list"].get("row:selected", 0) # actually just used as boolean flag (for late loading of stream list), selection bar has been positioned before already
pass # fails for disabled/reordered plugin channels
# late plugin initializations
[callback(self) for callback in self.hooks["init"]]
# display current open channel/notebook tab
self.current_channel = self.current_channel_gtk()
try: self.channel().first_show()
except: __print__(dbg.INIT, "main.__init__: current_channel.first_show() initialization error")
# bind gtk/glade event names to functions
"gtk_main_quit" : self.gtk_main_quit, # close window
# treeviews / notebook
"on_stream_row_activated" : self.on_play_clicked, # double click in a streams list
"on_category_clicked": self.on_category_clicked, # new selection in category list
"on_notebook_channels_switch_page": self.channel_switch, # channel notebook tab changed
"station_context_menu": lambda tv,ev: self.station_context_menu(tv,ev),
# toolbar
"on_play_clicked" : self.on_play_clicked,
"on_record_clicked": self.on_record_clicked,
"on_homepage_stream_clicked": self.on_homepage_stream_clicked,
"on_reload_clicked": self.on_reload_clicked,
"on_stop_clicked": self.on_stop_clicked, #@TODO: button is long gone
"on_homepage_channel_clicked" : self.on_homepage_channel_clicked,
"double_click_channel_tab": self.on_homepage_channel_clicked,
# menu
"menu_toolbar_standard": lambda w: (self.toolbar.unset_style(), self.toolbar.unset_icon_size()),
"menu_toolbar_style_icons": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS)),
"menu_toolbar_style_both": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH)),
"menu_toolbar_size_small": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)),
"menu_toolbar_size_medium": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND)),
"menu_toolbar_size_large": lambda w: (self.toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG)),
"menu_notebook_pos_top": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(2),
"menu_notebook_pos_left": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(0),
"menu_notebook_pos_right": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(1),
"menu_notebook_pos_bottom": lambda w: self.notebook_channels.set_tab_pos(3),
# win_config
"menu_properties": self.configwin.open,
"config_cancel": self.configwin.hide,
"config_save": self.configwin.save,
"config_play_list_edit_col0": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_play, path, 0, txt)),
"config_play_list_edit_col1": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_play, path, 1, txt)),
"config_record_list_edit_col0": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_record, path, 0, txt)),
"config_record_list_edit_col1": lambda w,path,txt: (self.configwin.list_edit(self.config_record, path, 1, txt)),
# else
"update_categories": self.update_categories,
"update_favicons": self.update_favicons,
"app_state": self.app_state,
"bookmark": self.bookmark,
"save_as": self.save_as,
"menu_about": lambda w: AboutStreamtuner2(self),
"menu_help": action.action.help,
"menu_onlineforum": lambda w: action.browser("http://sourceforge.net/projects/streamtuner2/forums/forum/1173108"),
"menu_fossilwiki": lambda w: action.browser("http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/"),
"menu_projhomepage": lambda w: action.browser("http://milki.include-once.org/streamtuner2/"),
# "menu_bugreport": lambda w: BugReport(),
"menu_copy": self.menu_copy,
"delete_entry": self.delete_entry,
# search dialog
"quicksearch_set": self.search.quicksearch_set,
"search_open": self.search.menu_search,
"search_go": self.search.cache_search,
"search_srv": self.search.server_search,
"search_cancel": self.search.cancel,
"true": lambda w,*args: True,
# win_streamedit
"streamedit_open": self.streamedit.open,
"streamedit_save": self.streamedit.save,
"streamedit_new": self.streamedit.new,
"streamedit_cancel": self.streamedit.cancel,
}, **self.add_signals))
# actually display main window
#-- Shortcut for glade.get_widget()
# Allows access to widgets as direct attributes instead of using .get_widget()
# Also looks in self.channels[] for the named channel plugins
def __getattr__(self, name):
if (name in self.channels):
return self.channels[name] # like self.shoutcast
elif (name in self.features):
return self.features[name] # like self.configwin
return self.get_object(name) # or gives an error if neither exists
# Custom-named widgets are available from .widgets{} not via .get_widget()
def get_widget(self, name):
if name in self.widgets:
return self.widgets[name]
return gtk.Builder.get_object(self, name)
# returns the currently selected directory/channel object (remembered position)
def channel(self):
return self.channels[self.current_channel]
# returns the currently selected directory/channel object (from gtk)
def current_channel_gtk(self):
i = self.notebook_channels.get_current_page()
try: return self.channel_names[i]
except: return "bookmarks"
# Notebook tab clicked
def channel_switch(self, notebook, page, page_num=0, *args):
# can be called from channelmenu as well:
if type(page) == str:
self.current_channel = page
# notebook invocation:
else: #if type(page_num) == int:
self.current_channel = self.channel_names[page_num]
# if first selected, load current category
__print__(dbg.PROC, "channel_switch: try .first_show", self.channel().module);
__print__(dbg.INIT, "channel .first_show() initialization error")
# Convert ListStore iter to row number
def rowno(self):
(model, iter) = self.model_iter()
return model.get_path(iter)[0]
# Currently selected entry in stations list, return complete data dict
def row(self):
return self.channel().stations() [self.rowno()]
# return ListStore object and Iterator for currently selected row in gtk.TreeView station list
def model_iter(self):
return self.channel().gtk_list.get_selection().get_selected()
# Fetches a single varname from currently selected station entry
def selected(self, name="url"):
return self.row().get(name)
# Play button
def on_play_clicked(self, widget, event=None, *args):
row = self.row()
if row:
[callback(row) for callback in self.hooks["play"]]
# Recording: invoke streamripper for current stream URL
def on_record_clicked(self, widget):
row = self.row()
action.record(row.get("url"), row.get("format", "audio/mpeg"), "url/direct", row=row)
# Open stream homepage in web browser
def on_homepage_stream_clicked(self, widget):
url = self.selected("homepage")
# Browse to channel homepage (double click on notebook tab)
def on_homepage_channel_clicked(self, widget, event=2):
if event == 2 or event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
__print__(dbg.UI, "dblclick")
# Reload stream list in current channel-category
def on_reload_clicked(self, widget=None, reload=1):
__print__(dbg.UI, "reload", reload, self.current_channel, self.channels[self.current_channel], self.channel().current)
category = self.channel().current
lambda: ( self.channel().load(category,reload), reload and self.bookmarks.heuristic_update(self.current_channel,category) )
# Thread a function, add to worker pool (for utilizing stop button)
def thread(self, target, *args):
thread = Thread(target=target, args=args)
# Stop reload/update threads
def on_stop_clicked(self, widget):
__print__(dbg.ERR, "STOP is no longer available")
#while self.working:
#thread = self.working.pop()
# Click in category list
def on_category_clicked(self, widget, event, *more):
category = self.channel().currentcat()
__print__(dbg.UI, "on_category_clicked", category, self.current_channel)
self.on_reload_clicked(None, reload=0)
# Add current selection to bookmark store
def bookmark(self, widget):
# code to update current list (set icon just in on-screen liststore, it would be updated with next display() anyhow - and there's no need to invalidate the ls cache, because that's referenced by model anyhow)
(model,iter) = self.model_iter()
model.set_value(iter, 0, gtk.STOCK_ABOUT)
# refresh bookmarks tab
# Reload category tree
def update_categories(self, widget):
# Menu invocation: refresh favicons for all stations in current streams category
def update_favicons(self, widget):
entries = self.channel().stations()
# Save stream to file (.m3u)
def save_as(self, widget):
row = self.row()
default_fn = row["title"] + ".m3u"
fn = uikit.save_file("Save Stream", None, default_fn, [(".m3u","*m3u"),(".pls","*pls"),(".xspf","*xspf"),(".smil","*smil"),(".asx","*asx"),("all files","*")])
if fn:
action.save(row, fn)
# Save current stream URL into clipboard
def menu_copy(self, w):
# Remove a stream entry
def delete_entry(self, w):
n = self.rowno()
del self.channel().stations()[ n ]
# Alternative Notebook channel tabs between TOP and LEFT position
def switch_notebook_tabs_position(self, w, pos):
# shortcut to statusbar
# (hacked to work from within threads, circumvents the statusbar msg pool actually)
def status(self, text="", sbar_msg=[]):
# init
sbar_cid = self.get_widget("statusbar").get_context_id("messages")
# remove text
while ((not text) and (type(text)==str) and len(sbar_msg)):
# progressbar
if (type(text)==float):
if (text >= 999.0/1000): # completed
else: # show percentage
uikit.do(lambda:self.progress.show() or self.progress.set_fraction(text))
if (text <= 0): # unknown state
# add text
elif (type(text)==str):
uikit.do(lambda:self.statusbar.push(sbar_cid, text))
# load plugins from /usr/share/streamtuner2/channels/
def load_plugin_channels(self):
# initialize plugin modules (pre-ordered)
ls = channels.module_list()
for module in ls:
gui_startup(2/10.0 + 7/10.0 * float(ls.index(module))/len(ls), "loading module "+module)
# skip module if disabled
if conf.plugins.get(module, 1) == False:
__print__(dbg.STAT, "disabled plugin:", module)
# or if it's a built-in (already imported)
elif module in self.features or module in self.channels:
# load plugin
plugin = __import__("channels."+module, None, None, [""])
plugin_class = plugin.__dict__[module]
plugin_obj = plugin_class(parent=self)
# load .config settings from plugin
conf.add_plugin_defaults(plugin_obj.meta["config"], module)
# add and initialize channel
if issubclass(plugin_class, channels.GenericChannel):
self.channels[module] = plugin_obj
if module not in self.channel_names: # skip (glade) built-in channels
# other plugin types
self.features[module] = plugin_obj
except Exception as e:
__print__(dbg.INIT, "load_plugin_channels: error initializing:", module, ", exception:")
# default plugins
conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.channels["bookmarks"].config, "bookmarks")
# store window/widget states (sizes, selections, etc.)
def app_state(self, widget):
# gtk widget states
widgetnames = ["win_streamtuner2", "toolbar", "notebook_channels", ] \
+ [id+"_list" for id in self.channel_names] \
+ [id+"_cat" for id in self.channel_names]
conf.save("window", uikit.app_state(wTree=self, widgetnames=widgetnames), nice=1)
# object vars
channelopts = {} #dict([(id, {"current":self.channels[id].current}) for id in self.channel_names])
for id in self.channels.keys():
if (self.channels[id]):
channelopts[id] = {"current":self.channels[id].current}
conf.save("state", channelopts, nice=1)
# apply gtkrc stylesheet
def load_theme(self):
if conf.get("theme"):
for dir in (conf.dir, conf.share, "/usr/share"):
f = dir + "/themes/" + conf.theme + "/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
if os.path.exists(f):
# end application and gtk+ main loop
def gtk_main_quit(self, widget, *x):
if conf.auto_save_appstate:
try: # doesn't work with gtk3 yet (probably just hooking at the wrong time)
# Right clicking a stream/station in the treeview to make context menu pop out.
def station_context_menu(self, treeview, event):
if event.button >= 3:
path = treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y))[0]
treeview.set_cursor(path, None, False)
parent_menu_shell=None, parent_menu_item=None, func=None,
button=event.button, activate_time=event.time,
return None
# else pass on to normal left-button signal handler
return False
#-- run main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# graphical
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or "--gtk3" in sys.argv:
# prepare for threading in Gtk+ callbacks
# prepare main window
main = StreamTunerTwo()
# module coupling
action.main = main # action (play/record) module needs a reference to main window for gtk interaction and some URL/URI callbacks
action = action.action # shorter name
ahttp.feedback = main.status # http module gives status feedbacks too
# first invocation
if (conf.get("firstrun")):
del conf.firstrun
# run
__print__(dbg.PROC, r"[31m gtk_main_quit [0m")
# invoke command-line interface
import cli