Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2 at [490abb1150]

File channels/ artifact fb89c13112 part of check-in 490abb1150

# api: streamtuner2
# title: Recording timer
# description: Schedules play/record events for bookmarked radio stations.
# type: feature
# category: hook
# depends: kronos, action >= 1.1.1
# version: 0.7.4
# config: 
#   { name: timer_duration, type: select, select: "auto|streamripper|fpls", value: none, description: support for time ranges }
# priority: optional
# support: unsupported
# Provides an internal timer, to configure recording and playback times/intervals
# for stations. It accepts a natural language time string when registering a stream.
# Context menu > Extension > Add timer
# Programmed events are visible in "timer" under the "bookmarks" channel. Times
# are stored in the description field, and can thus be edited. However, after editing
# times manually, streamtuner2 must be restarted for any changes to take effect.
# Allowable time specifications are "Mon,Wed,Fri 18:00-20:00 record"
# or even "Any 7:00-12:00 play". The duration is only honored for
# recording via streamripper or fIcy/fPls currently.

from config import *
from channels import *
import bundle.kronos as kronos  # Doesn't work with Python3
from uikit import uikit
import action
import copy
import re

# timed events (play/record) within bookmarks tab
class timer:

    # plugin info
    module = "timer"
    meta = plugin_meta()
    # configuration settings
    timefield = "playing"
    # kronos scheduler list
    sched = None
    # prepare gui
    def __init__(self, parent):
        if not parent:
        conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.meta, self.module)
        # keep reference to main window
        self.parent = parent
        self.bookmarks = parent.bookmarks
        # add menu
        uikit.add_menu([parent.streammenu, parent.streamactions], "Add timer for station", self.edit_timer, insert=4)
        # target channel
        if not self.bookmarks.streams.get("timer"):
            self.bookmarks.streams["timer"] = [{"title":"--- timer events ---"}]
        self.streams = self.bookmarks.streams["timer"]
        # widgets
        uikit.add_signals(parent, {
            ("timer_ok", "clicked"): self.add_timer,
            ("timer_cancel", "clicked"): self.hide,
            ("timer_dialog", "close"): self.hide,
            ("timer_dialog", "delete-event"): self.hide,
        # prepare spool
        self.sched = kronos.ThreadedScheduler()
        for row in self.streams:
            try: self.queue(row)
            except Exception as e: log.ERR("queuing error", e)

    # display GUI for setting timespec
    def edit_timer(self, *w):
        self.parent.timer_value.set_text("Fri,Sat 20:00-21:00 play")

    # done        
    def hide(self, *w):
        return self.parent.timer_dialog.hide()

    # close dialog,get data
    def add_timer(self, *w):
        row = self.parent.row()
        row = copy.copy(row)
        # add data
        row["listformat"] = "href"
        if row.get(self.timefield):
            row["title"] = row["title"] + " -- " + row[self.timefield]
        row[self.timefield] = self.parent.timer_value.get_text()
        # store
    # store row in timer database
    def save_timer(self, row):
    # add event to list
    def queue(self, row):
        # chk
        if not row.get(self.timefield) or not row.get("url"):
            #log.DATA("NO TIME DATA", row)
        # extract timing parameters
        _ = row[self.timefield]
        days = self.days(_)
        time = self.time(_)
        duration = self.duration(_)
        # which action
        if row[self.timefield].find("rec")>=0:
            activity, action_method = "record", self.record
            activity, action_method = "play",
        # add
        task = self.sched.add_daytime_task(action_method, activity, days, None, time, kronos.method.threaded, [row], {})

        log.QUEUE( activity, self.sched, (action_method, activity, days, None, time, kronos.method.threaded, [row], {}), task.get_schedule_time(True) )
    # converts Mon,Tue,... into numeric 1-7
    def days(self, s):
        weekdays = ["su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa", "su"]
        r = []
        if"any|all|\*", s, re.I):
            return range(0,7)
        for day in re.findall("\w\w+", s.lower()):
            day = day[0:2]
            if day in weekdays:
        return list(set(r))
    # get start time 18:00
    def time(self, s):
        r ="(\d+):(\d+)", s)
        return int(, int(
    # convert "18:00-19:15" to minutes
    def duration(self, s):
            r ="(\d+:\d+)\s*(\.\.+|-+)\s*(\d+:\d+)", s)
            start = self.time(
            end = self.time(
            duration = (end[0] - start[0]) * 60 + (end[1] - start[1])
            return int(duration) # in minutes
            return 0   # no limit
    # action wrapper
    def play(self, row, *args, **kwargs):
            row = row,
            audioformat = row.get("format","audio/mpeg"), 
            source = row.get("listformat","href")

    # action wrapper
    def record(self, row, *args, **kwargs):
        log.TIMER("TIMED RECORD", *args)
        # extra params
        # make streamripper record a timed broadcast
        duration = self.duration(row.get(self.timefield))
        append = None
        if duration:
            _rec = conf.record.get("audio/*", "")
            if"streamripper", _rec):
                append = "-a %S.%d.%q -l " + str(duration*60) # seconds
            if"fPls|fIcy", _rec, re.I):
                append = "-M " + str(duration) # minutes

        # start recording
            row = row,
            audioformat = row.get("format","audio/mpeg"), 
            source = row.get("listformat","href"),
            append = append,
    def test(self, row, *args, **kwargs):
        log.TEST("KRONOS", row)