# api: streamtuner2
# title: Jamendo
# description: A license-free music collection and artist hub.
# type: channel
# version: 2.2
# category: radio
# url: http://jamendo.com/
# depends: json
# config:
# { name: jamendo_stream_format, value: ogg, type: select, select: "ogg=Ogg Vorbis|mp32=MP3, 192vbr|mp31=MP3, 96kbps|flac=Xiph FLAC", description: "Default streaming audio format. Albums and playlists still return Vorbis mostly for best quality." }
# { name: jamendo_image_size, value: 50, type: select, select: "25=25px|35=35px|50=50px|55=55px|60=60px|65=65px|70=70px|75=75px|85=85px|100=100px|130=130px|150=150px|200=200px|300=300px", description: "Preview images size (height and width) for albums or tracks." }
# { name: jamendo_count, value: 1, type:text, description: "How many result sets (200 entries each) to retrieve." }
# priority: default
# png:
# IAUY/p9w/glCrVzby3+LVqaxM4dx+inQV7KIHcKYAbzG4FYgqcmudYBAF+jKnT2QAExPYysVHCdKRQgewwRT0B1FfQboYsLLeE7hk4Oo/iD3rFit4GQGRCsYwJMt7yQVfrS6Go3HUQtvskiwCWM82qlijGdbaUsbTV5G/X65+y+rCzgBRI+VbsSmvvltqVkuX78t6rvpKWtvuMsgOfHtJia66OPz
# 86564UtDkA2Lm/VJYF6mLgXo50X0xNAHy4cK2jk+diVe+1FVVX/57oIuL66qqmriVF23rZ1TjyTLH2YT/WJ4TY+XRgAMKqNgJ41vebbvTgeFneo6Tb567zPmHn+LxdPnCIxHTFrt2CtB/8BWqtVOAewDWgGDmHG0u1VtztjC7SLqRSUkM5Clsd5ibs/7nDzyLd51xfQPq82PKS5SsHfQAEMsIZG3
# khgvJqUqBhFBnSeTS1O/XOPou0eoVxuIsfgkRDsqxBIQgaEVXyIyTVdvGFdbQlD1LibpJDTWG9w8NcHsgRfIb8ni4qbIxhISGU87+Z00BMTuDPhfg47b4X4+oHZ4VxiksxRHi9x3y71M7p5EjAWE6OxBkj/OaSqTgyvJUUIQncuDDx6qRsHHLqpHuR0PW3vbbCj5EYyAAq7dgMVPfHRytt2Kkv7i
# 5vAw0n1wZuFvFcDq/kGP5/X1tnm+2aiTLQy59MiE00wZ49okK2fNxsWfgnRfmvJA8D3E98tztTWdBtG9IPuw+tqgI+RRTLin1miNJ3EkRhQFxIRcl8+tgj9EN35VXqrV9G2MPIPvWfgv5I1Bh/pNBOGtYCeALEKM6nlc52uUP+XFDfRpRN7psa/ZeBWSAmJ99qrQGaANeJA3AUjpXhLZ1zsD+g+5
# Cnd9pANrngAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
# Now utilizes the Jamendo /v3.0/ API.
# Radio station lists are fixed for now. Querying the API twice per station
# doesn't seem overly sensible.
# Tracks are queried by genre, where currently there's just a small built-in
# tag list in ST2
# Per default Ogg Vorbis is used as streaming format. Playlists and albums
# return as XSPF playlists.
import re
import ahttp as http
from config import conf, __print__, dbg
from channels import *
import json
# jamendo CC music sharing site
# The v3.0 streaming URLs don't seem to work. Therefore some /get2 URLs will
# be used.
# [x] http://api.jamendo.com/v3.0/playlists/file?client_id=&id=
# [+] http://storage-new.newjamendo.com/?trackid=792843&format=ogg2&u=0
# [+] http://api.jamendo.com/get2/stream/track/xspf/?playlist_id=171574&n=all&order=random
# [+] http://api.jamendo.com/get2/stream/track/xspf/?album_id=%s&streamencoding=ogg2&n=all
# Seem to resolve to OGG Vorbis each.
class jamendo (ChannelPlugin):
# control flags
has_search = True
base = "http://www.jamendo.com/en/"
audioformat = "ogg"
listformat = "srv"
api_base = "http://api.jamendo.com/v3.0/"
cid = "49daa4f5"
categories = []
titles = dict( title="Title", playing="Album/Artist/User", bitrate=False, listeners=False )
# refresh category list
def update_categories(self):
self.categories = [
"classical", ###
"world", ###
"romantic", ###
return self.categories
# retrieve category or search
def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):
entries = []
fmt = self.stream_mime(conf.jamendo_stream_format)
# Static list of Radios
if cat == "radios":
for radio in ["BestOf", "Pop", "Rock", "Lounge", "Electro", "HipHop", "World", "Jazz", "Metal", "Soundtrack", "Relaxation", "Classical"]:
"genre": radio,
"title": radio,
"url": "http://streaming.radionomy.com/Jam" + radio, # optional +".m3u"
"playing": "various artists",
"format": "audio/mpeg",
"homepage": "http://www.jamendo.com/en/radios",
"img": "http://imgjam1.jamendo.com/new_jamendo_radios/%s30.jpg" % radio.lower(),
# Playlist
elif cat == "playlists":
for e in self.api(method="playlists", order="creationdate_desc"):
"title": e["name"],
"playing": e["user_name"],
"homepage": e["shareurl"],
"extra": e["creationdate"],
"format": "audio/mpeg",
#"listformat": "xspf", # deprecated
#"url": "http://api.jamendo.com/get2/stream/track/xspf/?playlist_id=%s&n=all&order=random&from=app-%s" % (e["id"], self.cid),
#"listformat": "href", # raw ZIP redirect
#"url": "http://api.jamendo.com/v3.0/playlists/file?client_id={}&audioformat=mp32&id={}".format(self.cid, e["id"]),
#"listformat": "href", # raw ZIP direct
#"url": e["zip"],
"listformat": "jamj",
"url": "http://api.jamendo.com/v3.0/playlists/tracks?client_id={}&audioformat=mp32&id={}".format(self.cid, e["id"]),
# Albums
elif cat in ["albums", "newest"]:
if cat == "albums":
order = "popularity_week"
order = "releasedate_desc"
for e in self.api(method = "albums/musicinfo", order = order, include = "musicinfo"):
"genre": " ".join(e["musicinfo"]["tags"]),
"title": e["name"],
"playing": e["artist_name"],
"img": e["image"],
"homepage": e["shareurl"],
#"url": "http://api.jamendo.com/v3.0/playlists/file?client_id=%s&id=%s" % (self.cid, e["id"]),
"url": "http://api.jamendo.com/get2/stream/track/xspf/?album_id=%s&streamencoding=ogg2&n=all&from=app-%s" % (e["id"], self.cid),
"format": "audio/ogg",
"listformat": "xspf",
# Genre list, or Search
if cat:
data = self.api(method = "tracks", order = "popularity_week", include = "musicinfo",
fuzzytags = cat, audioformat = conf.jamendo_stream_format)
elif search:
data = self.api(method = "tracks", order = "popularity_week", include = "musicinfo",
search = search, audioformat = conf.jamendo_stream_format)
data = []
for e in data:
"lang": e["musicinfo"]["lang"],
"genre": " ".join(e["musicinfo"]["tags"]["genres"]),
"extra": ", ".join(e["musicinfo"]["tags"]["vartags"]),
"title": e["name"],
"playing": e["album_name"] + " / " + e["artist_name"],
"img": e["album_image"],
"homepage": e["shareurl"],
#"url": e["audio"],
"url": "http://storage-new.newjamendo.com/?trackid=%s&format=ogg2&u=0&from=app-%s" % (e["id"], self.cid),
"format": fmt,
"listformat": "srv",
# done
return entries
# Collect data sets from Jamendo API
def api(self, method, **params):
r = []
max = 200 * int(conf.jamendo_count)
params = dict(
"client_id": self.cid,
"format": "json",
"audioformat": "mp32",
"imagesize": conf.jamendo_image_size,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 200,
}.items()) + list(params.items())
while (params["offset"] < max) and (len(r) % 200 == 0):
data = http.get(self.api_base + method, params)
data = json.loads(data)
if data:
r += data["results"]
return r
params["offset"] += 200;
return r
# audio/*
def stream_mime(self, name):
map = {
"ogg": "audio/ogg", "ogg2": "audio/ogg",
"mp3": "audio/mpeg", "mp31": "audio/mpeg", "mp32": "audio/mpeg",
"flac": "audio/flac"
return map.get(name) or map["mp3"]