Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

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<div class="hgroup"><h1 class="title"><span class="title">Settings dialog</span></h1></div>
<div class="region">
<div class="contents">
<p class="p">
There are various options for streamtuner2, available under <span class="guiseq"><span class="gui">Edit</span>ย โ–ธ <span class="gui">Preferences</span></span> or via <span class="key"><kbd>F12</kbd></span>.
<p class="p"><span class="media"><span class="media media-image"><img src="img/configtabs.png" class="media media-inline" alt=""></span></span></p>
<div class="terms"><div class="inner">
<div class="title title-terms"><h2><span class="title">It's separated into three main sections / tabs.</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><dl class="terms">
<dt class="terms">Player</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Lists audio formats and the audio player applications, or recording tools below.
    It's a file type to application table. Double click an entry for editing.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Options</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Influences the display of all stream/station lists, and contains some system settings.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Channel Plugins</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Every channel tab can have specific options. These are configured here.
    Also you can disable channels you don't need.</p></dd>
<div id="apps" class="sect"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Player application settings</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents">
<p class="p">MIME types are categorzied identifiers for file types. <span class="var">Audio/mpeg</span> for example represents MP3 files,
    and <span class="var">audio/ogg</span> means just OGG. And the player setting dialog simply associates an audio type with a
    playback application:</p>
<div class="table"><div class="inner"><div class="region"><table class="table">
<td><p class="p">Format</p></td>
<td style="border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p">Application</p></td>
<td><p class="p"><span class="var">audio/mpeg</span></p></td>
<td style="border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="cmd">audacious</span></p></td>
<tr class="shade">
<td style="border-top-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="var">audio/ogg</span></p></td>
<td style="border-top-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="cmd">audacious</span></p></td>
<td style="border-top-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="var">audio/*</span></p></td>
<td style="border-top-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="cmd">vlc --one-instance</span></p></td>
<tr class="shade">
<td style="border-top-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="var">video/*</span></p></td>
<td style="border-top-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="cmd">totem</span></p></td>
<td style="border-top-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="var">video/youtube</span></p></td>
<td style="border-top-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="cmd">vlc %srv</span></p></td>
<p class="p">Application names are most always lowercase binary names. Double click an entry to edit it.
    After editing the icon next to the application name will be updated. If it stays green, it's
    likely to work. If it turns red / into a stop symbol, then the entered name is likely incorrect.</p>
<p class="p"><span class="media"><span class="media media-image"><img src="img/configapps.png" class="media media-inline" alt=""></span></span></p>
<p class="p">After the application name, you can use a placeholder like "<span class="var">%pls</span>" (default),
    or "<span class="var">%m3u</span>" and "<span class="var">%srv</span>". See <span class="link"><a href="config_apps.html#placeholders" title="URL placeholders">placeholders</a></span>.</p>
<p class="p">Catch-all entries like <span class="var">*/*</span> or a generic <span class="var">audio/*</span> entry allow to configure a default player.
    While <span class="var">video/youtube</span> is specific to the Youtube channel. And <span class="var">url/http</span> a pseudo MIME type
    to configure a web browser (for station homepages).</p>
<p class="p">You can remove default entries by clearing both the Format field and its associated Application.
    Add completely new associations through the emtpy line. (Reopen the dialog to add another one.)</p>
<div class="links topiclinks"><div class="inner"><div class="region"><div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="config_apps.html" title="Audio players"><span class="title">Audio players</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Common applications to use as players.</span></a></div></div></div></div>
<div id="recording" class="sect"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Recording Apps</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents">
<p class="p">The second block of entries in the 'Apps' section specifies recording applications.
    Here streamripper is preconfigured for audio streams, and youtube-dl for Youtube videos for instance.</p>
<div class="table"><div class="inner"><div class="region"><table class="table">
<td><p class="p"><span class="var">audio/*</span></p></td>
<td style="border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="cmd">xterm -e streamripper %srv</span></p></td>
<tr class="shade">
<td style="border-top-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="var">video/youtube</span></p></td>
<td style="border-top-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;"><p class="p"><span class="cmd">xterm -e "youtube-dl %srv"</span></p></td>
<p class="p">To define a target directory, you can often add commandline arguments to each. Also it's typically
    helpful to leave the xterm prefix on, so you can follow the processing state. (Alternatively to
    xterm there is x-terminal-emulator, or rxvt, gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal, etc.)</p>
<div class="links topiclinks"><div class="inner"><div class="region"><div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="recording.html" title="Recording"><span class="title">Recording</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Save radio songs as MP3 files via streamripper.</span></a></div></div></div></div>
<div id="gui" class="sect"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Display/GUI options</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents">
<div class="terms"><div class="inner">
<div class="title title-terms"><h3><span class="title">Display settings</span></h3></div>
<div class="region"><dl class="terms">
<dt class="terms">Display favicons</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">The options for the favicons define if station entries should show little icons.
      Not all stations have one, so you might as well turn this off to conserve a little memory.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Load favicons</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">When starting to play a station, its homepage favicon is automatically retrieved in the
      background. It's not going to be displayed right away, but after you reload the category/station list.
      Alternatively use <span class="guiseq"><span class="gui">Channel</span>ย โ–ธ <span class="gui">Update favicons...</span></span> to update all
      station icons at once.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Show bookmark star</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Bookmarked stations will be marked with a โ˜… star in all other station lists / categories.
      That doesn't often work for the same station entry from two different channel services / tabs though.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Save window states</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Automatically remember window size, selected channel tab, categories, or selected station.
      Also keeps the width of station list columns. If disabled, you can manually save the current
      layout/selections via <span class="guiseq"><span class="gui">Edit</span>ย โ–ธ <span class="gui">Save States</span></span>.</p></dd>
<div class="terms"><div class="inner">
<div class="title title-terms"><h3><span class="title">Station loading</span></h3></div>
<div class="region"><dl class="terms">
<dt class="terms">Prefer HTML traversing (PyQuery) over regex</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Some channels provide proper APIs to fetch station lists. Others are just websites that
      require scraping listings out. Most channel tabs provide two alternative methods for that.
      The DOM/HTML selection method is sometimes slower, but more reliable. As fallback streamtuner2
      plugins often use a regex to match text. Occassionally the regex method is surprisingly more exact,
      because directory services often use frightful unstructured HTML. If available, both methods
      are tried. You can influence the order with this setting, and thus speed it up.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">[<span class="input">250</span>] Limit stream number</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p"> Constraints the length of station lists per category.
      The number of stations option is not honored by all channel plugins. Often it's not possible to
      load more or fewer station entries. Some plugins have own settings (in the 'Plugins' section) even.
      For the major plugins this however limits how many scrollable entries appear in the stream lists.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Retain deleted stations</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">When enabled, keeps old station entries when
      updating/reloading a category/genre.  Services often forget stations or throws them out when inavailable.
      With this option enabled, these entries are kept in streamtuner2 as strikethrough entries (often
      at the end of the list).</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Update favouries from freshened URLs</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Streaming URLs in bookmarked stations get renewed on category reloads/updates. This isn't
      very reliable, as often station titles change together with the streaming URLs.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">google station homepages</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">When playing a station that doesn't have a homepage entry, streamtuner2 tries to google
      the station title. The found URL is then used/kept as station homepage. (Btw, station titles
      like are automatically mapped to homepage URLs already.)</p></dd>
<div class="terms"><div class="inner">
<div class="title title-terms"><h3><span class="title">System</span></h3></div>
<div class="region"><dl class="terms">
<dt class="terms">Temporary files</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Streamtuner2 creates temporary .m3u files - for audio players that are configured to use %m3u files
      instead of %pls or %srv URLs. For archival purposes you might want to set a dedicated directory
      for this. Leave this to the default /tmp else.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Config directory</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Is where streamtuner2 keeps its <span class="file">settings.json</span> and channel caches, favicons, etc.
      You can't set this in the config dialog. This is just for display. Set the <span class="sys">XDG_CONFIG_HOME</span>
      environment variable to adapt.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Enable debug messages</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">If you start streamtuner2 from a terminal window (xterm/rxvt), you can get a load of state
      and processing or debug infos. Enable this only for testing, as it might slow down station
<div id="plugins" class="sect"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Plugin and Channel settings</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents">
<p class="p">This tab lists all available channel and feature plugins. Mark checkboxes for those plugins
    you want to enable. You have to restart Streamtuner2 for any changes here to take effect.</p>
<p class="p"><span class="media"><span class="media media-image"><img src="img/configplugins.png" class="media media-inline" alt=""></span></span></p>
<p class="p">Each channel plugin may come with its own set of addition configuration settings
<div class="note" title="Note"><div class="inner"><div class="region"><div class="contents"><p class="p">If you want to find out more about the short option descriptions (most settings are checkboxes),
    please have a look into the channels directory /usr/share/streamtuner2/channels/ and corresponding
    *.py files. These are readable, and sometimes contain more information.</p></div></div></div></div>
<div class="links topiclinks"><div class="inner"><div class="region">
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="internet_radio_org_uk.html" title=""><span class="title"></span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Large radio directory from the UK.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="myoggradio.html" title="MyOggRadio"><span class="title">MyOggRadio</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Open source stream directory.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="shoutcast.html" title="Shoutcast"><span class="title">Shoutcast</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">One of the bigger radio station lists.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="surfmusik.html" title="SurfMusic"><span class="title">SurfMusic</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">International radio listings.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="xiph.html" title=""><span class="title"></span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">ICEcast radio directory.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="youtube.html" title="Youtube"><span class="title">Youtube</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Youtube music/video listings.</span></a></div>
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<div class="title"><h2><span class="title">More Information</span></h2></div>
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