# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: radio.net
# description: Europe's biggest radio platform
# url: http://radio.net/
# version: 0.6
# type: channel
# category: radio
# png:
# priority: optional
# extraction-method: regex
# Radio.net lists around 20.000 worldwide radio stations.
# A maximum of three pages from each genre are fetched here,
# some of the empty categories already omitted.
# The website heavily depends on JavaScript, a Flash player,
# some social tracking cookies. But still feasible to access
# per custom JSON extractor.
# May require refreshing the station lists once in a while,
# because there's an API key in each JSON station info URL.
import time
import json
import re
from config import *
from channels import *
import ahttp
import action
# hook special JSON format in to avoid grepping images by generic handler
action.playlist_fmt_prio.insert(5, "rnjs")
action.playlist_content_map.insert(7, ("rnjs", r'"logo175x175rounded"'))
action.extract_playlist.extr_urls["rnjs"] = dict(
url = r" (?x) \"streamUrl\" \s*:\s* \"(\w+:\\?/\\?/[^\"]+)\" ",
title = r" (?x) \"(?:description|seoTitle)\" \s*:\s* \"([^\"]+)\" ",
unesc = "json",
# Radio.net extraction relies on HTML grepping, finding an api key required for station details,
# and letting the action module extract the station/stream URL from that JSON format.
class radionet (ChannelPlugin):
# control flags
has_search = False
audioformat = "audio/mpeg"
listformat = "rnjs"
titles = dict(listeners=False, playing="Description")
# sources
apiPrefix = "https://api.radio.net/info/v2"
genre_url = "http://www.radio.net/genre/{}/"
apiKey = None
# Retrieve cat list and map
def update_categories(self):
html = ahttp.get("http://www.radio.net/")
ls = re.findall("""<li><a class="language-info".*?>([\w\s']+)</a>""", html)
self.categories = [i for i in ls][0:-18]
# Fetch entries
def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):
# category page, get key
html = ahttp.get(self.genre_url.format(cat))
for p in range(2, 4):
if html.find('"?p={}">'.format(p)) >= 0:
html += ahttp.get(self.genre_url.format(cat) + "?p={}".format(p))
r = []
<div class="stationinfo-content">Fresh pop music, R'n'B, the newest chart hits and the Top 40 can all be found on this Internet radio station, ANTENNE BAYERN.</div>
</div><div class="stationinfo stationinfo-extended " expandable ng-cloak >
<a href="http://antennefrankfurt.radio.net/" class="stationinfo-link" id="">
<svg class="icon icon-play" id=""><use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-play" id=""></use></svg>
<img src="http://static.radio.net/images/broadcasts/60/cf/19304/c44.png" onError="this.src=window.stationLogo;" alt="ANTENNE FRANKFURT 95.1 " id="">
<strong id="">
<svg class="icon icon-podcast"><use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-podcast"></use></svg>
<span highlight-text="Top 40" highlight-class="highlight-tags" id="">antenne frankfurt 95.1 </span>
<small highlight-text="Top 40" highlight-class="highlight-tags" id="">
Frankfurt am Main, Germany / Charts, News, Pop, Top 40, News, Weather</small>
<em now-playing="19304" searched-term="Top 40" id=""></em>
<a class="stationinfo-info-toggle" href="" ng-click="toggle()">
<svg class="icon icon-arrow-up"><use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-arrow-up"></use></svg>
<svg class="icon icon-arrow-down"><use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-arrow-down"></use></svg>
# split station blocks
for row in re.split("""<div class="stationinfo""", html)[1:]:
# extract text fields
d = re.findall("""
<a\s+href="(?:http:)?(//([\w-]+)\.radio\.net/?)" .*?
<img\s+src="([^<">]+)" .*?
<strong[^>]*>(.*?)</strong> .*?
<small[^>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*</small> .*?
""", row, re.X|re.S)
# refurbish extracted strings
if d and len(d) and len(d[0]) == 5:
href, name, img, title, desc = d[0]
name = name,
genre = cat,
title = unhtml(title),
playing = unhtml(desc),
url = self._url(name),
homepage = "http:{}".format(href),
img = img,
return r
# Patch together JSON station info URL
def _url(self, name):
return \
self.apiPrefix, self.apiKey, name
) # '?_={time}&' is omitted here, only relevant to jQuery/AJAX,
# and just made bookmarks.is_in() fail due to randomized URLs
# extract JavaScript key from any HTML blob (needed for station query)
def set_key(self, html):
ls = re.findall("""apiKey: '(\w+)'""", html)
if ls:
self.apiKey = ls[0]