# api: streamtuner2
# title: CLI interface
# description: allows to call streamtuner2 from the commandline
# status: experimental
# version: 0.3
# Returns JSON data when queried. Usually returns cache data, but the
# "category" module always loads fresh info from the directory servers.
# Not all channel plugins are gtk-free yet. And some workarounds are
# used here to not upset channel plugins about a missing parent window.
import sys
#from channels import *
import ahttp
import action
from config import *
import json
class StreamTunerCLI (object):
# plugin info
title = "CLI interface"
version = 0.3
# channel plugins
channel_modules = ["shoutcast", "xiph", "icast", "jamendo", "radiobrowser"]# module_list()
current_channel = "cli"
plugins = {} # only populated sparsely by .stream()
# start
def __init__(self, actions):
# fake init
action.main = empty_parent()
action.main.current_channel = self.current_channel
# check if enough arguments, else help
if not actions:
a = self.help
# first cmdline arg == action
command = actions[0]
if command in dir(self):
cmd = self.__getattribute__(command)
log.ERR("No such command:", command)
# run
result = cmd(*actions[1:])
if result:
# show help
def help(self, *args):
syntax: streamtuner2 action [channel] "stream title"
from cache:
streamtuner2 stream shoutcast frequence
streamtuner2 dump xiph
streamtuner2 play "..."
streamtuner2 url "..."
load fresh:
streamtuner2 category shoutcast "Top 40"
streamtuner2 categories xiph
# prints stream data from cache
def stream(self, *args):
# optional channel name, title
if len(args) > 1:
(channel_list, title) = args
channel_list = channel_list.split(",")
title = list(args).pop()
channel_list = self.channel_modules
# walk through channel plugins, categories, rows
title = title.lower()
for channel in channel_list:
self.current_channel = channel
c = self.channel(channel)
self.plugins[channel] = c
for cat in c.streams:
for row in c.streams[cat]:
if row and row.get("title","").lower().find(title)>=0:
# just get url
def url(self, *args):
row = self.stream(*args)
if row.get("url"):
# run player
def play(self, *args):
row = self.stream(*args)
if row.get("url"):
#action.action.play(row["url"], audioformat=row.get("format","audio/mpeg"))
# return cache data 1:1
def dump(self, channel):
c = self.channel(channel)
return c.streams
# load from server
def category(self, module, cat):
c = self.channel(module)
r = c.update_streams(cat)
[c.postprocess(row) for row in r]
return r
# load from server
def categories(self, module):
c = self.channel(module)
r = c.update_categories()
if not r:
r = c.categories
if c.__dict__.get("empty"):
del r[0]
return r
# load module
def channel(self, module):
plugin = __import__("channels."+module, None, None, [""])
plugin_class = plugin.__dict__[module]
p = plugin_class(None)
p.parent = empty_parent()
return p
# load all channel modules
def channels(self, channels=None):
if channels:
channels = channels.split(",")
channels = self.channel_modules
return channels#(self.channel(module) for module in channels)
# pretty print json
def json(self, dat):
print(json.dumps(dat, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
# trap for some main window calls
class empty_parent (object):
channel = {}
null = lambda *a: None
status = lambda *a: None
thread = lambda *a: None