Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2 at [cfb8433564]

File channels/ artifact a6099b9e41 part of check-in cfb8433564

# api: streamtuner2
# title: Internet-Radio
# description: Broad list of webradios from all genres.
# type: channel
# category: radio
# version: 1.6
# url:
# config:
#    { name: internetradio_max_pages,  type: int,  value: 5,  category: limit,  description: How many pages to fetch and read. }
# priority: standard
# png:
#   JTu8QEq9mJlnogz3sHOJV3iHz2iKzuDiH+bm+J3XD74EU5Gc7pSn/4aYUi14s8BIhkZ5puKhvdgpNFVccaA5oaP7TO66SCuYKnG9weMmjaz5yadqqfvkPE/z
#   8TLTIp4U3I01ljY5f/gQu1LPGvWS7Rel5NtLzOzRlfk+Ngd4i48Ke9PZVpNGUCvwawvsZm6db8GtoLt9s4iIFotZFEwXybU1VjO+z4egv/MVKlIaqTMMJ2nh
#   eeH0wQYX4BwbiQkRTSmdktJ1KY3lGYznuw3zWsS2lLo2WMl4P49ycjCbn3k0pfuVg5m1432e4zr9UGMbLwv8avmP/OJOBQOlAsvF3hYNMititzg2Kuxn7iyr
# extraction-method: regex, dom
# is one of the largest stream directories.
# Available music genre classifications are mirrored verbatim and flatly.
# The new version of this plugin alternates between PyQuery and Regex
# station extraction. Both overlook some paid or incomplete entries.
# HTTP retrieval happens in one batch, determined by the number of pages
# setting, rather than the global max_streams option.

from channels import *
import re
from config import *
import ahttp
from pq import pq

# streams and gui
class internet_radio (ChannelPlugin):

    # control data
    listformat = "pls"
    categories = []
    base_url = ""
    has_search = True

    # load genres
    def update_categories(self):
        html = ahttp.get(self.base_url)
        rx = re.compile("""="/stations/[-+&.\w\s%]+/">([^<]+)<""")
        cats = rx.findall(html)
        cats = list(set(cats))
        cats = [s.capitalize() for s in cats]
        self.categories = sorted(list(set(cats)))

    # fetch station lists
    def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):
        entries = []
        if not search and cat not in self.categories:
            return []

        rx_pages = re.compile('href="/stations/[-+\w%\d\s]+/page(\d+)">\d+</a>')

        # Fetch multiple pages at once
        html = []
        max_pages = max(int(conf.internetradio_max_pages), 1)
        for page in range(1, max_pages):
            # Append HTML source
            if search:
                    ahttp.get("%ssearch/?radio=%s%s" % (self.base_url, search, "&page=%s" % page if page>1 else ""))
                    ahttp.get("%sstations/%s/%s" % (self.base_url, cat.lower().replace(" ", "%20"), "page%s" % page if page>1 else ""))

            # Is there a next page?
            if str(page+1) not in rx_pages.findall(html[-1]):
            self.parent.status(float(page)/float(max_pages+1), timeout=1)

        # Alternatively try regex or pyquery parsing
        entries = self.from_html(html)
        # fin
        return entries

    # Switch update method
    def from_html(self, html, use_rx):
        if use_rx:
            return self.with_regex(html)
            return self.with_dom(html)

    # Regex extraction
    def with_regex(self, html):
        log.PROC("internet-radio, regex")
        r = []
        html = "\n".join(html)
        # Break up into <tr> blocks before extracting bits
        rx_tr = re.compile("""<tr[^>]*>(.+?)</tr>""", re.S)
        rx_data = re.compile(r"""
               .*?   <h4.*?>([^<>]+)</
               .*?   <b>([^<>]*)</b>
         (?:   .*?   href="(.*?)"        )?
         (?:   .*?   Genres:((?:</?a[^>]+>|\w+|\s+)+)    )?
               .*?   (\d+)\s*Listeners
               .*?   (\d+)\s*Kbps
        """, re.S|re.X)

        for div in rx_tr.findall(html):
            if div.find('id="pagination"') < 0:
                uu =
                if uu:
                    (url, title, playing, homepage, genres, listeners, bitrate) = uu.groups()
                    # transform data
                        "url": url,
                        "genre": strip_tags(genres or ""),
                        "homepage": ahttp.fix_url(homepage or ""),
                        "title": nl(title or ""),
                        "playing": nl(playing or ""),
                        "bitrate": int(bitrate or 0),
                        "listeners": int(listeners or 0),
                        "format": "audio/mpeg", # there is no stream info on that, but doesn't seem very ogg-friendly anyway, so we assume the default here
                    log.DATA("Regex couldn't decipher entry:", div)
        return r

    [HTML] <tr>
			<td id="play_nohtml5_1" style="display: none;" width="74">
				<a title="PLS Playlist File" style="margin:1px" href="/servers/tools/playlistgenerator/?u=;t=.pls">
					<i class="text-danger mdi-av-play-circle-outline"/> .pls
				<a title="M3U Playlist File" style="margin:1px" href="/servers/tools/playlistgenerator/?u=;t=.m3u">
					<i class="text-danger mdi-av-play-circle-outline"/> .m3u
					<a href="/community/threads/why-is-no-web-player-available.51536/" target="_blank">
						No Web Player
						<i class="text-danger mdi-action-help"/>
			<td id="play_1" width="74" class="text-center">
<a title="Play in new window" style="cursor: pointer; margin:1px; text-decoration: none;" onclick="'','PopupPlayer','width=450,height=150');"><i style="font-size: 60px;" class="mdi-av-play-circle-outline"/></a><br/><small class="hidden-xs"><a title="PLS Playlist File" style="margin:1px" href="/servers/tools/playlistgenerator/?u=;t=.pls">.pls</a> <a title="M3U Playlist File" style="margin:1px" href="/servers/tools/playlistgenerator/?u=;t=.m3u">.m3u</a><br/><a style="cursor: pointer;" title="Play in new window" onclick="'','PopupPlayer','width=450,height=150');">popup <i style="font-size: 14px;" class="mdi-action-launch"/></a>			</small></td>
				 <h4 class="text-danger" style="display: inline;">Radio Acacia</h4>
				<b>Nu Live Met Dj Joop En Dj Hansie veel luister plezier</b><br/>
				<a class="small text-success" href="" target="_blank"></a>

				<br/>Genres: various nederlands piraat hollands piraten duits engels polka <a href="/stations/folk/">folk</a>
			<td width="120" class="text-right hidden-xs">
				<p style="margin-bottom: 4px;">
				82 Listeners<br/>
				<span title="High Quality"><i class="listingicon mdi-av-high-quality"/></span> 192 Kbps<br/>
				<p style="margin: 0;">


    # DOM traversing
    def with_dom(self, html_list):
        log.PROC("internet-radio, dom")
        rx_numbers = re.compile("(\d+)")
        r = []
        for html in html_list:
            # the streams are arranged in table rows
            doc = pq(html)
            for dir in (pq(e) for e in doc("tr")):
                # bitrate/listeners
                bl = dir.find("p")
                if bl:
                    bl = rx_numbers.findall(str(bl.text()) + " 0 0")
                    bl = [0, 0]
                # stream url
                url = dir.find("a[onclick]").attr("onclick")
                if url:
                    url ="(https?://[^\'\"\>]+)", url)
                    if url:
                        url =
                        url = ""
                    url = ""
                row = {
                    "title": dir.find("h4").text(),
                    "homepage": ahttp.fix_url(dir.find("a.small").attr("href") or ""),
                    "url": url,
                    "genre": dir.find("a[href^='/stations/']").text() or "",
                    "listeners": int(bl[0]),
                    "bitrate": int(bl[1]),
                    "format": "audio/mpeg",
                    "playing": dir.find("b").text(),
        return r