# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# type: functions
# title: http download / methods
# description: http utility
# version: 1.3
# Provides a http GET method with gtk.statusbar() callback.
# And a function to add trailings slashes on http URLs.
# The latter code is pretty much unreadable. But let's put the
# blame on urllib2, the most braindamaged code in the Python
# standard library.
# Python 2.x
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
import urlparse
import cookielib
from StringIO import StringIO
# Python 3.x
import urllib.request as urllib2
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import urllib.parse as urlparse
from http import cookiejar as cookielib
from io import StringIO
from gzip import GzipFile
from config import conf, __print__, dbg
#-- url download ---------------------------------------------
#-- chains to progress meter and status bar in main window
feedback = None
# sets either text or percentage, so may take two parameters
def progress_feedback(*args):
# use reset values if none given
if not args:
args = ["", 1.0]
# send to main win
if feedback:
try: [feedback(d) for d in args]
except: pass
#-- GET
def get(url, maxsize=1<<19, feedback="old"):
__print__("GET", url)
# statusbar info
progress_feedback(url, 0.0)
# read
content = ""
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
max = 222000 # mostly it's 200K, but we don't get any real information
read_size = 1
# multiple steps
while (read_size and len(content) < maxsize):
# partial read
add = f.read(8192)
content = content + add
read_size = len(add)
# set progress meter
progress_feedback(float(len(content)) / float(max))
# done
# clean statusbar
# fin
return content
#-- fix invalid URLs
def fix_url(url):
if url is None:
url = ""
if len(url):
# remove whitespace
url = url.strip()
# add scheme
if (url.find("://") < 0):
url = "http://" + url
# add mandatory path
if (url.find("/", 10) < 0):
url = url + "/"
return url
# default HTTP headers for AJAX/POST request
default_headers = {
"User-Agent": "streamtuner2/2.1 (X11; U; Linux AMD64; en; rv: like WinAmp/2.1 but not like Googlebot/2.1", #"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de; rv: Gecko/20100628 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.6",
"Accept": "*/*;q=0.5, audio/*, url/*",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en,de,es,fr,it,*;q=0.1",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate",
"Accept-Charset": "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.1",
"Keep-Alive": "115",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
#"Content-Length", "56",
#"Cookie": "s_pers=%20s_getnr%3D1278607170446-Repeat%7C1341679170446%3B%20s_nrgvo%3DRepeat%7C1341679170447%3B; s_sess=%20s_cc%3Dtrue%3B%20s_sq%3Daolshtcst%252Caolsvc%253D%252526pid%25253Dsht%25252520%2525253A%25252520SHOUTcast%25252520Radio%25252520%2525257C%25252520Search%25252520Results%252526pidt%25253D1%252526oid%25253Dfunctiononclick%25252528event%25252529%2525257BshowMoreGenre%25252528%25252529%2525253B%2525257D%252526oidt%25253D2%252526ot%25253DDIV%3B; aolDemoChecked=1.849061",
"Pragma": "no-cache",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
# simulate ajax calls
def ajax(url, post, referer=""):
# request
headers = default_headers
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Referer": (referer if referer else url),
if type(post) == dict:
post = urlencode(post)
request = urllib2.Request(url, post, headers)
# open url
__print__( vars(request) )
progress_feedback(url, 0.2)
r = urllib2.urlopen(request)
# get data
__print__( r.info() )
data = r.read()
return data
# http://techknack.net/python-urllib2-handlers/
class ContentEncodingProcessor(urllib2.BaseHandler):
"""A handler to add gzip capabilities to urllib2 requests """
# add headers to requests
def http_request(self, req):
req.add_header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate")
return req
# decode
def http_response(self, req, resp):
old_resp = resp
# gzip
if resp.headers.get("content-encoding") == "gzip":
gz = GzipFile(
resp = urllib2.addinfourl(gz, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code)
resp.msg = old_resp.msg
# deflate
if resp.headers.get("content-encoding") == "deflate":
gz = StringIO( deflate(resp.read()) )
resp = urllib2.addinfourl(gz, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code) # 'class to add info() and geturl() methods to an open file.'
resp.msg = old_resp.msg
return resp
# deflate support
import zlib
def deflate(data): # zlib only provides the zlib compress format, not the deflate format;
try: # so on top of all there's this workaround:
return zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
except zlib.error:
return zlib.decompress(data)
#-- init for later use
if urllib2:
# config 1
handlers = [None, None, None]
# base
handlers[0] = urllib2.HTTPHandler()
if conf.debug:
# content-encoding
handlers[1] = ContentEncodingProcessor()
# store cookies at runtime
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
handlers[2] = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor( cj )
# inject into urllib2
urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) )
# alternative function names