Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

โŒˆโŒ‹ โŽ‡ branch:  streamtuner2 at [ead195d25c]

File channels/ artifact a46d943cfe part of check-in ead195d25c

# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title:
# description: ICEcast radio directory. Now utilizes a cached JSON API.
# type: channel
# category: radio
# version: 0.3
# priority: standard
# maintains the Ogg streaming standard and Vorbis audio compression
# format, amongst others. The ICEcast server is an alternative to SHOUTcast.
# It meanwhile provides a JSOL dump, which is faster to download and process.
# So we'll use that over the older yp.xml. (Sadly it also doesn't output
# homepage URLs, listeners, etc.)
# Xiphs JSON is a horrible mysqldump concatenation, not parseable. Thus it's
# refurbished on for consumption. Which also provides compressed HTTP
# transfers and category slicing.
# Xiph won't be updating the directory for another while. The original feature
# request is now further delayed as summer of code project:
# ยท
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# streamtuner2 modules
from config import conf
from mygtk import mygtk
import ahttp as http
from channels import *
from config import __print__, dbg
import json

# python modules
import re
#from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape as entity_decode, escape as xmlentities
#import xml.dom.minidom

# I wonder what that is for                                             ---------------------------------------
class xiph (ChannelPlugin):

        # desc
        api = "streamtuner2"
        module = "xiph"
        title = ""
        homepage = ""
        #xml_url = ""
        json_url = ""
        listformat = "url/http"
        config = [
           {"name":"xiph_min_bitrate", "value":64, "type":"int", "description":"minimum bitrate, filter anything below", "category":"filter"}
        has_search = True

        # content
        categories = [ "pop", "top40" ]
        current = ""
        default = "pop"
        empty = None
        # prepare category names
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
            self.categories = []
            self.filter = {}
            for main in self.genres:
                if (type(main) == str):
                    id = main.split("|")
                    self.filter[id[0]] = main
                    l = []
                    for sub in main:
                        id = sub.split("|")
                        self.filter[id[0]] = sub
            # GUI
            ChannelPlugin.__init__(self, parent)

        # just counts genre tokens, does not automatically create a category tree from it
        def update_categories(self):

        # downloads stream list from for given category
        def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):

            # With the new JSON cache API on I-O, we can load categories individually:
            params = {}
            if cat:
                params["cat"] = cat.lower()
            if search:
                params["search"] = search
            #-- get data
            data = http.get(self.json_url, params=params)
            #__print__(dbg.DATA, data)
            #-- extract
            l = []
            __print__( dbg.PROC, "processing JSON (via cache)" )
            data = json.loads(data)
            for e in data:
                #__print__(dbg.DATA, e)
                bitrate = int(e["bitrate"])
                if conf.xiph_min_bitrate and bitrate and bitrate >= int(conf.xiph_min_bitrate):
                    if not len(l) or l[-1]["title"] != e["stream_name"]:
                          "title": e["stream_name"],
                          "url": e["listen_url"],
                          "format": e["type"],
                          "bitrate": bitrate,
                          "genre": e["genre"],
                          "playing": e["current_song"],
                          "listeners": 0,
                          "max": 0,
                          "homepage": (e["homepage"] if ("homepage" in e) else ""),
            # send back the list 
            return l

        genres = [
              "world",    # REGIONAL
              "artist",   # ARTIST NAMES