# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Dirble
# description: Open radio station directory.
# version: 0.2
# type: channel
# category: radio
# config:
# { name: dirble_api_key, value: "", type: text, description: Custom API access key. },
# { name: dirble_fetch_homepage, value: 0, type: boolean, description: Also fetch homepages when updating stations. (Rather slow.) }
# priority: optional
# url: http://dirble.com/
# documentation: http://dirble.com/developer/api
# Provides a nice JSON API, so is easy to support.
# However useful station information (homepage, etc.) only
# with extraneous requests. So just for testing as of now.
# ST2 users may have to get a custom Dirble.com key;
# last one got disabled.
import re
import json
from config import conf, dbg, __print__
from channels import *
import ahttp as http
# Surfmusik sharing site
class dirble (ChannelPlugin):
# description
title = "Dirble"
module = "dirble"
has_search = True
listformat = "audio/x-scpls"
titles = dict(listeners=False, playing="Location")
categories = []
catmap = {}
base = "http://api.dirble.com/v1/%s/apikey/%s/"
cid = "a0bdd7b8efc2f5d1ebdf1728b65a07ece4c73de5"
# Retrieve cat list and map
def update_categories(self):
self.categories = []
# Main categories
for row in self.api("primaryCategories"):
self.catmap[row["name"]] = row["id"]
# Request subcats
sub = []
for subrow in self.api("childCategories", "primaryid", row["id"]):
self.catmap[subrow["name"]] = subrow["id"]
# Just copy over stream URLs and station titles
def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):
if cat:
id = self.catmap.get(cat, 0);
data = self.api("stations", "id", id)
elif search:
data = self.api("search", "search", search)
r = []
for e in data:
# skip musicgoal (resolve to just a blocking teaser)
if e["streamurl"].find("musicgoal") > 0:
# append dict after renaming fields
id = e["id"],
genre = str(cat),
status = e["status"],
title = e["name"],
playing = e["country"],
bitrate = self.to_int(e["bitrate"]),
url = e["streamurl"],
homepage = e.get("homepage") or self.get_homepage(e["id"], e["name"]),
format = "audio/mpeg"
return r
# Request homepage for stations, else try to deduce Dirble page
def get_homepage(self, id, name):
if conf.dirble_fetch_homepage:
return self.api("station", "id", id)["website"]
name = re.sub("[^\w\s]+", "", name)
name = re.sub("\s", "-", name)
return "http://dirble.com/station/" + name.lower();
# Patch API url together, send request, decode JSON and whathaveyou
def api(self, *params):
method = params[0]
j = http.get((self.base % (method, conf.dirble_api_key or self.cid)) + "/".join([str(e) for e in params[1:]]))
r = json.loads(j);
r = []
if len(r) and "errormsg" in r[0]:
__print__(dbg.ERR, r[0]["errormsg"])
r = []
return r