Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2 at [f5a59de6b8]

File channels/ artifact 1582092482 part of check-in f5a59de6b8

# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Bookmarks
# description: For collecting favourites. And provides some feature/category plugins.
# type: channel
# version: 1.5
# category: builtin
# priority: core
# config: { name: like_my_bookmarks,  type: boolean, value: 0, description: "I like my bookmarks" }
# Favourite lists.
# This module lists static content from ~/.config/streamtuner2/bookmarks.json.
# Any bookmarked station will appear with a star ★ icon in other channels.
# Some feature extensions inject custom subcategories here. For example the
# "search" feature adds its own result list here, as does the "timer" plugin.

from config import *
from uikit import uikit
from channels import *

# The bookmarks tab is a core feature and built into the GtkBuilder
# layout. Which is why it derives from GenericChannel, and requires
# less setup.
# Furthermore it pretty much only handles a static streams{} list.
# Sub-plugins simply append a new category, and populate the streams
# list themselves.
# It's accessible as `main.bookmarks` in the ST2 window and elsewhere.
class bookmarks(GenericChannel):

# desc
module = "bookmarks"
title = "bookmarks"
base_url = "file:.config/streamtuner2/bookmarks.json"
listformat = "*/*"

# content
categories = ["favourite", ]  # timer, links, search, and links show up as needed
current = "favourite"
default = "favourite"
streams = {"favourite":[], "search":[], "scripts":[], "timer":[], "history":[], }

# cache list, to determine if a PLS url is bookmarked
urls = []

def gui(self, parent):
    GenericChannel.gui(self, parent)
    parent.notebook_channels.set_menu_label_text(parent.v_bookmarks, "bookmarks")

# this channel does not actually retrieve/parse data from anywhere
def update_categories(self):
# but category sub-plugins might provide a hook
category_plugins = {}
def update_streams(self, cat):
    if cat in self.category_plugins:
        return self.category_plugins[cat].update_streams(cat) or []
        return self.streams.get(cat, [])

# streams are already loaded at instantiation
def first_show(self):

# all entries just come from "bookmarks.json"
def cache(self):
    # stream list
    cache = conf.load(self.module)
    if (cache):
        __print__(dbg.PROC, "load bookmarks.json")
        self.streams = cache

# save to cache file
def save(self):, self.streams, nice=1)

# checks for existence of an URL in bookmarks store,
# this method is called by other channel modules' display() method
def is_in(self, url, once=1):
    if (not self.urls):
        self.urls = [row.get("url","urn:x-streamtuner2:no") for row in self.streams["favourite"]]
    return url in self.urls

# called from main window / menu / context menu,
# when bookmark is to be added for a selected stream entry
def add(self, row):

    # normalize data (this row originated in a gtk+ widget)
    row["favourite"] = 1
    if row.get("favicon"):
       row["favicon"] = favicon.file(row.get("homepage"))
    if not row.get("listformat"):
        row["listformat"] =
    # append to storage

# simplified gtk TreeStore display logic (just one category for the moment, always rebuilt)
def load(self, category, force=False):
    __print__(dbg.UI, category, self.streams.keys())
    self.streams[category] = self.update_streams(category)
    #self.liststore[category] = \
    uikit.columns(self.gtk_list, self.datamap, self.prepare(self.streams[category]))

# add a categories[]/streams{} subcategory, update treeview
def add_category(self, cat, plugin=None):
    if cat not in self.categories: # add category if missing
    if cat not in self.streams:
        self.streams[cat] = []
    if plugin:
        self.category_plugins[cat] = plugin

# change cursor
def set_category(self, cat):
    return self.currentcat()
# update bookmarks from freshly loaded streams data
def heuristic_update(self, updated_channel, updated_category):

    if not conf.heuristic_bookmark_update: return
    __print__(dbg.ERR, "heuristic bookmark update")
    save = 0
    fav = self.streams["favourite"]

    # First we'll generate a list of current bookmark stream urls, and then
    # remove all but those from the currently UPDATED_channel + category.
    # This step is most likely redundant, but prevents accidently re-rewriting
    # stations that are in two channels (=duplicates with different PLS urls).
    check = {"http//": "[row]"}
    check = dict((row.get("url", "http//"),row) for row in fav)
    # walk through all channels/streams
    for chname,channel in main.channels.items():
        for cat,streams in channel.streams.items():

            # keep the potentially changed rows
            if (chname == updated_channel) and (cat == updated_category):
                freshened_streams = streams

            # remove unchanged urls/rows
                unchanged_urls = (row.get("url") for row in streams)
                for url in unchanged_urls:
                    if url in check:
                        del check[url]
                        # directory duplicates could unset the check list here,
                        # so we later end up doing a deep comparison

    # now the real comparison,
    # where we compare station titles and homepage url to detect if a bookmark is an old entry
    for row in freshened_streams:
        url = row.get("url")
        # empty entry (google stations), or stream still in current favourites
        if not url or url in check:

        # need to search
            title = row.get("title")
            homepage = row.get("homepage")
            for i,old in enumerate(fav):

                # skip if new url already in streams
                if url == old.get("url"):
                    pass   # This is caused by channel duplicates with identical PLS links.
                # on exact matches (but skip if url is identical anyway)
                elif title == old["title"] and homepage == old.get("homepage",homepage):
                    # update stream url
                    fav[i]["url"] = url
                    save = 1
                # more text similarity heuristics might go here
    # if there were changes
    if save: