Hex Artifact Content
Artifact 3026ea4f0c96b39df80048f2f5743a0e19f7e823:
- File gtk3.xml — part of check-in [1beab0563e] at 2014-04-10 04:31:02 on branch py3 — * Fixed gtk_list_store_get_value: assertion `column < list_store->n_columns' by removing {width:20} reference from treeview datamap. * row.setdefault() for absent search_col/set and deleted state * More __print__/dbg colorization * Disabled pson.filter_data in favour of str casting in mygtk.columns() * Removed streamactions.popup PY2/PY3 workaround with named args * More .iteritems() removal (user: mario, size: 181542) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
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