# api: streamtuner2
# title: File browser
# description: Displays mp3/oggs or m3u/pls files from local media file directories.
# type: channel
# category: local
# version: 0.4.5
# priority: optional
# status: unsupported
# depends: python:mutagen, python:id3
# config:
# { name: file_browser_dir, type: text, value: "$XDG_MUSIC_DIR, ~/MP3", description: "List of directories to scan for audio files." },
# { name: file_browser_ext, type: text, value: "mp3,ogg, m3u,pls,xspf, avi,flv,mpg,mp4", description: "File type/extension filter." },
# { name: file_browser_converttourl, type: bool, value: 1, description: "Convert file path to 'file:///' style URL" } },
# url: http://freshcode.club/projects/streamtuner2
# png:
# L374/vufxm/ffjnudJQoisoVonLDcN+sr39z7uXLXzfOn6cRhmSTCf3TUwa9HoN+H601ynXxwhA7ivhdCH48PkZOut0vdh48cKtej9C2iSyLsF7/xLpx4/5eu/1LZzSiaQx1z8O5cIHapUvVmpRkaUqcJMRpSjydmnEcP/2zKH6WOs/7mdZBVVXIqsKuKk4nE4qdnTueUncCpZh5HoHj4AqBVRQIrUFrLGPwlaLhOLiWtX93OPxKIuX+0HHWJ5ZF03VxpaRfFLRmM1rTKUGrRX1piUYQEIUhfhRRC0OqOMZxHIIwJIgiHFj77OnT+7KEd0Wt
# tl0Kgev7NHyf5apCTSaoLEMlCZdu3uT85ib1hQWi1VWcMCTb3cXxPJxmExlF2LWaMFpvS4TYcx2nmpalsKoKJQSNMCQ6cwZPCMxgwKTbpfPoETWlWDx3jtblyyghEFpjSYmwbYQx6DyPJUJ0bKUKU5Yqn83QSqGVolQKGQSEGxssrK3RffyY6Zs3zK9epb6wgBWGCCFQjkOlFFVRoIfDkTRwYIRIDTR0nqPnc7RSFP/AhW2jfJ/WlSvQ7zPe3SU9OECdPYuwbUrXxSiFsW2KOB7IaZYdp3keV9DQ8znacSj+RaWkqtVACExR0NrcZPriBflw
# SJqmWO32R9BxMEAxnfatJE37cZb1jWVRaP3x4XxOkecIy0J6HibPmY1GqHqdpa0tbNdlvLNDfnJCOR5jJhPMYECZpj2JlPEwSbqBEFTG/Jd85fZtNm/dIjk6Itnbw19e5tN79yiHQ5JnzxgfHDBrNvGjCOM4lElCkWWn1ufb2/M4TQ9LIQAoiwJTlrQ3NrCVQjoOw04Hf2UF5ftI3wchsOt1Zu/eoTsd9KtX5E+eYCaTnux2u1VRVe8N/y/PMn57+JBka4v04IDs8JDD+RxGI8RoxPz1a6yyJJ/PGT9/rivXzZRSp3m9/kYAtFdWvm3PZt+1
# png-orig:
# https://openclipart.org/detail/168001/folder-icon-red-music
# extraction-method: os
# Local file browser. Presents files from configured directories.
# This is not what Streamtuner2 is meant for. Therefore this is
# an optional plugin, and not overly well integrated.
# Bugs:
# Only loads directories on startup. Doesn't work when post-activated
# per pluginmanager2 for instance. And LANG=C breaks it on startup,
# if media directories contain anything but ASCII filenames.
# Currently does not play files with UTF characters on Windows.
# If your player doesn't play local files try unchecking "Convert file path to 'file:///' style URL". (Might happen on Windows when not using VLC.exe).
# When using VLC however it must be checked.
# After checking/unchecking restart Streamtuner2 for recollecting the local files.
# modules
import os
import re
from channels import *
from config import *
# ID3 libraries
from mutagen import File as get_meta
from ID3 import ID3
log.INFO("Just basic ID3 support")
get_meta = lambda fn: dict([(k.lower(),v) for k,v in ID3(fn).iteritems()])
log.INIT("You are out of luck in regards to mp3 browsing. No ID3 support.")
get_meta = lambda *x: {}
#Convert seconds to a time string "[[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS".
def ddhhmmss(seconds):
dhms = ''
for scale in 86400, 3600, 60:
result, seconds = divmod(seconds, scale)
if dhms != '' or result > 0:
dhms += '{0:02d}:'.format(result)
dhms += '{0:02d}'.format(seconds)
if len(dhms) == 2:
dhms = "00:" + dhms
return dhms
# work around mutagens difficult interface
def mutagen_postprocess(d):
IDTitle = ""
IDArtist = ""
IDGenre = ""
IDAlbum = ""
#Beware: Keep the order MP3 - FLAC/OGG - MP4/M4A!
if d.get("TIT2"):
IDTitle = d["TIT2"][0]
if d.get("TPE1"):
IDArtist = d["TPE1"][0]
if d.get("TCON"):
IDGenre = d["TCON"][0]
if d.get("TALB"):
IDAlbum = d["TALB"][0]
return {
#"encoder": d["TENC"][0],
"title": IDTitle,
"artist": IDArtist,
"genre": IDGenre,
"album": IDAlbum
#"tyer?????????????": d["TYER"][0], (YEAR)
#"track": d["TRCK"][0],
elif d.get("title"):
IDTitle = d["title"][0]
if d.get("artist"):
IDArtist = d["artist"][0]
if d.get("album"):
IDAlbum = d["album"][0]
if d.get("genre"):
IDGenre = d["genre"][0]
return {
"title": IDTitle,
"artist": IDArtist,
"album": IDAlbum,
"genre": IDGenre
elif d.get("\xa9nam"):
IDTitle = d["\xa9nam"][0]
if d.get("\xa9ART"):
IDArtist = d["\xa9ART"][0]
if d.get("\xa9alb"):
IDAlbum = d["\xa9alb"][0]
if d.get("\xa9gen"):
IDGenre = d["\xa9gen"][0]
return {
"title": IDTitle,
"artist": IDArtist,
"genre": IDGenre,
"album": IDAlbum
return d
# file browser / mp3 directory listings
class file (ChannelPlugin):
# data
listtype = "href"
streams = {}
categories = []
dir = []
ext = []
# display
datamap = [ # coltitle width [ datasrc key, type, renderer, attrs ] [cellrenderer2], ...
["", 20, ["state", str, "pixbuf", {}], ],
["File", 160, ["filename", str, "t", {"strikethrough":11, "cell-background":12, "cell-background-set":13}], ],
["Genre", 65, ['genre', str, "t", {"editable":9}], ],
["Title", 205, ["title", str, "t", {"editable":9}], ],
["Artist", 160, ["artist", str, "t", {}], ],
["Album", 150, ["album", str, "t", {}], ],
["Length", 50, ["length", str, "t", {}], ],
["Bitrate", 50, ["bitrate", str, "t", {}], ],
["Format", 80, ["format", str, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["editable", bool, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["favourite", bool, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["deleted", bool, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["search_col", str, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["search_set", bool, None, {}], ],
rowmap = []
# prepare
def __init__(self, parent):
# data dirs
self.dir = [self.env_dir(s) for s in conf.file_browser_dir.split(",")]
self.ext = [s.strip() for s in conf.file_browser_ext.split(",")]
# first run
if not "file_browser_converttourl" in conf:
conf.file_browser_converttourl = 1
if not self.categories or not self.streams:
# draw gtk lists
ChannelPlugin.__init__(self, parent)
# make editable
# add custom context menu
#self.gtk_list.connect('button-press-event', self.context_menu)
# Interpolate $VARS and XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS
def env_dir(self, path):
path = path.strip()
env = self.fvars()
# Replace $XDG_ ourselfes and normal $ENV vars per expandvars (because os.environ.update() doesn't do)
path = re.sub("\$(XDG\w+)", lambda m: env.get(m.group(1), m.group(0)), path)
path = os.path.expandvars(path)
return os.path.expanduser(path)
# Read user-dirs config
def fvars(self, fn="$HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs"):
fn = os.path.expandvars(fn)
src = open(fn, "r").read() if os.path.exists(fn) else ""
env = re.findall('^(\w+)=[\"\']?(.+?)[\"\']?', src, re.M) # pyxdg: Your move.
return dict(env)
# don't load cache file
cache = lambda *x: None
# override: set force=0 always, as otherwise list gets cleared (bug)
# Called on switching genre/category, or loading a genre for the first time.
def load(self, category, force=False, y=None):
log.UI("no reloading for file plugin")
ChannelPlugin.load(self, self.current, force=0)
# read dirs
def scan_dirs(self):
self.categories = []
# add main directory
for main in self.dir:
if os.path.exists(main):
# prepare subdirectories list
sub = []
# look through
for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(main):
name = os.path.basename(dir)
sfx = ""
while name+sfx in self.categories:
sfx = str(int(sfx)+1) if sfx else "2"
name += sfx
# files in subdir
if files:
self.streams[name] = [self.file_entry(fn, dir) for fn in files if self.we_like_that_extension(fn)]
# plant a maindir reference to shortname
main_base = os.path.basename(main)
if self.streams.get(main_base):
self.streams[main] = self.streams[main_base]
# extract meta data
def file_entry(self, fn, dir):
# basic data
url = ("%s/%s" % (dir, fn))
url = url.replace("\\", "/")
if conf.file_browser_converttourl:
url = url.replace(" ", "%20")
if url.startswith("/"):
url = "file://" + url
url = "file:///" + url
meta = {
"title": "",
"filename": fn,
"url": url,
"genre": "",
"album": "",
"artist": "",
"length": "n/a",
"bitrate": 0,
"format": mime_fmt(self.fnext(fn)),
"editable": False,
# add ID3 tag infos
streaminfo = get_meta(dir + "/" + fn)
# add streaminfo
if streaminfo.info: # no streaminfo.info, maybe ID3 available
if not streaminfo.info.bitrate == 0:
meta.update({"bitrate": streaminfo.info.bitrate/1000})
except: #FLAC and M4A do not have bitrate property
if not streaminfo.info.length == 0.0: #FLAC sometimes have it...
meta.update({"length": ddhhmmss(int(streaminfo.info.length))})
# add ID3
meta.update(mutagen_postprocess(streaminfo) or {})
except: # not supported by Mutagen
return meta
# check fn for .ext
def we_like_that_extension(self, fn):
return self.fnext(fn) in self.ext
def fnext(self, fn):
return os.path.splitext(fn)[1][1:]
# same as init
def update_categories(self):
# same as init
def update_streams(self, cat, *k, **kw):
return self.streams.get(os.path.basename(cat))