Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Update of "debugging"


Artifact ID: 4d0ee6aca3232ad1f3f96ddde78ad74c6a2be0d3
Page Name:debugging
Date: 2015-04-05 22:22:43
Original User: mario
Parent: 552390765c244110ddefb580868a49d13fcf6b6f (diff)
Next e16b57ecdca4a9031f3a6b4ef932d24cbba74aeb

In case streamtuner2 doesn't start up correctly, you can run it in a "debug mode". This is usually available via F12 in the Configuration window, in the "System" tab, as "x Enable debug messages".

Now when streamtuner2 hangs at startup, you can't possible reach that. So there's a command-line flag alternatively.

  1. Open a console / temrinal window

  2. Enter following command:

    streamtuner2 -D

    And press Enter.

  3. Watch the output for red error messages.

Disable a single plugin (once).

If it's just a single channel plugin that hangs at startp, you can just disable that per command line:

streamtuner2 -d xiph

To make that permanent open the configuration and press save.