| |
- __builtin__.object
- FeaturePlugin
- GenericChannel
- ChannelPlugin
class ChannelPlugin(GenericChannel) |
# channel plugin without glade-pre-defined notebook tab |
- Method resolution order:
- ChannelPlugin
- GenericChannel
- FeaturePlugin
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- gui(self, parent)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- module = 'abstract'
Methods inherited from GenericChannel:
- __init__(self, parent=None)
- # constructor
- cache(self)
- # Read previous channel/stream data, if there's any
- columns(self, entries=None)
- # Just wraps uikit.columns() to retain liststore, rowmap and pix_entry
- currentcat(self)
- # Selected category (current state from Gtk TreeModel)
- deleted_streams(self, new, old)
- # Finds differences in new/old streamlist, marks deleted with flag
- display_categories(self)
- # Refresh category treeview
- first_show(self)
- # Display .current category, once notebook/channel tab is first opened
- insert_rows(self, rows, y=None)
- # Insert/append new station rows - used by importing/drag'n'drop plugins
- iter_cats(self, name, model, iter)
- # Iterate over children to find current category
- load(self, category, force=False, y=None)
- # Called on switching genre/category, or loading a genre for the first time.
# Either fetches new stream data, or displays list from cache.
- model_iter(self)
- # Return ListStore object and Iterator for currently selected row in gtk.TreeView station list
- play(self)
- # Invoke action.play() for current station.
# Can be overridden to provide channel-specific "play" alternative
- postprocess(self, streams)
- # Stream list cleanup - invoked directly after reload(),
# callbacks can remove entries, or just update fields.
- postprocess_filter_homepage(self, row, channel)
- # Deduce homepage URLs from title
# by looking for www.xyz.com domain names
- postprocess_filter_required_fields(self, row, channel)
- # Filter entries without title or url
- prepare(self, streams)
- # Prepare stream list for display (called immediataly before .columns() refreshing)
- prepare_filter_icons(self, row)
- # state icon: bookmark star, or deleted mark
- progress(self, max, i=None)
- # sets updating progress bar for .update_streams or .reload_categores
- record(self)
- # Start streamripper/youtube-dl/etc
- reload(self)
- # Reload current station list
- reload_categories(self)
- # Update categories, save, and display
- reload_if_current(self, category)
- # Update streams pane if currently selected (used by bookmarks.links channel)
- row(self)
- # Currently selected entry in stations list, return complete data dict
- row_icon(self, gtkIcon='gtk-about')
- # Inject status icon into currently selected row (used by main.bookmark() call)
- rowno(self)
- # Convert ListStore iter to row number
- save(self)
- # Store current streams data
- select_current(self, name)
- # Traverse category TreeModel to set current, expand parent nodes
- selected(self, name='url')
- # Fetches a single varname from currently selected station entry
- stations(self)
- # Get list of stations in current category
- str_from_struct(self, d)
- # Retrieve first list value, or key from dict (-- used to get first category on init)
- switch(self)
- update_datamap(self, search='name', title=None)
- # Create private copy of .datamap and modify entries (title= rewrites)
- update_streams_partially_done(self, entries)
- # Called occasionally (by some plugins) while updating station list
Data descriptors inherited from GenericChannel:
- current
Data and other attributes inherited from GenericChannel:
- audioformat = 'audio/mpeg'
- base_url = ''
- categories = []
- catmap = {}
- datamap = [['', 20, ['state', <type 'str'>, 'pixbuf', {}]], ['Genre', 65, ['genre', <type 'str'>, 't', {}]], ['Station Title', 275, ['title', <type 'str'>, 'text', {'cell-background': 12, 'cell-background-set': 13, 'strikethrough': 11}], ['favicon', <type 'gtk.gdk.Pixbuf'>, 'pixbuf', {}]], ['Now Playing', 185, ['playing', <type 'str'>, 'text', {'strikethrough': 11}]], ['Listeners', 45, ['listeners', <type 'int'>, 't', {'strikethrough': 11}]], ['Bitrate', 35, ['bitrate', <type 'int'>, 't', {}]], ['Homepage', 160, ['homepage', <type 'str'>, 't', {'underline': 10}]], [False, 25, ['url', <type 'str'>, 't', {'strikethrough': 11}]], [False, 20, ['format', <type 'str'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['favourite', <type 'bool'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['deleted', <type 'bool'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['search_col', <type 'str'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['search_set', <type 'bool'>, None, {}]]]
- empty_stub = [{'bitrate': 0, 'genre': './.', 'homepage': '', 'listeners': 0, 'playing': 'Try Channel\xe2\x86\x92Reload Categories later..', 'state': 'gtk-dialog-error', 'title': 'No categories found (website error)', 'url': 'none:'}]
- fixed_size = [24, 24]
- gtk_cat = None
- gtk_list = None
- has_search = False
- img_resize = None
- listformat = 'pls'
- ls = None
- meta = {'config': []}
- nothing_found = [{'bitrate': 0, 'genre': './.', 'listeners': 0, 'playing': 'Notice', 'state': 'gtk-no', 'title': 'No contents found on directory server'}]
- pix_entry = None
- placeholder = [{'bitrate': 0, 'genre': './.', 'homepage': '', 'listeners': 0, 'playing': './.', 'state': 'gtk-info', 'title': 'Subcategory placeholder', 'url': 'none:'}]
- postprocess_filters = []
- prepare_filters = []
- progress_state = 1
- rowmap = []
- rx_www_url = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- shown = None
- streams = {}
- titles = {}
Methods inherited from FeaturePlugin:
- init2(self, parent, *k, **kw)
- # optionally to be overriden by plugins (run after base __init__)
- status(self, *args, **kw)
- # Statusbar stub (defers to parent/main window, if in GUI mode)
- warn(self, text, *args, **kw)
- # Statusbar with highlighting and default icon
Data descriptors inherited from FeaturePlugin:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes inherited from FeaturePlugin:
- parent = None
class FeaturePlugin(__builtin__.object) |
# Base class for plugins (features or channels) |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, parent, *k, **kw)
- # minimum setup for ChannelPlugins and feature hooks
- init2(self, parent, *k, **kw)
- # optionally to be overriden by plugins (run after base __init__)
- status(self, *args, **kw)
- # Statusbar stub (defers to parent/main window, if in GUI mode)
- warn(self, text, *args, **kw)
- # Statusbar with highlighting and default icon
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- meta = {'config': []}
- module = ''
- parent = None
class GenericChannel(FeaturePlugin) |
# Generic channel module |
- Method resolution order:
- GenericChannel
- FeaturePlugin
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, parent=None)
- # constructor
- cache(self)
- # Read previous channel/stream data, if there's any
- columns(self, entries=None)
- # Just wraps uikit.columns() to retain liststore, rowmap and pix_entry
- currentcat(self)
- # Selected category (current state from Gtk TreeModel)
- deleted_streams(self, new, old)
- # Finds differences in new/old streamlist, marks deleted with flag
- display_categories(self)
- # Refresh category treeview
- first_show(self)
- # Display .current category, once notebook/channel tab is first opened
- gui(self, parent)
- # initialize Gtk widgets / data objects
- insert_rows(self, rows, y=None)
- # Insert/append new station rows - used by importing/drag'n'drop plugins
- iter_cats(self, name, model, iter)
- # Iterate over children to find current category
- load(self, category, force=False, y=None)
- # Called on switching genre/category, or loading a genre for the first time.
# Either fetches new stream data, or displays list from cache.
- model_iter(self)
- # Return ListStore object and Iterator for currently selected row in gtk.TreeView station list
- play(self)
- # Invoke action.play() for current station.
# Can be overridden to provide channel-specific "play" alternative
- postprocess(self, streams)
- # Stream list cleanup - invoked directly after reload(),
# callbacks can remove entries, or just update fields.
- postprocess_filter_homepage(self, row, channel)
- # Deduce homepage URLs from title
# by looking for www.xyz.com domain names
- postprocess_filter_required_fields(self, row, channel)
- # Filter entries without title or url
- prepare(self, streams)
- # Prepare stream list for display (called immediataly before .columns() refreshing)
- prepare_filter_icons(self, row)
- # state icon: bookmark star, or deleted mark
- progress(self, max, i=None)
- # sets updating progress bar for .update_streams or .reload_categores
- record(self)
- # Start streamripper/youtube-dl/etc
- reload(self)
- # Reload current station list
- reload_categories(self)
- # Update categories, save, and display
- reload_if_current(self, category)
- # Update streams pane if currently selected (used by bookmarks.links channel)
- row(self)
- # Currently selected entry in stations list, return complete data dict
- row_icon(self, gtkIcon='gtk-about')
- # Inject status icon into currently selected row (used by main.bookmark() call)
- rowno(self)
- # Convert ListStore iter to row number
- save(self)
- # Store current streams data
- select_current(self, name)
- # Traverse category TreeModel to set current, expand parent nodes
- selected(self, name='url')
- # Fetches a single varname from currently selected station entry
- stations(self)
- # Get list of stations in current category
- str_from_struct(self, d)
- # Retrieve first list value, or key from dict (-- used to get first category on init)
- switch(self)
- update_datamap(self, search='name', title=None)
- # Create private copy of .datamap and modify entries (title= rewrites)
- update_streams_partially_done(self, entries)
- # Called occasionally (by some plugins) while updating station list
Data descriptors defined here:
- current
Data and other attributes defined here:
- audioformat = 'audio/mpeg'
- base_url = ''
- categories = []
- catmap = {}
- datamap = [['', 20, ['state', <type 'str'>, 'pixbuf', {}]], ['Genre', 65, ['genre', <type 'str'>, 't', {}]], ['Station Title', 275, ['title', <type 'str'>, 'text', {'cell-background': 12, 'cell-background-set': 13, 'strikethrough': 11}], ['favicon', <type 'gtk.gdk.Pixbuf'>, 'pixbuf', {}]], ['Now Playing', 185, ['playing', <type 'str'>, 'text', {'strikethrough': 11}]], ['Listeners', 45, ['listeners', <type 'int'>, 't', {'strikethrough': 11}]], ['Bitrate', 35, ['bitrate', <type 'int'>, 't', {}]], ['Homepage', 160, ['homepage', <type 'str'>, 't', {'underline': 10}]], [False, 25, ['url', <type 'str'>, 't', {'strikethrough': 11}]], [False, 20, ['format', <type 'str'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['favourite', <type 'bool'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['deleted', <type 'bool'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['search_col', <type 'str'>, None, {}]], [False, 0, ['search_set', <type 'bool'>, None, {}]]]
- empty_stub = [{'bitrate': 0, 'genre': './.', 'homepage': '', 'listeners': 0, 'playing': 'Try Channel\xe2\x86\x92Reload Categories later..', 'state': 'gtk-dialog-error', 'title': 'No categories found (website error)', 'url': 'none:'}]
- fixed_size = [24, 24]
- gtk_cat = None
- gtk_list = None
- has_search = False
- img_resize = None
- listformat = 'pls'
- ls = None
- meta = {'config': []}
- nothing_found = [{'bitrate': 0, 'genre': './.', 'listeners': 0, 'playing': 'Notice', 'state': 'gtk-no', 'title': 'No contents found on directory server'}]
- pix_entry = None
- placeholder = [{'bitrate': 0, 'genre': './.', 'homepage': '', 'listeners': 0, 'playing': './.', 'state': 'gtk-info', 'title': 'Subcategory placeholder', 'url': 'none:'}]
- postprocess_filters = []
- prepare_filters = []
- progress_state = 1
- rowmap = []
- rx_www_url = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- shown = None
- streams = {}
- titles = {}
Methods inherited from FeaturePlugin:
- init2(self, parent, *k, **kw)
- # optionally to be overriden by plugins (run after base __init__)
- status(self, *args, **kw)
- # Statusbar stub (defers to parent/main window, if in GUI mode)
- warn(self, text, *args, **kw)
- # Statusbar with highlighting and default icon
Data descriptors inherited from FeaturePlugin:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes inherited from FeaturePlugin:
- module = ''
- parent = None
| |