17 check-ins using file config.py version b88512db4c
| ||
19:04 | Add uikit.tree() instantiation for bookmarks tab. check-in: dbfe218f76 user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:03 | Draw gtk_cat columns on initialiation in .gui() call. Use more literal uikit.do() invocations without lambda: wrapping. Let display_categories only run in uikit.do/idle, whereas .load() is run directly from there now. check-in: f1a357a60d user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:58 | Statusbar updates via uikit.do, immediate=True. check-in: 7aa0ce2a25 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:57 | Make uikit.do() manage a task spool itself. Run new tasks immediately if invoked already within gtk_idle callback. Move uikit.tree column creation into separate function, for immediate use through GenericChannel.gui() - instead of destroying+repopulating it on category-list reloads. check-in: 7f51022370 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:09 | Remove some print statements, and switch to log.FUNC where necessary. check-in: ecc88e5d3e user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:08 | Add TreePath() abstractions for app_state/restore. check-in: 655dd9f19c user: mario tags: trunk | |
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21:17 | Update online manual to current help page set. check-in: 2b95379373 user: mario tags: trunk | |
21:16 | Add some notes about DND to the manual. check-in: faacd9c284 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:52 | Fix .desktop file exporting. Add mime_guess() for streaming url. Move insert_rows() implementation out of DND module. check-in: 749715cb39 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:50 | Move DND insert_rows() into GenericChannel. Add load(y=) parameter to scroll back to previous position after insert_rows(). Reenable select_path("0") after reloading category list. (Fixes initial startup.) check-in: a5893e591c user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:49 | Let bookmarks channel use generic.load() to reapply scroll position y= after inserts. check-in: a6ba97bce0 user: mario tags: trunk | |
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22:07 | Remove old .ico workaround, as PIL2(Pillow) now integrates support. Leave the remaining code in shambles, and with excessive logging. Still needs a huge rewrite to optionalize Google reliance again. (The manual favicon fetching never worked, because the regexp is too crude for most sites; and URL joining is off too.) check-in: 743c60ff80 user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:05 | Playlist DND import and conversion has been greatly simplified. (To the detriment of the action module now becoming more complex.) check-in: 705c7d16c2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:04 | Major rewrite of playlist_extract handler. Now retains url and titles for playlist types that contain it. Still provides simpler urls() wrapper for old action.play/convert/interpol usage. Move probe_* functions into playlist_extract class as well. Introduce basic playlist_fmt_prio list for supported formats. (Too many regexps to probe for allowed file extensions, etc.) Add support for .url and .desktop files (import only.) check-in: f18b5c461f user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:01 | Alias urllib*.unquote as urldecode() check-in: bd2ee4de96 user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:00 | Fix missing .module property for add_plugin_defaults. check-in: 266321da13 user: mario tags: trunk | |
06:05 | Replace old __print__/dbg.XYZ references with new log.XYZ() wrapper. check-in: ebae9e51ac user: mario tags: trunk | |