Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

โŒˆโŒ‹ โŽ‡ branch:  streamtuner2


50 most recent events occurring on or after 2015-04-10 16:37:25.

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23:23 Changes to wiki page FAQ artifact: fbaabe46dc user: mario
23:23 Changes to wiki page FAQ artifact: 3eba527047 user: mario
Run channel.first_show() on tab switches in a separate thread. This makes ST2 *look* snappy after initialization, and for the very first startup in particular. (Seems to work stable after all, even uncovers the HTTP statusbar updates now.) check-in: 56c215a897 user: mario tags: trunk
20:14 Changes to wiki page original streamtuner1 artifact: 5653299597 user: mario
20:12 Changes to wiki page windows artifact: 2963f37bf3 user: mario
Move preprocessing from Makefile to Packfile, just runs on channels/ instead of all *.py files now. check-in: 9e4b52a0f5 user: mario tags: trunk
17:05 Added wiki page contrib artifact: e12e883efe user: mario
Not implemented: `8tracks` (plugin name suffers from identifier mismatch, and it's not quite doable in ST2, because 8tracks requires feedback shortly after playback has begun; yet streamtuner can't inspect any configured audio player for actually doing so.) check-in: 327d2ed94c user: mario tags: trunk
17:01 Added wiki page contrib artifact: 77826bbbec user: mario
17:00 Added wiki page contrib artifact: 16e27d1da8 user: mario
17:00 Changes to wiki page contrib artifact: 5bb3ef5aa5 user: mario
Add old Compoundโ˜… example plugin, slightly updated for current meta data scheme. check-in: a4cb6da4ac user: mario tags: trunk
Old helper script to make streamripper add genre. Though there are `-D` pattern options that often work better. And KStreamripper or fIcy/fPls might be more modern. check-in: 39e61e9915 user: mario tags: trunk
Remove ancient dependency. (Whole favicon module needs refurbishment though. Might be feasible to turn it into a plugin meanwhile.) check-in: 6569edc420 user: mario tags: trunk
Last tagged release (2.1.6) check-in: baed88d243 user: mario tags: trunk
Move NEWS->changelog.gz conversion into xpm Packfile. check-in: b1eb48cafd user: mario tags: trunk
10:13 Changes to wiki page write a plugin artifact: 6987dcfac7 user: mario
10:13 Changes to wiki page write a plugin artifact: 8f609cb5af user: mario
10:11 Changes to wiki page write a plugin artifact: af884d6999 user: mario
10:09 Changes to wiki page write a plugin artifact: 0fe76e43f5 user: mario
10:08 Changes to wiki page write a plugin artifact: 31ae8c242d user: mario
10:06 Changes to wiki page write a plugin artifact: de6a5f3b56 user: mario
Note: Another beta release 2.1.6 technote: [c036f45de1] user: mario
Remove default %m3u placeholders. (Now defaulting to PLS, as supported by pretty much all players.) check-in: 3dd41a0668 user: mario tags: trunk, 2.1.6
Optional plugin, retrieves raw Wiki content from with country-grouped radio stations. (Will be bundled in another release.) check-in: 0f7bc40c16 user: mario tags: trunk
Prepare next beta release 2.1.6 check-in: ace13f842d user: mario tags: trunk
Fix NoneType concatenation (empty genre: entries) in cache search. check-in: 0116b55e34 user: mario tags: trunk
15:47 Changes to wiki page streamtuner2 artifact: 7db7da99b0 user: mario
Add easter egg in search_dialog only for PYZ package. (Now Makefile targets require though). Resize GtkBuilder definition for search_dialog. check-in: 5ab206cedc user: mario tags: trunk
Fix default bitrates in static SomaFM stream list. check-in: c41b729685 user: mario tags: trunk
00:48 channel plugin, with entirely static station list. check-in: 6a5133781f user: mario tags: trunk
Cleanup exportcat file extension mapping, and fix docs. check-in: 2b729c9433 user: mario tags: trunk
Manually implement $XDG_MUSIC_DIR lookup. check-in: b3afb7ed76 user: mario tags: trunk
Safeguard get_data for plugin_meta(), as global or local extras would be found by module_list, but not get_data(). check-in: d781433c78 user: mario tags: trunk
Give up. Just use embedded PNG for transparent empty_pixbif. check-in: c4adfede4a user: mario tags: trunk
Fix bookmarks tab swtich on search completion. check-in: 98f8aea21d user: mario tags: trunk
Shorten first_show(). Plugins don't initialize on startup anymore, but again on first channel tab selection. Use first entry from categories as current, if none is set. Remove some obsolete code. Display now matches on fresh installations as well as with existing cache/state. check-in: e663445700 user: mario tags: trunk
Slim down first_show() in main.channel_switch(). check-in: 97a832d8f2 user: mario tags: trunk
Fix case-sensitive PLS construction and File\d+ index starting from 1. Adapt format detection regexps as well for html, and xspf xmlns. check-in: 3301815009 user: mario tags: trunk
01:27 Added wiki page plugin meta data artifact: 61c4af8632 user: mario
Initialize with empty station TreeView again. Make bookmarks channel not override the behaviour. (This sort of works around the .current category mismatch after startup.) check-in: 6109a1a671 user: mario tags: trunk
17:38 Edit [320e271864]: Change branch background color to "#aaa8d3". artifact: dd398ebe55 user: mario
17:38 Edit [60f5238dc8]: Change background color to "#fff0c0". artifact: 78f8d861ea user: mario
17:37 Edit [97bb4bbfe9]: Change branch background color to "#fff0c0". artifact: e17fd42f85 user: mario
Move appstate restoration into init function. Implemented "quit" hook for action.cleanup_tmp_files, fixed app_restore `w.set_current_page` bug. check-in: 8622bed197 user: mario tags: trunk
Rewritten action module and playlist conversion/export works okay enough. Merged into trunk. check-in: 60f5238dc8 user: mario tags: trunk
Fix strโ†’bytes saving for Py3. Tmplement tmp_files[] cleanup. Leaf check-in: 36c234a70b user: mario tags: action-mapfmts
Finalize allowed filename extensions for exporting. Normalize Python3 string decoding (errors='ignore' per default). Update XSPF and SMIL export. Use row={} template now, instead of just carrying over title= to rewritten playlists. check-in: e136a78c73 user: mario tags: action-mapfmts
16:37 Changes to wiki page player artifact: ecd9729221 user: mario
16:37 Changes to wiki page player artifact: cd66aaff54 user: mario
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