10 descendants and 10 ancestors of 0a4c981f667ac8e06c820836fa76541257a00252
| ||
05:53 | Fix a few CLI bugs (doesn't work yet with dynamic module list), stub_parent() implementations for non-GUI mode should be merged. check-in: a7c3f7336a user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:51 | Move argv initialization to conf.apply_args(). Document config: format for argparse conversion. Enable file=sys.stderr for __print__/debug messages. check-in: 1eea3140f8 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:55 | Add workaround for ArgumentParser, which tries to map config: descriptors onto AP.add_argument(*yikes) params. check-in: 24a5fe69a1 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:53 |
Add UserAgentSwitcher plugin. (Just for experimenting really, not required.)
| |
| ||
22:06 | Fix manual Makefile `install` rules. Update -D debug notes in README. Release as 2.1.5 (beta). check-in: b6b64a45f6 user: mario tags: trunk, 2.1.5 | |
22:04 | Provide a `-D` debugging flag and a `-d shoutcast` option to disable plugins prior startup. check-in: 08b1306823 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:27 | Recategorized some dbg.ERR messages, but make them displayed now regardless of conf.debug setting. check-in: 2b63a42675 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:24 | Make Youtube channel also default. check-in: 333ed92349 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:24 | Switch .meta.title attribute after UI initialization. check-in: 86cac0312e user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:23 | Fix `local` category base url, again. Make priority: default. check-in: 76b83cd1e1 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:23 | Change version number in plugin settings from orange to gray. check-in: 0a4c981f66 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:22 | File reading in plugin_meta(): convert Py3 bytes to string. check-in: bb7e73cafb user: mario tags: trunk | |
16:15 | Fixed some help page typos, added streamedit description, and some screenshots for the configuration window. check-in: ec3a49e365 user: mario tags: trunk | |
16:15 | Changed pyz base path determination method (no more rx.zipfn guessing). check-in: ed1c185f7c user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:12 | Capitalize remaining menu entries, update PNG icon to 64x64, remove examples from logo/banner template, default to size of 315ยท115 px. check-in: ce13199e0f user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:09 | Update window title for currently selected category tab. check-in: a6f5f66365 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:09 | Wrap `gzip_decode` as fallback for Python 2. check-in: d88aab3981 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:08 | Manually register addon widget signals. Otherwise main keeps bugging with GtkWarnings when timer plugin is disabled. check-in: 33e106bce5 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:07 | Use os.path.expand* for env vars and `~` homedir placeholder. check-in: 7aafeff157 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:06 | Mention `make glade`, as gtk3.xml is now compressed per gzip after all. check-in: 57e4b7c323 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:04 | Document Makefile requirements (version, xpm/fpm), prepare manual `install` target. check-in: ff249e30f0 user: mario tags: trunk | |