50 ancestors of 48e681e05486a160
| ||
01:15 | Compressed GLRP csv playlist. check-in: 48e681e054 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:05 | Add preliminary Magnatune contrib plugin. (Radio playlists are currently broken. Only small album list is fetched.) check-in: f0fcfbd3ba user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:35 | Add yelp <note> icons. check-in: 761b87fed4 user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:34 | Update config option references for channel pages. check-in: 2b2993e6e1 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:36 | Converted help images to more grayscale/indexed variants to reduce filesize. check-in: 178fe1e006 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:06 | Use fallback title= for mkrow() importing. check-in: fbb2beedd7 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:06 | Fix urlencode references to urllib.quote. check-in: 334e951b04 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:05 | Add favicon and description. check-in: f2dbd33512 user: mario tags: trunk | |
04:27 | Fix JSON serialization. check-in: b2d517502d user: mario tags: trunk | |
04:02 | Add trivial di.fm/sky.fm radio list fetcher. check-in: 644d1b3532 user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:22 | Enable glrp.csv download from repo. check-in: f42cec687d user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:21 | Remove default ["empty",] category. check-in: d958ddb71e user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:08 | Release as 2.1.8 check-in: b0a6a50a20 user: mario tags: trunk, 2.1.8 | |
00:07 | Fix some print and log statements. check-in: d0a9fca2bd user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:07 | Use Gtk3/gdk.Color.parse() as fallback to .get_colormap(), get rid of style copying (was only necessary with the previous theming support IIRC). check-in: ae1d856e69 user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:05 | Inline copy&paste HTML entity definitions, because they seemingly were also sacrificed at the Python 3 altar. check-in: 6cb923861a user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:08 | Fix region_id default to enable v3 mostPopular query (YT stumbled over "UK"). check-in: 5a0c618e03 user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:47 | Filter `None` from extracted URLs. Fix save_playlist.export; copy.copy each row before overwriting/filling url. Implement specific `jamj` extractor (regex stumbled over playlist title). check-in: c9509eb384 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:25 | Add .save() after reading in CSV list. check-in: 930e5fd7a5 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:22 | Add playlist importer channel for GLRP. check-in: 44f08cdd69 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:52 | Updated channel documentation with links. check-in: 333e0400bc user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:27 | Moved `file` and `punkcast` into contrib/ group. check-in: d91ab221b3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:12 | ./. check-in: a80fa6becf user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:11 | Add -B and -3 options to `make run` check-in: e8c3b8b495 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:11 | Add icon for file browser. check-in: 5f1b889ce6 user: mario tags: trunk | |
11:24 | Fix some typos. check-in: 8f1be0548d user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:58 | Add omitted HTML pages. (*.html is in the fossil `ignore-glob`, so they get skipped for github-skin statistics bar.) check-in: 8a854e0f4c user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:56 | Update documentation and notes for new channel/feature plugins. check-in: 222113231f user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:45 | Readd plugin_base paths in addition to module basenames, otherwise pluginconf.get_data won't find plugins/* either in the module_list() or per get_data() - one uses paths, the other pkg names. check-in: 68107d7f9a user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:44 | Simplify core plugin dependency lookups. check-in: 120249ab54 user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:43 | Support direct URLs in DND import (only used as literal url=, brings up streamedit window afterwards). check-in: 5fe8de1fd7 user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:42 | Fix missing channel key error. Add icon. check-in: f4dfbc1e53 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:29 | Stub placeholder version: as `0` check-in: 9f252677fa user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:47 | Rewrite some comments. check-in: d08461a712 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:45 | Fix http reference, unneeded. check-in: 718fb64e78 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:45 | No more API. check-in: 5cd371d6e5 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:23 | Moved dependency() into pluginconf module, which shortens adding new installable modules to the vbox. check-in: 686c553354 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:22 | Make configwin construction slightly more readable, use new pluginconf functions. check-in: 5f8afee363 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:21 | Split pluginconf from config module. check-in: 0d6acc5aef user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:21 | Use file:// prefix for storing local paths. (Did break DND without "srv" export.) check-in: 3c7e820654 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:20 | Shorter format option descriptions. check-in: f4887cae4e user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:20 | Hopefully fix Gtk3 error by wrapping second set_current() call in uikit.do check-in: b5a787d470 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:26 | Add some version: bumps and add a few versions to depends: references. check-in: beebec9c76 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:24 | Perform basic version dependency checks before displaying downloadable plugins. check-in: c83b236a5a user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:23 | Disable iCast plugin for now. check-in: 9d1b6cc7f5 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:36 | Make plugin list prettier. Implement vbox redrawing on [save]. Activation seems to work okay for channel plugins, and main already had enough safeguards to make st2.load_plugin_channels() work as is. check-in: 0479db10f9 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:35 | Make short help notices for player/recording configuration smaller. check-in: 55a1d1e516 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:29 | Catch invalid image files when creating pixbuf in uikit.columns() check-in: 61c264fdcb user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:13 | Add user plugin manager / download tool. Not very well integrated nor pretty. Still requires a restart, needs more hooks into config dialog. (Clean up previous plugin vboxes after installation. Auto-activation required to reimplement init loader. And channels.__path__ setup isn't yet injectable, because no plugin `order:` is honored by main/init, and pluginmanager2 would run too late for overrides.) check-in: 8e8a9dd020 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:10 | Detect all command names in player config, so that both `xterm` and `streamripper` are probed for existence. Use dict comprehension for plugin_meta lookup. Remove wrap_entry in favour of generic uikit.wrap(). check-in: 91f8502978 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:09 | Allow to override encoding= for .text results (requests can't detect it automatically for binary/json responses). check-in: 00ff8bac09 user: mario tags: trunk | |