Index: channels/
--- channels/
+++ channels/
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
# title: User Plugin Manager Ⅱ
# description: Downloads new plugins, or updates them.
# version: 0.2
# type: hook
# category: config
-# depends: uikit, config, pluginconf
+# depends: uikit >= 1.9, config >= 2.7, streamtuner2 >= 2.1.8, pluginconf < 1.0
# config:
# { name: plugin_repos, type: text, value: "*.py,*.py", description: "Plugin repository JSON source references." }
# { name: plugin_auto, type: boolean, value: 1, description: Apply plugin activation/disabling without restart. }
# priority: extra
# support: experimental
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@
from config import *
from uikit import *
import ahttp
import json
import compat2and3
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as html_escape
# Plugin manager
class pluginmanager2(object):
@@ -123,29 +124,31 @@
d = ahttp.get(url, encoding='utf-8') or []
meta += json.loads(d)
# Clean up placeholders in vbox
- vbox = self.vbox
- for c in vbox.get_children()[3:]:
- vbox.remove(c)
+ _ = [self.vbox.remove(c) for c in self.vbox.get_children()[3:]]
# Query existing plugins
- have = {name: plugin_meta(module=name) for name in module_list()}
+ dep = dependency()
# Attach available downloads
for newpl in meta:
id = newpl.get("$name")
- if id.find("__") == 0: # skip
+ # skip
+ if id.find("__") == 0:
+ continue
+ # exclude if newer/current version already installed
+ if dep.have.get(id) and dep.have[id]["version"] >= newpl.get("version"):
- if have.get(id):
- if have[id]["version"] >= newpl.get("version"):
- continue;
+ # check dependencies
+ #newpl["depends"] = "streamtuner2 < 2.2.0, config >= 2.5"
+ if not dep.depends(newpl):
+ continue
# Readd some filler labels
- for i in range(1,3):
- self.add_(uikit.label(""))
+ _ = [self.add_(uikit.label("")) for i in range(1,3)]
# Entry for plugin list
def add_plugin(self, p):
b = self.button("Install", stock="gtk-save", cb=lambda *w:self.install(p))
@@ -159,11 +162,12 @@
self.add_(b, safe_format(text, **p), markup=1)
# Add placeholder fields
def update_p(self, p):
- extras = ["{}: {}".format(n, p[n]) for n in ("status", "support", "author", "depends") if p.get(n)]
+ fields = ("status", "priority", "support", "author", "depends")
+ extras = ["{}: {}".format(n, html_escape(p[n])) for n in fields if p.get(n)]
p["extras"] = " ".join(["💁"] + extras)
p["file"] = p["$file"]
for field in ("version", "title", "description", "type", "category"):
p.setdefault(field, "-")
return p
@@ -204,11 +208,67 @@
# just let main load any new plugins
+# Do minimal depends: probing
+class dependency(object):
+ # prepare list of known plugins and versions
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.have = {name: plugin_meta(module=name) for name in module_list()}
+ # dependencies on core modules are somewhat more interesting:
+ self.have.update({
+ "streamtuner2": plugin_meta(module="st2", plugin_base=["config"]),
+ "uikit": plugin_meta(module="uikit", plugin_base=["config"]),
+ "config": plugin_meta(module="config", plugin_base=["config"]),
+ "action": plugin_meta(module="action", plugin_base=["config"]),
+ })
+ have = {}
+ # depends:
+ def depends(self, plugin):
+ if plugin.get("depends"):
+ d = self.deps(plugin["depends"])
+ if not self.cmp(d, self.have):
+ return False
+ return True
+ # Split trivial "pkg, mod >= 1, uikit < 4.0" list
+ def deps(self, dep_str):
+ d = []
+ for dep in re.split(r"\s*[,;]+\s*", dep_str):
+ # skip deb:pkg-name, rpm:name, bin:name etc.
+ if not len(dep) or dep.find(":") >= 0:
+ continue
+ # find comparison and version num
+ m ="([\w.-]+)\s*([>== 0")
+ if m and
+ d.append([ for i in (1,2,3)])
+ return d
+ # Do actual comparison
+ def cmp(self, d, have):
+ r = True
+ for name, op, ver in d:
+ # skip unknown plugins, might be python module references ("depends: re, json")
+ if not have.get(name, {}).get("version"):
+ continue
+ curr = have[name]["version"]
+ tbl = {
+ ">=": curr >= ver,
+ "<=": curr <= ver,
+ "==": curr == ver,
+ ">": curr > ver,
+ "<": curr < ver,
+ "!=": curr != ver,
+ }
+ r &= tbl.get(op, True)
+ return r
# Alternative to .format(), with keys possibly being absent
from string import Template
def safe_format(str, **kwargs):
return Template(str).safe_substitute(**kwargs)