Index: contrib/ ================================================================== --- contrib/ +++ contrib/ @@ -1,39 +1,45 @@ # encoding: UTF-8 # api: streamtuner2 # title: Compound★ # description: combines station lists from multiple channels -# version: 0.1 +# version: 0.2 # type: channel # category: virtual # url: # config: - -# { name: compound_channels, type: text, value: "shoutcast, internet_radio, xiph, surfmusic", description: "Merge channels, or use all (*)" } -# { name: compound_genres, type: text, value: "Top 40, x", description: "Extract categories, or just use intersection (x)" } +# { name: compound_channels, type: text, value: "shoutcast, internet_radio, xiph, surfmusik", description: "Channels to merge station lists from." } +# { name: compound_genres, type: text, value: "Top 40", description: "Extract specific/favourite categories." } +# { name: compound_intersect, type: boolean, value: 1, description: "Intersect genres which exist in 2 or more channels." } # priority: unsupported +# png: +# iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAASCAYAAABb0P4QAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF3CculE8AAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAB3RJTUUH3wUFCigotf34ngAABGlJREFUOMttj++LVFUchz/f7znn3jtzZ+buzuzszv4SbbdVUTNp +# o8DqXUFsUEFBBEFSr/ov8h8JJOhNWlFQhggJYWKaGZrruGW26e44O7/nztx77jmnF5b2oufl58XD86HuG7uQGzTRzU1i6tQmjh8/vhxF0dtpmq612+2VZrOZ77Tb/f5gcGVnZ+dEvV7/9MyZM3GtVoPWGkopZFmG3bt3AwBkxrn9iSq9yiLX+PqLz0qrq6vH+v3+wfX1de50OvH09HS2uLhYjOP4aKVSebZQKDwfBEFda50YY7aJaNkYcw7AOQCQ +# rsgrEPigO7ekawuL1f4wLv5w/jyIOVtbW7vw+MpKJKWq9nvdX8MwfOn69evvJ0kSFwqFTQDXALwIwD4U2orSSRj09Auv747KU+GFi98gjuPOu8eOcSmQQ+/iR2CjPbf35R2bD52UEv9gATjnnAHg/h0Zk5yOapVRsHREpWmK+o3r8ZMHls9GExPG6LHzNk62/PonTU5aKYiclDITQmTOPXQQ/oO0kzJNaWLohxENW0PYdJAuzZeTNM2YWMJM5Xsu +# cwK+lwrmpFqt/hyGYRUA43+QZta3zlDiYKw1BuWZXaXK4sFXtu78qAvi/iCclSmsSuALx0KkURTdY+bIOScexDHwqBYyOazyznYrjfZVQ1jBvn37uTYzW+x3Lg/vbX1sa4cwJaSskLExnCDnDD24SyBuGhZZ5uDso8IiicHABidPfcmjQQ2HDuwHM6M8cyi/0ZybbJduyyCQYTq4ZATfHRpdSoQ5CoBgghNDk/ulY7J8/FDYYlBzKNX9plajfgM3 +# byl0u10EfokSlL1te5sDCGn9s5q9Xkzj5SQazxqA0OUdOO6xpQyAA5OE3M6IxiWHoGyMjpWI4xiXfrqMPUsL6JrYNpmlchBwQsApAW6iUfiwD4KwGdyDnfmd196D9t+EbBiwDS1PPde7O/g8V56bnS212x1c/eqKa8m4MtxFXJyzSgIeFBQypyyPFADBJudDkrJjDoZ96cfjrpYNR6QtKToyvjlf3Qnmo+QpvzXq9aeuFc16YeWvb/cQLzWGKqI9 +# ak7m9e+5FXQnayiOTW5PNidmOcg2c0tRDQd8O7EhGwAlICFSkcfUyPtenU65Gf1pn+7sFXMT2/bGRORuLVZ0T62yb32MvCcoU8LM9nrxzFbFWfKoL2pCoEqONmTDEY0cCS8RJRgoLYXIs5CxE8L3rDHPbCfuMI/Cq9OtpBrXvIF/V5dHkYkSI6ygEYjzEjpnXGMUj2LZ0OChYJXXnIMDj0EUOaKOIy44Ym2ZdaRNcW+301nozJS2SvEoGoeA43wr +# pJ4jjjzbX4ixXb9Rz+TOmMZ9QbeLDm0HYGSoZ9ndaloSCeFOCoTaUiED/tjJWGSgjdhS1wFUYLfVMuTSnKk/tuna84vzTnpXvXPlwHur2AoIAJJ8JoqdQPOmVPmBl2nPUiYN53uepr+UKnR9HeQD4eAQDFVGZanUgNu/bdfHpy9+h78Bc2RGfJQqXS8AAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6Y3JlYXRlADIwMTUtMDUtMDVUMTI6NDA6MTIrMDI6MDDJlQYgAAAA +# JXRFWHRkYXRlOm1vZGlmeQAyMDE1LTA1LTA1VDEyOjQwOjEyKzAyOjAwuMi+nAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== +# png-orig: # # Use this plugin to mix categories and their station entries from two # or more different directory channels. It merges the lists, albeit in -# a rather crude way. (If anyone is interested, I could add a proper -# regex or something now.) +# a simplistic way. # # Per default it lists only selected categories. But can be configured to # merge just intersectioning categories/genres. Entry order is determined # from station occourence count in channels AND their individual listener # count (where available) using some guesswork to eliminate duplicates. - from channels import * import action from config import conf - - - -# merging channel +# Merges categories from different channels class compound (ChannelPlugin): # runtime options has_search = False listformat = "href" # row entries will contain exact `listformat` classification @@ -46,29 +52,28 @@ streams = {} categories = [] - # which categories + # Which categories def update_categories(self): - # as-is category list + # As-is category list cats = self.split(conf.compound_genres) self.categories = [c for c in cats if c != "x"] - # if intersection - if "x" in cats: + # Genre intersection requested + if conf.compound_intersect: once = [] for chan in self.channels(): for add in self.flatten(self.parent.channels[chan].categories): # second occourence in two channels if add.lower() in once: if add not in self.categories: self.categories.append(add) else: #if add not in self.categories: once.append(add.lower()) - pass # flatten our two-level categories list def flatten(self, a): return [i for sub in a for i in (sub if type(sub)==list else [sub])] @@ -76,11 +81,11 @@ # break up name lists def split(self, s): return [s.strip() for s in s.split(",")] - # get list of channels + # List of channels def channels(self): # get list ls = self.split(conf.compound_channels) @@ -91,21 +96,23 @@ ls.remove(self.module) # but not compound return ls - # combine stream lists + # Combine stream lists def update_streams(self, cat): r = [] have = [] - # look through channels + # Look through channels if cat in self.categories: for cn in self.channels(): - # get channel, refresh list - c = self.parent.channels[cn] + # Get channel, refresh list + c = self.parent.channels.get(cn) + if not cn: + continue # skip misnamed pugins # for row in self.get_streams(c, cat): # copy