DELETED contrib/ Index: contrib/ ================================================================== --- contrib/ +++ contrib/ @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -# encoding: UTF-8 -# api: streamtuner2 -# title: Delicast -# description: directory of streaming media -# url: -# version: 0.8 -# type: channel -# category: radio -# priority: obsolete -# config: - -# png: -# iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAAAAAA6mKC9AAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF3CculE8AAAA -# AmJLR0QA/4ePzL8AAAAHdElNRQffBB4UJAsX77G0AAAANUlEQVQY02OwQwMMdv/BAEUASCFEoAIIEZIEIGYjBCAUwpb/6O5ACEABGQJ2cFsQIlB3oAEA6iVo+vl+BbQA -# AAAldEVYdGRhdGU6Y3JlYXRlADIwMTUtMDQtMzBUMjI6MzY6MDMrMDI6MDAFLUvfAAAAJXRFWHRkYXRlOm1vZGlmeQAyMDE1LTA0LTMwVDIyOjM2OjAzKzAyOjAwdHDz -# YwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== -# priority: rare -# extraction-method: regex, action-handler -# -# Just a standard genre/country radio directory. Not very -# suitable for extraction actually, because it requires a -# second page request for uncovering the streaming URLs. -# -# Audio URL lookup is done in urn_resolve action handler now, -# so only happens on playback. Which of course won't allow for -# exporting/bookmarking etc. -# Now fetches up to 5 pages (20 entries each). - - -import re -from config import * -from channels import * -import ahttp -import action - - -# Delayed streaming URL discovery -class delicast (ChannelPlugin): - - # control flags - has_search = False - listformat = "srv" - audioformat = "audio/mpeg" - titles = dict(listeners=False, bitrate=False, playing="Location") - - categories = ["60s", "70s", "80s", "90s", "Alternative", "Blues", - "Chillout", "Christian", "Classical", "Community", "Country", "Culture", - "Dance", "Disco", "Easy listening", "Electronic", "Folk", "Funk", - "Gospel", "Hiphop", "House Indie", "Information", "Jazz", "Latin", - "Lounge", "Love", "Metal", "Oldies", "Pop", "R n b", "Reggae", "Rock", - "Romantic", "Soul", "Sports", "Student", "Talk", "Techno", "Trance", - "Urban", "World music"] - - - # static - def update_categories(self): - pass - - - # Fetch entries - def update_streams(self, cat, search=None): - - ucat = re.sub("\W+", "-", cat.lower()) - html = "" - for i in range(1, 5): - add = ahttp.get("" + ucat + ("" if i == 1 else "/%s" % i)) - html += add - if not"href=''" % (ucat, i+1), add): - break - r = [] - log.HTML(html) - for ls in re.findall(""" - \d+\. - .*? - ]+href="(http[^"]+/radio/\w+)" - .*? - /pics/((?!play_tri)\w+) - .*? - 120%'>([^<>]+) - """, html, re.X|re.S): - if len(ls): - homepage, country, title = ls - r.append(dict( - homepage = homepage, - playing = country, - title = unhtml(title), - url = "urn:delicast", - genre = cat, - # genre = unhtml(tags), - )) - return r - - - # Update `url` on station data access (incurs a delay for playing or recording) - def resolve_urn(self, row): - if row.get("url").startswith("urn:delicast"): - html = ahttp.get(row["homepage"]) - ls = re.findall("^var url = \"(.+)\";", html, re.M) - if ls: - row["url"] = unhtml(ls[0]) - else: - log.ERR("No stream found on %s" % row["homepage"]) - return row - DELETED contrib/ Index: contrib/ ================================================================== --- contrib/ +++ contrib/ @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -# encoding: UTF-8 -# api: streamtuner2 -# title: streamlicensing -# description: Smaller streaming service provider -# url: -# version: 0.2 -# type: channel -# category: radio -# priority: obsolete -# png: -# iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQBAMAAADt3eJSAAAAGFBMVEVhcAAODy8rLVpHS4RPU22DismUmLTm6va3Zc/ZAAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAA -# AAFiS0dEAIgFHUgAAAAJcEhZcwAACxMAAAsTAQCanBgAAAAHdElNRQfhAgwUMiN14qDwAAAAW0lEQVQI12NggAADCMVW7gym3crBDJb08rJgZbB4 -# qqEQmBGsKMQEZggqMLCA1LAJM8AZaWUQhjpEO5uwamiQMJjBrChkADSlXBhsfHh5qgCYoWysqACxWQlCAwArBw5QNfhFygAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== -# extraction-method: regex -# -# Streaming service provider, which ensures station legality and fees -# in accordance with US copyright conversion corporations. -# -# Has only major categories. Does not provide channel homepages, and -# is a bit slow due to huge page sizes. No search function implemented -# here. -# - - -import re -import ahttp -from config import * -from channels import * - - -# -# -# · Provides around 20 categories, associated to numeric ids (?g= parameter) -# -# · Station lists are one block each, with a JS inline script associating -# some web player parameters. -# -# · Each station has a station id=, but also a stream_id= for the playlist -# generator. -# -# · Normally just provides a web player, but used to show .pls links for various -# players. Meanwhile this is hidden, but the playlist generator is still -# available - so doesn't require double lookups. -# → -# → .../directory/index.cgi/playlist.pls?action=playlist&type=pls&sid=4785&stream_id=1234 -# -# · family_safe and maxpages are hardcoded config options for now. -# -class streamlicensing (ChannelPlugin): - - # module attributes - listformat = "pls" - has_search = False - categories = [] - catmap = {} - titles = dict( listeners=False ) - - # config (not as plugin options here) - conf_family_unsafe = 0 - conf_maxpages = max(int(int(conf.max_streams) / 100), 1) - - # magic values - base_url = "" - pls_sffx = "%sindex.cgi/playlist.pls?action=playlist&type=pls&sid=%s&stream_id=%s" - - - # fetch category titles and catmap - def update_categories(self): - html = ahttp.get(self.base_url) - cats = re.findall('"\?start=&g=(\d+)&e=&s="><.+?>([\w\s-]+)', html) - self.categories = sorted([c[1] for c in cats]) - self.catmap = dict([(t,i) for i,t in cats]) - - - # extract stream urls - def update_streams(self, cat): - - # prep block regex - rx_genre = re.compile(r""" - ([^<]+) .*? - ^var\slastsong_\d+\s*=\s*'([^\n]+)'; .*? - ]+onClick=[^>]+&stream_id=(\d+)'[^>]+>(\d+)k< - """, re.I|re.S|re.X|re.M) - - # collect pages into single string - html = "" - for page in range(0, self.conf_maxpages): - self.progress(self.conf_maxpages, page) - html += ahttp.get("%s?start=%s&g=%s&e=%s&s=" % (self.base_url, page * 10, self.catmap[cat], self.conf_family_unsafe)) - if not"\?start=%s.*>Next" % ((page + 1) * 10), html): - break - html = re.sub(">Featured Stations.+?>Previous Page", "", html, 100, re.S) - - # extract and convert to station rows - entries = [] - for uu in re.findall(rx_genre, html): - print uu - entries.append(dict( - genre = cat, - id = to_int(uu[0]), - sid = to_int(uu[3]), - title = unhtml(uu[1]), - playing = unhtml(uu[2]), # actually JS decoding... - format = "audio/mpeg", - bitrate = to_int(uu[4]), - url = self.pls_sffx % (self.base_url, uu[0], uu[3]) - )) - return entries -