Streamtuner2 also runs on Windows XP and above.
Since version 2.2.0 it is an officially supported platform.
Streamtuner2 requires a working Python installation first. That includes:
- Python with Gtk bindings,
- the requests, pyquery, Python PIL and LXML packages.
For manual Python installation see below.
EXE/SFX installer 
The available .exe installer is a self-extracting ZIP. It'll unpack to Unix-style paths /usr/bin/
and /usr/share/streamtuner2
per default. However, it's relocatable, and can be installed in any base path meanwhile.
After unpacking it runs a neat post-install script for Windows 7 and above since version 2.2.0 which will download and set up all required dependencies (Python 2.7 + Gtk2) as well as the Start Menu. So it's rather convenient to set up now.
You can also install Streamripper and Python Mutagen from the script, if desired (they are not required for running Streamtuner2).
You still need to configure your audio player (VLC recommended, but WMplayer works) of course.
The installer is a Windows Powershell V2.0 script, so most likely it will not
execute on Windows XP, although Powershell can also be installed on Windows XP. It wasn't tested on this platform however.
You should a consider a manual installation of Python 2.7 on Windows XP therefore. After doing so you can just run the EXE installer for installation of the Streamtuner2 files. No Start Menu entries will be created in this case however.
There are other options to run Streamtuner2 on Windows though:
It's rather simple to run Streamtuner2 per 0install feed:
Ought to work for Windows, MacOS and BSD/Linux systems.
PYZ package
While the new .pyz package is a very convient way to deplay Streamtuner2. It just needs copying to any folder and can be started with:
python streamtuner2.pyz
Or rename it to have a .pyzw extension, in case your setup already picks that up.
Again, you need a working Python+Gtk setup first.
Basically the configuration resembles the configuration on BSD/Linux. However there are some differences with respect to path names and utility programs which are not fully reflected in the help files. Please see the respective documentation on the other Wiki pages, namely Player configuration.
Configuring full Unicode support
The Windows GTK2 setup does not provide full Unicode support. The tab symbols in the configuration window are therefore not displayed correctly.
In order to restore Unicode support you can edit the pango.aliases file located in
Add the font segoe ui symbol to the lines defining the search order for the font families sans and segoe ui:
sans = "arial,lucida sans unicode,segoe ui symbol,browallia new,mingliu,simhei,gulimche,ms gothic,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi"
"segoe ui" = "segoe ui,segoe ui symbol,meiryo,malgun gothic,microsoft jhenghei,microsoft yahei,gisha,leelawadee"
Restart Streamtuner2 and you're done.
If you want more beautiful symbols then download the Symbola font from here and change pango.aliases accordingly.
Setting up Python manually
There are probably modern Python distributions for Windows. No idea. It's definitely not something that should be handled on a per-application basis and with PyInstaller embellishments.
Manual installation of Python 2.7
Oliver found a dependable recommendation for using Python 2 in this discussion about PyGtk and PyGObject:
It may be outdated, since it's from the year 2012.
- So I built my environment for Windows 7 with the following components:
- Install python-2.7.13.msi from (should be 32-Bit according to README in
- Install pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.2.win32-py2.7.msi from
- Install Python requests via easy_install.exe requests from the Python scripts path
- Install lxml-2.3.win32-py2.7.exe from
- Install pyquery-1.2.17-py2.py3-none-any.whl from via pip install [Path]pyquery-1.2.17-py2.py3-none-any.whl
- Install PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7.exe from
- Optionally install Python Mutagen for ID3 support for the local file browser plugin via pip install mutagen from the Python scripts path
This setup has been verified for running Streamtuner2 on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10.
You should however avoid installing Python 2.7 into the %ProgramFiles(x86)% folder of Windows. It's recommended to use the suggested C:\Python27 folder instead. If you install Python into any Windows ProgramFiles folder you will not be able to apply a custom Gtk2 theme from within Streamtuner2 due to file system access restrictions.
Manual installation of Python 3.4
Python 3.4 and the newer PyGI (Gtk3) might also work meanwhile.
- ST2-Startmenu.png [download] added by Oliver on 2017-01-01 19:30:05. [details]
- ST2-Installer.png [download] added by Oliver on 2017-01-01 19:28:31. [details]
- installer-win.png [download] added by mario on 2016-11-24 21:31:41. [details]