PHP userland backwards compatibility layer that emulates PHP 5.5+ core functions.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  upgrade.php

Artifact [0c8e980426]

Artifact 0c8e98042620546f603197a5f56847904a5a088e:

  • File ext/php50.php — part of check-in [4d4222f05d] at 2015-05-07 03:54:53 on branch trunk — Move PHP 4.1-5.0 code out into separate include ext/php50.php. (user: mario size: 49152)

 * api: php
 * title: 4_1 till 5_0
 * description: PHP 4.1 till 5.0 compat code, practically obsolete
 * Moved out from the main upgrade.php, because there's little likelihood
 * anybody is still practically using such ancient setups.

 *                                   ------------------------------ 5.0 ---
 * @group 5_0
 * @since 5.0
 * PHP 5.0 introduces the Zend Engine 2 with new object-orientation features
 * which cannot be reimplemented/defined for PHP4. The additional procedures
 * and functions however can.
 * @emulated
 *    stripos
 *    strripos
 *    str_ireplace
 *    get_headers
 *    headers_list
 *    fprintf
 *    vfprintf
 *    str_split
 *    http_build_query
 *    convert_uuencode
 *    convert_uudecode
 *    scandir
 *    idate
 *    time_nanosleep
 *    strpbrk
 *    get_declared_interfaces
 *    array_combine
 *    array_walk_recursive
 *    substr_compare
 *    spl_classes
 *    class_parents
 *    session_commit
 *    dns_check_record
 *    dns_get_mx
 *    setrawcookie
 *    file_put_contents
 *    count_recursive
 *    E_STRICT
 *    mysqli_set_charset
 * @missing
 *    proc_nice
 *    dns_get_record
 *    date_sunrise - undoc.
 *    date_sunset - undoc.
 *    clone
 * @unimplementable
 *    set_exception_handler
 *    restore_exception_handler
 *    debug_print_backtrace - in ext, needs4.3
 *    debug_backtrace       - stub
 *    class_implements
 *    proc_terminate
 *    proc_get_status
 *    range        - new param
 *    microtime    - new param

#-- constant: end of line
if (!defined("PHP_EOL")) { define("PHP_EOL", ( (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == "\\") ? "\015\012" : (strncmp(PHP_OS, "D", 1) ? "\012" : "\015") )  ); } # "D" for Darwin

 * case-insensitive string search function,
 * - finds position of first occourence of a string c-i
 * - parameters identical to strpos()
if (!function_exists("stripos")) {
   function stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset=NULL) {
      #-- simply lowercase args
      $haystack = strtolower($haystack);
      $needle = strtolower($needle);
      #-- search
      $pos = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);

 * case-insensitive string search function
 * - but this one starts from the end of string (right to left)
 * - offset can be negative or positive
if (!function_exists("strripos")) {
   function strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset=NULL) {

      #-- lowercase incoming strings
      $haystack = strtolower($haystack);
      $needle = strtolower($needle);

      #-- [-]$offset tells to ignore a few string bytes,
      #   we simply cut a bit from the right
      if (isset($offset) && ($offset < 0)) {
         $haystack = substr($haystack, 0, strlen($haystack) - 1);

      #-- let PHP do it
      $pos = strrpos($haystack, $needle);

      #-- [+]$offset => ignore left haystack bytes
      if (isset($offset) && ($offset > 0) && ($pos > $offset)) {
         $pos = false;

      #-- result      

 * case-insensitive version of str_replace
if (!function_exists("str_ireplace")) {
   function str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject, $count=NULL) {

      #-- call ourselves recursively, if parameters are arrays/lists 
      if (is_array($search)) {
         $replace = array_values($replace);
         foreach (array_values($search) as $i=>$srch) {
            $subject = str_ireplace($srch, $replace[$i], $subject);
      #-- sluice replacement strings through the Perl-regex module
      #   (faster than doing it by hand)
      else {
         $replace = addcslashes($replace, "$\\");
         $search = "{" . preg_quote($search) . "}i";
         $subject = preg_replace($search, $replace, $subject);

      #-- result

 * performs a http HEAD request
if (!function_exists("get_headers")) {
   function get_headers($url, $parse=0) {
      #-- extract URL parts ($host, $port, $path, ...)
      $c = parse_url($url);
      $c = array_merge(array("port"=>"80", "path"=>"/"), $c);
      #-- try to open TCP connection      
      $f = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout=15);
      if (!$f) {

      #-- send request header
      socket_set_blocking($f, true);
      fwrite($f, "HEAD $path HTTP/1.0\015\012"
               . "Host: $host\015\012"
               . "Connection: close\015\012"
               . "Accept: */*, xml/*\015\012"
               . "User-Agent: ".trim(ini_get("user_agent"))."\015\012"
               . "\015\012");

      #-- read incoming lines
      $ls = array();
      while ( !feof($f) && ($line = trim(fgets($f, 1<<16))) ) {
         #-- read header names to make result an hash (names in array index)
         if ($parse) {
            if ($l = strpos($line, ":")) {
               $name = substr($line, 0, $l);
               $value = trim(substr($line, $l + 1));
               #-- merge headers
               if (isset($ls[$name])) {
                  $ls[$name] .= ", $value";
               else {
                  $ls[$name] = $value;
            #-- HTTP response status header as result[0]
            else {
               $ls[] = $line;
         #-- unparsed header list (numeric indices)
         else {
            $ls[] = $line;

      #-- close TCP connection and give result

 * @stub
 * list of already/potentially sent HTTP responsee headers(),
 * CANNOT be implemented (except for Apache module maybe)
if (!function_exists("headers_list")) {
   function headers_list() {
      trigger_error("headers_list(): not supported by this PHP version", E_USER_WARNING);
      return (array)NULL;

 * write formatted string to stream/file,
 * arbitrary numer of arguments
if (!function_exists("fprintf")) {
   function fprintf(/*...*/) {
      $args = func_get_args();
      $stream = array_shift($args);
      return fwrite($stream, call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args));

 * write formatted string to stream, args array
if (!function_exists("vfprintf")) {
   function vfprintf($stream, $format, $args=NULL) {
      return fwrite($stream, vsprintf($format, $args));

 * splits a string in evenly sized chunks
 * @return array
if (!function_exists("str_split")) {
   function str_split($str, $chunk=1) {
      $r = array();
      #-- return back as one chunk completely, if size chosen too low
      if ($chunk < 1) {
         $r[] = $str;
      #-- add substrings to result array until subject strings end reached
      else {
         $len = strlen($str);
         for ($n=0; $n<$len; $n+=$chunk) {
            $r[] = substr($str, $n, $chunk);

 * constructs a QUERY_STRING (application/x-www-form-urlencoded format, non-raw)
 * from a nested array/hash with name=>value pairs
 * - only first two args are part of the original API - rest used for recursion
 * @param  mixed  $vars           variable data for query string
 * @param  string $int_prefix     (optional)
 * @param  string $subarray_pfix  (optional)
 * @param integer $level  
 * @return mixed
if (!function_exists("http_build_query")) {
   function http_build_query($vars, $int_prefix="", $subarray_pfix="", $level=0) {
      #-- empty starting string
      $s = "";
      ($SEP = ini_get("arg_separator.output")) or ($SEP = "&");
      #-- traverse hash/array/list entries 
      foreach ($vars as $index=>$value) {
         #-- add sub_prefix for subarrays (happens for recursed innovocation)
         if ($subarray_pfix) {
            if ($level) {
               $index = "[" . $index . "]";
            $index =  $subarray_pfix . $index;
         #-- add user-specified prefix for integer-indices
         elseif (is_int($index) && strlen($int_prefix)) {
            $index = $int_prefix . $index;
         #-- recurse for sub-arrays
         if (is_array($value)) {
            $s .= http_build_query($value, "", $index, $level + 1);
         else {   // or just literal URL parameter
            $s .= $SEP . $index . "=" . urlencode($value);
      #-- remove redundant "&" from first round (-not checked above to simplifiy loop)
      if (!$subarray_pfix) {
         $s = substr($s, strlen($SEP));

      #-- return result / to previous array level and iteration

 * transform into 3to4 uuencode
 * - this is the bare encoding, not the uu file format
 * @param  string
 * @return string
if (!function_exists("convert_uuencode")) {
   function convert_uuencode($bin) {

      #-- init vars
      $out = "";
      $line = "";
      $len = strlen($bin);
      $bin .= "\01\01\01";   // PHP and uuencode(1) use some special garbage??, looks like "\000"* and "`\n`" simply appended

      #-- canvass source string
      for ($n=0; $n<$len; ) {
         #-- make 24-bit integer from first three bytes
         $x = (ord($bin[$n++]) << 16)
            + (ord($bin[$n++]) <<  8)
            + (ord($bin[$n++]) <<  0);
         #-- disperse that into 4 ascii characters
         $line .= chr( 32 + (($x >> 18) & 0x3f) )
                . chr( 32 + (($x >> 12) & 0x3f) )
                . chr( 32 + (($x >>  6) & 0x3f) )
                . chr( 32 + (($x >>  0) & 0x3f) );
         #-- cut lines, inject count prefix before each
         if (($n % 45) == 0) {
            $out .= chr(32 + 45) . "$line\n";
            $line = "";

      #-- throw last line, +length prefix
      if ($trail = ($len % 45)) {
         $out .= chr(32 + $trail) . "$line\n";

      // uuencode(5) doesn't tell so, but spaces are replaced with the ` char in most implementations
      $out = strtr("$out \n", " ", "`");

 * decodes uuencoded() data again
 * @param  string $from  
 * @return string
if (!function_exists("convert_uudecode")) {
   function convert_uudecode($from) {

      #-- prepare
      $out = "";
      $from = strtr($from, "`", " ");
      #-- go through lines
      foreach(explode("\n", ltrim($from)) as $line) {
         if (!strlen($line)) {
            break;  // end reached
         #-- current line length prefix
         $num = ord($line{0}) - 32;
         if (($num <= 0) || ($num > 62)) {  // 62 is the maximum line length
            break;          // according to uuencode(5), so we stop here too
         $line = substr($line, 1);
         #-- prepare to decode 4-char chunks
         $add = "";
         for ($n=0; strlen($add)<$num; ) {
            #-- merge 24 bit integer from the 4 ascii characters (6 bit each)
            $x = ((ord($line[$n++]) - 32) << 18)
               + ((ord($line[$n++]) - 32) << 12)  // were saner with "& 0x3f"
               + ((ord($line[$n++]) - 32) <<  6)
               + ((ord($line[$n++]) - 32) <<  0);
            #-- reconstruct the 3 original data chars
            $add .= chr( ($x >> 16) & 0xff )
                  . chr( ($x >>  8) & 0xff )
                  . chr( ($x >>  0) & 0xff );

         #-- cut any trailing garbage (last two decoded chars may be wrong)
         $out .= substr($add, 0, $num);
         $line = "";


 * return array of filenames in a given directory
 * (only works for local files)
 * @param  string $dirname  
 * @param  bool   $desc  
 * @return array
if (!function_exists("scandir")) {
   function scandir($dirname, $desc=0) {
      #-- check for file:// protocol, others aren't handled
      if (strpos($dirname, "file://") === 0) {
         $dirname = substr($dirname, 7);
         if (strpos($dirname, "localh") === 0) {
            $dirname = substr($dirname, strpos($dirname, "/"));
      #-- directory reading handle
      if ($dh = opendir($dirname)) {
         $ls = array();
         while ($fn = readdir($dh)) {
            $ls[] = $fn;  // add to array
         #-- sort filenames
         if ($desc) {
         else {
         return $ls;

      #-- failure
      return false;

 * like date(), but returns an integer for given one-letter format parameter
 * @param  string  $formatchar
 * @param  integer $timestamp
 * @return integer
if (!function_exists("idate")) {
   function idate($formatchar, $timestamp=NULL) {
      #-- reject non-simple type parameters
      if (strlen($formatchar) != 1) {
         return false;
      #-- get current time, if not given
      if (!isset($timestamp)) {
         $timestamp = time();
      #-- get and turn into integer
      $str = date($formatchar, $timestamp);
      return (int)$str;

 * combined sleep() and usleep() 
if (!function_exists("time_nanosleep")) {
   function time_nanosleep($sec, $nano) {

 * search first occourence of any of the given chars, returns rest of haystack
 * (char_list must be a string for compatibility with the real PHP func)
 * @param  string $haystack  
 * @param  string $char_list  
 * @return integer
if (!function_exists("strpbrk")) {
   function strpbrk($haystack, $char_list) {
      #-- prepare
      $len = strlen($char_list);
      $min = strlen($haystack);
      #-- check with every symbol from $char_list
      for ($n = 0; $n < $len; $n++) {
         $l = strpos($haystack, $char_list{$n});
         #-- get left-most occourence
         if (($l !== false) && ($l < $min)) {
            $min = $l;
      #-- result
      if ($min) {
         return(substr($haystack, $min));
      else {

 * logo image activation URL query strings (gaga feature)
if (!function_exists("php_real_logo_guid")) {
   function php_real_logo_guid() { return php_logo_guid(); }
   function php_egg_logo_guid() { return zend_logo_guid(); }

 * no need to implement this
 * (there aren't interfaces in PHP4 anyhow)
if (!function_exists("get_declared_interfaces")) {
   function get_declared_interfaces() {
      trigger_error("get_declared_interfaces(): Current script won't run reliably with PHP4.", E_USER_WARNING);
      return( (array)NULL );

 * creates an array from lists of $keys and $values
 * (both should have same number of entries)
 * @param  array $keys  
 * @param  array $values  
 * @return array
if (!function_exists("array_combine")) {
   function array_combine($keys, $values) {
      #-- convert input arrays into lists
      $keys = array_values($keys);
      $values = array_values($values);
      $r = array();
      #-- one from each
      foreach ($values as $i=>$val) {
         if ($key = $keys[$i]) {
            $r[$key] = $val;
         else {
            $r[] = $val;   // useless, PHP would have long aborted here

 * apply userfunction to each array element (descending recursively)
 * use it like:  array_walk_recursive($_POST, "stripslashes");
 * - $callback can be static function name or object/method, class/method
 * @param  array  $input  
 * @param  string $callback  
 * @param  array  $userdata  (optional)
 * @return array
if (!function_exists("array_walk_recursive")) {
   function array_walk_recursive(&$input, $callback, $userdata=NULL) {
      #-- each entry
      foreach ($input as $key=>$value) {

         #-- recurse for sub-arrays
         if (is_array($value)) {
            array_walk_recursive($input[$key], $callback, $userdata);

         #-- $callback handles scalars
         else {
            call_user_func_array($callback, array(&$input[$key], $key, $userdata) );

      // no return value

 * complicated wrapper around substr() and and strncmp()
 * @param  string  $haystack  
 * @param  string  $needle  
 * @param  integer $offset  
 * @param  integer $len  
 * @param  integer $ci  
 * @return mixed
if (!function_exists("substr_compare")) {
   function substr_compare($haystack, $needle, $offset=0, $len=0, $ci=0) {

      #-- check params   
      if ($len <= 0) {   // not well documented
         $len = strlen($needle);
         if (!$len) { return(0); }
      #-- length exception
      if ($len + $offset >= strlen($haystack)) {
         trigger_error("substr_compare: given length exceeds main_str", E_USER_WARNING);

      #-- cut
      if ($offset) {
         $haystack = substr($haystack, $offset, $len);
      #-- case-insensitivity
      if ($ci) {
         $haystack = strtolower($haystack);
         $needle = strtolower($needle);

      #-- do
      return(strncmp($haystack, $needle, $len));

 * stub, returns empty list as usual;
 * you must load "ext/spl.php" beforehand to get this
if (!function_exists("spl_classes")) {
   function spl_classes() {
      trigger_error("spl_classes(): not built into this PHP version");
      return (array)NULL;

 * gets you list of class names the given objects class was derived from, slow
 * @param  object $obj  
 * @return object
if (!function_exists("class_parents")) {
   function class_parents($obj) {
      #-- first get full list
      $all = get_declared_classes();
      $r = array();
      #-- filter out
      foreach ($all as $potential_parent) {
         if (is_subclass_of($obj, $potential_parent)) {
            $r[$potential_parent] = $potential_parent;

 * an alias
if (!function_exists("session_commit") && function_exists("session_write_close")) {
   function session_commit() {
      // simple

 * aliases
 * @param  mixed $host  
 * @param  mixed $type  (optional)
 * @return mixed
if (!function_exists("dns_check_record")) {
   function dns_check_record($host, $type=NULL) {
      // synonym to
      return checkdnsrr($host, $type);
if (!function_exists("dns_get_mx")) {
   function dns_get_mx($host, $mx) {
      $args = func_get_args();
      // simple alias - except the optional, but referenced third parameter
      if ($args[2]) {
         $w = & $args[2];
      else {
         $w = false;
      return getmxrr($host, $mx, $w);

 * setrawcookie(),
 * can this be emulated 100% exactly?
 * @param  string $name 
 * @param  mixed  $value
 * @param  mixed  $expire
 * @param  mixed  $path
 * @param  mixed  $domain
 * @param integer $secure
 * @return string
if (!function_exists("setrawcookie")) {
   // we output everything directly as HTTP header(), PHP doesn't seem
   // to manage an internal cookie list anyhow
   function setrawcookie($name, $value=NULL, $expire=NULL, $path=NULL, $domain=NULL, $secure=0) {
      if (isset($value) && strpbrk($value, ",; \r\t\n\f\014\013")) {
         trigger_error("setrawcookie: value may not contain any of ',; \r\n' and some other control chars; thrown away", E_USER_WARNING);
      else {
         $h = "Set-Cookie: $name=$value"
            . ($expire ? "; expires=" . gmstrftime("%a, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S %Z", $expire) : "")
            . ($path ? "; path=$path": "")
            . ($domain ? "; domain=$domain" : "")
            . ($secure ? "; secure" : "");

 * write-at-once file access (counterpart to file_get_contents)
 * @param  integer $filename
 * @param  mixed   $content  
 * @param  integer $flags 
 * @param  mixed   $resource
 * @return integer
if (!function_exists("file_put_contents")) {
   function file_put_contents($filename, $content, $flags=0, $resource=NULL) {

      #-- prepare
      $mode = ($flags & FILE_APPEND ? "a" : "w" ) ."b";
      $incl = $flags & FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH;
      $length = strlen($content);
//      $resource && trigger_error("EMULATED file_put_contents does not support \$resource parameter.", E_USER_ERROR);
      #-- write non-scalar?
      if (is_array($content) || is_object($content)) {
         $content = implode("", (array)$content);

      #-- open for writing
      $f = fopen($filename, $mode, $incl);
      if ($f) {
         // locking
         if (($flags & LOCK_EX) && !flock($f, LOCK_EX)) {
            return fclose($f) && false;

         // write
         $written = fwrite($f, $content);
         #-- only report success, if completely saved
         return($length == $written);

 * file-related constants
if (!defined("FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH")) { define("FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH", 1); }
if (!defined("FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES")) { define("FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES", 2); }
if (!defined("FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES")) { define("FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES", 4); }
if (!defined("FILE_APPEND")) { define("FILE_APPEND", 8); }
if (!defined("FILE_NO_DEFAULT_CONTEXT")) { define("FILE_NO_DEFAULT_CONTEXT", 16); }

#-- more new constants for 5.0
 * @since PHP 5
if (!defined("E_STRICT")) { define("E_STRICT", 2048); }  // _STRICT is a special case of _NOTICE (_DEBUG)

#-- array count_recursive()
if (!defined("COUNT_NORMAL")) { define("COUNT_NORMAL", 0); }      // count($array, 0);
if (!defined("COUNT_RECURSIVE")) { define("COUNT_RECURSIVE", 1); }    // use count_recursive()

 * @since never
 * @nonstandard
 * we introduce a new function, because we cannot emulate the
 * newly introduced second parameter to count()
 * @param  array $array 
 * @param  integer $mode
 * @return integer
if (!function_exists("count_recursive")) {
   function count_recursive($array, $mode=1) {
      if (!$mode) {
      else {
         $c = count($array);
         foreach ($array as $sub) {
            if (is_array($sub)) {
               $c += count_recursive($sub);

 * Sets the default client character set.
 * @compat
 *    Procedural style
 * @bugs
 *    PHP documentation says this function exists in PHP 5 >= 5.0.5,
 *    but it also depends on the versions of external libraries, e.g.,
 *    php_mysqli.dll and libmysql.dll.
 * @param $link    mysqli MySQLi connection resource
 * @param $charset string Character set
 * @return bool           TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
if (!function_exists("mysqli_set_charset") && function_exists("mysqli_query")) {
   function mysqli_set_charset($link, $charset) {
      return mysqli_query($link, "SET NAMES '$charset'");

 *                                   ------------------------------ 4.4 ---
 * @group 4_4
 * @since 4.4
 * PHP 4.4 is a bugfix and backporting version created after PHP 5. It went
 * mostly unchanged, but changes a few language semantics (e.g. references).
 * @emulated

if (!defined("PHP_INT_SIZE")) { define("PHP_INT_SIZE", 4); }
if (!defined("PHP_INT_MAX")) { define("PHP_INT_MAX", 2147483647); }
if (!defined("SORT_LOCALE_STRING")) { define("SORT_LOCALE_STRING", 5); }

 *                                   ------------------------------ 4.3 ---
 * @group 4_3
 * @since 4.3
 *  Additions in 4.3 version of PHP interpreter.
 * @emulated
 *    file_get_contents
 *    array_key_exists
 *    array_intersect_assoc
 *    array_diff_assoc
 *    html_entity_decode
 *    str_word_count
 *    str_shuffle
 *    get_include_path
 *    set_include_path
 *    restore_include_path
 *    fnmatch
 *    glob
 *    __FUNCTION__
 *    PHP_SAPI
 * @missing
 *    sha1_file
 *    sha1 - too much code, and has been reimplemented elsewhere
 * @unimplementable
 *    money_format

 * simplified file read-at-once function
 * @param  string  $filename  
 * @param  integer $use_include_path  (optional)
 * @return string
if (!function_exists("file_get_contents")) {
   function file_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path=1) {

      #-- open file, let fopen() report error
      $f = fopen($filename, "rb", $use_include_path);
      if (!$f) { return; }

      #-- read max 2MB
      $content = fread($f, 1<<21);

 * shell-like filename matching (* and ? globbing characters)
 * @param  string $pattern  glob-pattern with *s and ?s
 * @param  string $fn       filename to match it against (without path)
 * @param integer $flags    (optional)
 * @return bool
if (!function_exists("fnmatch")) {

   #-- associated constants
   if (!defined("FNM_PATHNAME")) { define("FNM_PATHNAME", 1<<0); }  // no wildcard ever matches a "/"
   if (!defined("FNM_NOESCAPE")) { define("FNM_NOESCAPE", 1<<1); }  // backslash can't escape meta chars
   if (!defined("FNM_PERIOD")) { define("FNM_PERIOD",   1<<2); }  // leading dot must be given explicit
   if (!defined("FNM_LEADING_DIR")) { define("FNM_LEADING_DIR", 1<<3); }  // not in PHP
   if (!defined("FNM_CASEFOLD")) { define("FNM_CASEFOLD", 0x50); }  // match case-insensitive
   if (!defined("FNM_EXTMATCH")) { define("FNM_EXTMATCH", 1<<5); }  // not in PHP
   #-- implementation
   function fnmatch($pattern, $fn, $flags=0x0000) {
      #-- 'hidden' files
      if ($flags & FNM_PERIOD) {
         if (($fn[0] == ".") && ($pattern[0] != ".")) {
            return(false);    // abort early

      #-- case-insensitivity
      $rxci = "";
      if ($flags & FNM_CASEFOLD) {
         $rxci = "i";
      #-- handline of pathname separators (/)
      $wild = ".";
      if ($flags & FNM_PATHNAME) {

      #-- check for cached regular expressions
      static $cmp = array();
      if (isset($cmp["$pattern+$flags"])) {
         $rx = $cmp["$pattern+$flags"];

      #-- convert filename globs into regex
      else {
         $rx = preg_quote($pattern);
         $rx = strtr($rx, array(
            "\\*"=>"$wild*?", "\\?"=>"$wild", "\\["=>"[", "\\]"=>"]",
         $rx = "{^" . $rx . "$}" . $rxci;
         #-- cache
         if (count($cmp) >= 50) {
            $cmp = array();   // free
         $cmp["$pattern+$flags"] = $rx;
      #-- compare
      return(preg_match($rx, $fn));

 * file search and name matching (with shell patterns)
 * @param  string  $pattern   search pattern and path ../* string
 * @param  integer $flags (optional)
 * @return array
if (!function_exists("glob")) {

   #-- introduced constants
   if (!defined("GLOB_MARK")) { define("GLOB_MARK", 1<<0); }
   if (!defined("GLOB_NOSORT")) { define("GLOB_NOSORT", 1<<1); }
   if (!defined("GLOB_NOCHECK")) { define("GLOB_NOCHECK", 1<<2); }
   if (!defined("GLOB_NOESCAPE")) { define("GLOB_NOESCAPE", 1<<3); }
   if (!defined("GLOB_BRACE")) { define("GLOB_BRACE", 1<<4); }
   if (!defined("GLOB_ONLYDIR")) { define("GLOB_ONLYDIR", 1<<5); }
   if (!defined("GLOB_NOCASE")) { define("GLOB_NOCASE", 1<<6); }
   if (!defined("GLOB_DOTS")) { define("GLOB_DOTS", 1<<7); }
   // unlikely to work under Win(?), without replacing the explode() with
   // a preg_split() incorporating the native DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR as well

   #-- implementation
   function glob($pattern, $flags=0x0000) {
      $ls = array();
      $rxci = ($flags & GLOB_NOCASE) ? "i" : "";
#echo "\n=> glob($pattern)...\n";
      #-- transform glob pattern into regular expression
      #   (similar to fnmatch() but still different enough to require a second func)
      if ($pattern) {

         #-- look at each directory/fn spec part separately
         $parts2 = explode("/", $pattern);
         $pat = preg_quote($pattern);
         $pat = strtr($pat, array("\\*"=>".*?", "\\?"=>".?"));
         if ($flags ^ GLOB_NOESCAPE) {
            // uh, oh, ouuch - the above is unclean enough...
         if ($flags ^ GLOB_BRACE) {
            $pat = preg_replace_callback("/\{(.+?)\}/", "glob___rx_brace", $pat);
         $parts = explode("/", $pat);
#echo "parts == ".implode(" // ", $parts) . "\n";
         $lasti = count($parts) - 1;
         $dn = "";
         foreach ($parts as $i=>$p) {

            #-- basedir included (yet no pattern matching necessary)
            if (!strpos($p, "*?") && (strpos($p, ".?")===false)) {
               $dn .= $parts2[$i] . ($i!=$lasti ? "/" : "");
#echo "skip:$i, cause no pattern matching char found -> only a basedir spec\n";
            #-- start reading dir + match filenames against current pattern
            if ($dh = opendir($dn ?$dn:'.')) {
               $with_dot = ($p[1]==".") || ($flags & GLOB_DOTS);
#echo "part:$i:$p\n";
#echo "reading dir \"$dn\"\n";
               while ($fn = readdir($dh)) {
                  if (preg_match("\007^$p$\007$rxci", $fn)) {

                     #-- skip over 'hidden' files
                     if (($fn[0] == ".") && !$with_dot) {

                     #-- add filename only if last glob/pattern part
                     if ($i==$lasti) {
                        if (is_dir("$dn$fn")) {
                           if ($flags & GLOB_ONLYDIR) {
                           if ($flags & GLOB_MARK) {
                              $fn .= "/";
#echo "adding '$fn' for dn=$dn to list\n";
                        $ls[] = "$dn$fn";

                     #-- initiate a subsearch, merge result list in
                     elseif (is_dir("$dn$fn")) {
                        // add reamaining search patterns to current basedir
                        $remaind = implode("/", array_slice($parts2, $i+1));
                        $ls = array_merge($ls, glob("$dn$fn/$remaind", $flags));

               #-- prevent scanning a 2nd part/dir in same glob() instance:

            #-- given dirname doesn't exist
            else {

         }// foreach $parts

      #-- return result list
      if (!$ls && ($flags & GLOB_NOCHECK)) {
         $ls[] = $pattern;
      if ($flags ^ GLOB_NOSORT) {
#echo "<=\n";
   function glob___rx_brace($m) {
      return "(?:" . strtr($m[1], ",", "|") . ")";
} //@FIX: fully comment, remove debugging code (- as soon as it works ;)

 * redundant alias for isset()
if (!function_exists("array_key_exists")) {
   function array_key_exists($key, $search) {
      return isset($search[$key]);

 * who could need that?
if (!function_exists("array_intersect_assoc")) {
   function array_intersect_assoc( /*array, array, array...*/ ) {

      #-- parameters, prepare
      $in = func_get_args();
      $cmax = count($in);
      $whatsleftover = array();
      #-- walk through each array pair
      #   (take first as checklist)
      foreach ($in[0] as $i => $v) {
         for ($c = 1; $c < $cmax; $c++) {
            #-- remove entry, as soon as it isn't present
            #   in one of the other arrays
            if (!isset($in[$c][$i]) || (@$in[$c][$i] !== $v)) {
               continue 2;
         #-- it was found in all other arrays
         $whatsleftover[$i] = $v;
      return $whatsleftover;

 * the opposite of the above
if (!function_exists("array_diff_assoc")) {
   function array_diff_assoc( /*array, array, array...*/ ) {

      #-- params
      $in = func_get_args();
      $diff = array();
      #-- compare each array with primary/first
      foreach ($in[0] as $i=>$v) {
         for ($c=1; $c<count($in); $c++) {
            #-- skip as soon as it matches with entry in another array
            if (isset($in[$c][$i]) && ($in[$c][$i] == $v)) {
               continue 2;
         #-- else
         $diff[$i] = $v;
      return $diff;

 * opposite of htmlentities
if (!function_exists("html_entity_decode")) {
   function html_entity_decode($string, $quote_style=ENT_COMPAT, $charset="ISO-8859-1") {
      //@FIX: we fall short on anything other than Latin-1
      $y = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, $quote_style));
      return strtr($string, $y);

 * extracts single words from a string
if (!function_exists("str_word_count")) {
   function str_word_count($string, $result=0) {
      #-- let someone else do the work
      preg_match_all('/([\w](?:[-\'\w]?[\w]+)*)/', $string, $uu);

      #-- return full word list
      if ($result == 1) {
      #-- array() of $pos=>$word entries
      elseif ($result >= 2) {
         $r = array();
         $l = 0;
         foreach ($uu[1] as $word) {
            $l = strpos($string, $word, $l);
            $r[$l] = $word;
            $l += strlen($word);  // speed up next search

      #-- only count
      else {

 * creates a permutation of the given strings characters
 * (let's hope the random number generator was alread initialized)
if (!function_exists("str_shuffle")) {
   function str_shuffle($str) {
      $r = "";

      #-- cut string down with every iteration
      while (strlen($str)) {
         $n = strlen($str) - 1;
         if ($n) {
            $n = rand(0, $n);   // glibcs` rand is ok since 2.1 at least
         #-- cut out elected char, add to result string
         $r .= $str{$n};
         $str = substr($str, 0, $n) . substr($str, $n + 1);

 * simple shorthands
if (!function_exists("get_include_path")) {
   function get_include_path() {
   function set_include_path($new) {
      return ini_set("include_path", $new);
   function restore_include_path() {

#-- constants for 4.3
   if (!defined("PATH_SEPARATOR")) { define("PATH_SEPARATOR", ((DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR=='\\') ? ';' :':')); }
   if (!defined("PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX")) { define("PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX", ((DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR=='\\') ? 'dll' :'so')); }
   if (!defined("PHP_SAPI")) { define("PHP_SAPI", php_sapi_name()); }
   if (!defined("__FUNCTION__")) { define("__FUNCTION__", NULL); }   // empty string would signalize main()

#-- not identical to what PHP reports (it seems to `which` for itself)
if (!defined("PHP_PREFIX") && isset($_ENV["_"])) { define("PHP_PREFIX", substr($_ENV["_"], 0, strpos($_ENV["_"], "bin/"))); }

 *                                   ------------------------------ 4.2 ---
 * @group 4_2
 * @since 4.2
 *  Functions added in PHP 4.2 interpreters.
 * @emulated
 *   str_rot13
 *   array_change_key_case
 *   array_fill
 *   array_chunk
 *   md5_file
 *   is_a
 *   fmod
 *   floatval
 *   is_infinite
 *   is_nan
 *   is_finite
 *   var_export
 *   strcoll
 * @missing
 *   ...
 *   almost complete!?

 * shy away from this function - it was broken in all PHP4.2 releases,
 * and our emulation here won't change that
 * @param  string $str  
 * @return string
if (!function_exists("str_rot13")) {
   function str_rot13($str) {
      static $from = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
      static $to = "NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm";
      return strtr($str, $from, $to);

 * changes case of textual index keys
 * @param  array $array  
 * @param  int   $case
 * @return array
if (!function_exists("array_change_key_case")) {
   #-- introduced constants
   if (!defined("CASE_LOWER")) { define("CASE_LOWER", 0); }
   if (!defined("CASE_UPPER")) { define("CASE_UPPER", 1); }
   #-- implementation
   function array_change_key_case($array, $case=CASE_LOWER) {
      #-- loop through
      foreach ($array as $i=>$v) {
         #-- do anything for strings only
         if (is_string($i)) {
            $i = ($case==CASE_LOWER) ? strtolower($i) : strtoupper($i);
            $array[$i] = $v;
         // non-recursive      

 * create fixed-length array made up of $value data
if (!function_exists("array_fill")) {
   function array_fill($start_index, $num, $value) {

      #-- params
      $r = array();
      $i = $start_index;
      $end = $num + $start_index;
      #-- append
      for (; $i < $end; $i++)
         $r[$i] = $value;

 * split an array into evenly sized parts
if (!function_exists("array_chunk")) {
   function array_chunk($input, $size, $preserve_keys=false) {
      #-- array for chunked output
      $r = array();
      $n = -1;  // chunk index
      #-- enum input array blocks
      foreach ($input as $i=>$v) {
         #-- new chunk
         if (($n < 0) || (count($r[$n]) == $size)) {
            $r[$n] = array();
         #-- add input value into current [$n] chunk
         if ($preserve_keys) {
            $r[$n][$i] = $v;
         else {
            $r[$n][] = $v;

 * convenience wrapper
if (!function_exists("md5_file")) {
   function md5_file($filename, $raw_output=false) {

      #-- read file, apply hash function
      $r = md5(file_get_contents($filename, "rb"));
      #-- transform? and return
      if ($raw_output) {
         $r = pack("H*", $r);
      return $r;

 * object type checking
if (!function_exists("is_a")) {
   function is_a($obj, $classname) {
      #-- lowercase everything for comparison
      $classnaqme = strtolower($classname);
      $obj_class =  strtolower(get_class($obj));
      #-- two possible checks
      return ($obj_class == $classname) or is_subclass_of($obj, $classname);

 * floating point modulo
if (!function_exists("fmod")) {
   function fmod($x, $y) {
      $r = $x / $y;
      $r -= (int)$r;
      $r *= $y;

 * makes float variable from string
 * @param  string
 * @return float
if (!function_exists("floatval")) {
   function floatval($str) {
      $str = ltrim($str);
      return (float)$str;

 * floats
if (!function_exists("is_infinite")) {

   #-- constants as-is
   if (!defined("NAN")) { define("NAN", "NAN"); }
   if (!defined("INF")) { define("INF", "INF"); }   // there is also "-INF"
   #-- simple checks
   function is_infinite($f) {
      $s = (string)$f;
      return(  ($s=="INF") || ($s=="-INF")  );
   function is_nan($f) {
      $s = (string)$f;
      return(  $s=="NAN"  );
   function is_finite($f) {
      $s = (string)$f;
      return(  !strpos($s, "N")  );

 * throws value-instantiation PHP-code for given variable
 * @compat
 *    output differentiates from native PHP version,
 *    but functions identically
 * @param  mixed $var  
 * @param  mixed $return  (optional) false
 * @param  string $indent  (optional) ""
 * @param  string $output  (optional) ""
 * @return mixed
if (!function_exists("var_export")) {
   function var_export($var, $return=false, $indent="", $output="") {

      #-- output as in-class variable definitions
      if (is_object($var)) {
         $output = get_class($var) . "::_set_state(array(\n";
         foreach (((array)$var) as $id=>$var) {
            $output .= "  '\$$id' => " . var_export($var, true) . ",\n";
         $output .= "));";
      #-- array constructor
      elseif (is_array($var)) {
         foreach ($var as $id=>$next) {
            if ($output) $output .= ",\n";
                    else $output = "array(\n";
            $output .= $indent . '  '
                    . (is_numeric($id) ? $id : '"'.addslashes($id).'"')
                    . ' => ' . var_export($next, true, "$indent  ");
         if (empty($output)) $output = "array(";
         $output .= "\n{$indent})";
       #if ($indent == "") $output .= ";";
      #-- literals
      elseif (is_numeric($var)) {
         $output = "$var";
      elseif (is_bool($var)) {
         $output = $var ? "true" : "false";
      else {
         $output = "'" . preg_replace("/([\\\\\'])/", '\\\\$1', $var) . "'";

      #-- done
      if ($return) {
      else {

 * @stub
 * @since existed since PHP 4.0.5, but under Win32 first since 4.3.2
 * strcmp() variant that respects locale setting,
 * @param  string $str1  
 * @param  string $str2  
 * @return string
if (!function_exists("strcoll")) {
   function strcoll($str1, $str2) {
      return strcmp($str1, $str2);

 *                                   ------------------------------ 4.1 ---
 * @group 4_1
 * @since 4.1
 * See also "ext/math41.php" for some more (rarely used mathematical funcs).
 * @emulated
 *   diskfreespace
 *   disktotalspace
 *   vprintf
 *   vsprintf
 *   import_request_variables
 *   hypot
 *   log1p
 *   expm1
 *   sinh
 *   cosh
 *   tanh
 *   asinh
 *   acosh
 *   atanh
 *   mhash
 *   mhash_count
 *   mhash_get_hash_name
 *   mhash_get_block_size
 * @missing
 *   nl_langinfo - unimpl?
 *   getmygid
 *   version_compare

 * aliases (an earlier fallen attempt to unify PHP function names)
if (!function_exists("diskfreespace")) {
   function diskfreespace() {
      return disk_free_sapce();
   function disktotalspace() {
      return disk_total_sapce();

 * variable count of arguments (in array list) printf variant
 * @param  string $format  
 * @param  mixed  $args
 * @output
if (!function_exists("vprintf")) {
   function vprintf($format, $args=NULL) {
      call_user_func_array("fprintf", func_get_args());

 * same as above, but doesn't output directly and returns formatted string
 * @param  string $format
 * @param  mixed  $args
 * @return string
if (!function_exists("vsprintf")) {
   function vsprintf($format, $args=NULL) {
      $args = array_merge(array($format), array_values((array)$args));
      return call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args);

 * @extended
 * can be used to simulate a register_globals=on environment
 * @param  string $types   order of GET,POST,COOKIE variables
 * @param  string $pfix    prefix for imported variable names
 * @global $GLOBALS
if (!function_exists("import_request_variables")) {
   function import_request_variables($types="GPC", $pfix="") {
      #-- associate abbreviations to global var names
      $alias = array(
         "G" => "_GET",
         "P" => "_POST",
         "C" => "_COOKIE",
         "S" => "_SERVER",   // non-standard
         "E" => "_ENV",      // non-standard

      #-- alias long names (PHP < 4.0.6)    //@FIXME: does that belong here?
      if (!isset($_REQUEST)) {
         $_GET = & $HTTP_GET_VARS;
         $_POST = & $HTTP_POST_VARS;
         $_COOKIE = & $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS;
      #-- copy
      foreach (str_split($types, 1) as $c) {
         if ($FROM = $alias[strtoupper($c)]) {
            foreach ($$FROM as $key=>$val) {
               if (!isset($GLOBALS[$pfix.$key])) {
                  $GLOBALS[$pfix . $key] = $val;
      // done

// a few mathematical functions follow
// (wether we should really emulate them is a different question)

#-- me has no idea what this function means
if (!function_exists("hypot")) {
   function hypot($num1, $num2) {
      return sqrt($num1*$num1 + $num2*$num2);  // as per PHP manual ;)

#-- more accurate logarithm func, but we cannot simulate it
#   (too much work, too slow in PHP)
if (!function_exists("log1p")) {
   function log1p($x) {
      return(  log(1+$x)  );
   #-- same story for:
   function expm1($x) {
      return(  exp($x)-1  );

#-- as per PHP manual
if (!function_exists("sinh")) {
   function sinh($f) {
      return(  (exp($f) - exp(-$f)) / 2  );
   function cosh($f) {
      return(  (exp($f) + exp(-$f)) / 2  );
   function tanh($f) {
      return(  sinh($f) / cosh($f)  );   // ok, that one makes sense again :)

#-- these look a bit more complicated
if (!function_exists("asinh")) {
   function asinh($x) {
      return(  log($x + sqrt($x*$x+1))  );
   function acosh($x) {
      return(  log($x + sqrt($x*$x-1))  );
   function atanh($x) {
      return(  log1p( 2*$x / (1-$x) ) / 2  );

 * HMAC from RFC2104, but see also PHP_Compat or Crypt_HMAC
 * @param  string $hashtype  which encoding functions to use
 * @param  string $text      plaintext to hash
 * @param  string $key       key data
 * @return string            hash
if (!function_exists("mhash")) {

   #-- constants
   if (!defined("MHASH_CRC32")) { define("MHASH_CRC32", 0); }
   if (!defined("MHASH_MD5")) { define("MHASH_MD5", 1); }       // RFC1321
   if (!defined("MHASH_SHA1")) { define("MHASH_SHA1", 2); }      // RFC3174
   if (!defined("MHASH_TIGER")) { define("MHASH_TIGER", 7); }
   if (!defined("MHASH_MD4")) { define("MHASH_MD4", 16); }      // RFC1320
   if (!defined("MHASH_SHA256")) { define("MHASH_SHA256", 17); }
   if (!defined("MHASH_ADLER32")) { define("MHASH_ADLER32", 18); }
   #-- implementation
   function mhash($hashtype, $text, $key) {
      #-- hash function
      if (!($func = mhash_get_hash_name($hashtype)) || !function_exists($func)) {
         return trigger_error("mhash: cannot use hash algorithm #$hashtype/$func", E_USER_ERROR);
      if (!$key) {
         trigger_error("mhash: called without key", E_USER_WARNING);
      #-- params
      $bsize = mhash_get_block_size($hashtype);   // fixed size, 64

      #-- pad key
      if (strlen($key) > $bsize) {  // hash key, when it's too long
         $key = $func($key); 
         $key = pack("H*", $key);   // binarify
      $key = str_pad($key, $bsize, "\0");  // fill up with NULs (1)
      #-- prepare inner and outer padding stream
      $ipad = str_pad("", $bsize, "6");   // %36
      $opad = str_pad("", $bsize, "\\");  // %5C
      #-- call hash func    // php can XOR strings for us
      $dgst = pack("H*",  $func(  ($key ^ $ipad)  .  $text  ));  // (2,3,4)
      $dgst = pack("H*",  $func(  ($key ^ $opad)  .  $dgst  ));  // (5,6,7)
   #-- return which hash functions are implemented
   function mhash_count() {
   #-- map numeric identifier to hash function name
   function mhash_get_hash_name($i) {
      static $hash_funcs = array(
          MHASH_CRC32 => "crc32",   // would need dechex()ing in main func?
          MHASH_MD5 => "md5",
          MHASH_SHA1 => "sha1",
   #-- static value
   function mhash_get_block_size($i) {

 * @since unknown
 * @until unknown
 * @emulated
 *    ...
 * @missing
 *    leak  - occupy a given amount of memory

 * group PRE_4_1
 * since 4.0
 * since 3.0
 * @emulated
 *    ...
 * No need to implement anything below that, because such old versions
 * will be incompatbile anyhow (- none of the newer superglobals known).
 * but see also "ext/old"