PHP userland backwards compatibility layer that emulates PHP 5.5+ core functions.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  upgrade.php

Artifact [46e1223048]

Artifact 46e1223048d5c59b0506edeb10502501824e409d:

  • Executable file doc/devtools/cmpversion — part of check-in [41bd525d03] at 2012-01-24 19:59:00 on branch trunk — implemented json_last_error, PHP 5.4 functions: hex2bin, gzdecode retagged 5.4, stub functions for traits (user: mario size: 1972)

   Run this first with an older PHP interpreter, and then with a newer
   version. This way you get a list (once) of added functions (the func
   list is stored in a temporary file).
$DATA_FILE = __FILE__.".data";

#-- load previous list
$DATA = array();
if (file_exists($DATA_FILE)) {
   $DATA = include($DATA_FILE);   // should contain return array(...

#-- current func list
$DATA[strtok(PHP_VERSION, "-")] = get_defined_stuff();

#-- save this one
if ($f = fopen($DATA_FILE, "wb")) {
   fwrite($f, '<? return ' . var_export($DATA, TRUE) . ';');
else die("couldn't save back");

#-- comparison of  current / last run
print "available versions: " . implode(", ", array_keys($DATA)) . "\n";
$old_version = @$_SERVER["argv"][1]  or  $old_version = key($DATA);
$new_version = @$_SERVER["argv"][2]  or  $new_version = PHP_VERSION;
print "comparing \x1b[31m$old_version\x1b[39m and \x1b[32m$new_version\x1b[39m:\n";

#-- list
$oldl = $DATA[$old_version];
$newl = $DATA[$new_version];
echo "old(".count($oldl["functions"])."), new(".count($newl["functions"]).")\n";
if ($oldl) {

   #-- funcs
   $new = array_diff($newl["functions"], $oldl["functions"]);
   echo "\x1b[32mNew functions:\x1b[39m\n";

   #-- constants
   $new = array_diff(array_keys($newl["constants"]), array_keys($oldl["constants"]));
   echo "\n\x1b[32mNewly added constants:\x1b[39m\n";

   #-- classes
   $new = array_diff($newl["classes"], $oldl["classes"]);
   echo "\n\x1b[32mAnd classes:\x1b[39m\n";


 * assemble list of defined functions/etc
function get_defined_stuff() {
   $rl = array();
   $f = get_defined_functions();
   while (@$f["internal"]) {
      $f = $f["internal"];
   $rl["functions"] = $f;
   $c = get_defined_constants();
   $rl["constants"] = $c;
   $c = get_declared_classes();
   $rl["classes"] = $c;
   $rl["version"] = PHP_VERSION;
