PHP userland backwards compatibility layer that emulates PHP 5.5+ core functions.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  upgrade.php

Artifact [665bd9cf15]

Artifact 665bd9cf154200d3c5fe0611e81ea2e1caeba0b9:

  • Executable file doc/devtools/crw — part of check-in [51e3884900] at 2010-06-22 17:03:27 on branch trunk — upgradephp-15 (user: mario size: 1751)

#!/usr/bin/php -qC
 * converts hash-style function comments into phpDoc-style blocks,
 * adds guessed @param list on the way


  $txt = file_get_contents("/dev/stdin");
//  $txt = addslashes($txt);
  $txt = preg_replace(
     "'/**\n' . stripslashes(newcmt('$1')) . paramdesc('$4') . ' */\n' . stripslashes('$3')",
//  $txt = stripslashes($txt);
  print $txt;

function newcmt($c) {
   return preg_replace("_^[*/# ]*_ims", " * ", $c);

function paramdesc($f) {
   if (!$f || !$_SERVER["argv"][1]) {
     return " * \n";
   $c = "";
   $retype = "mixed";
   preg_match_all("/([$]\w+)(=[^),]+)?/ims", $f, $uu);
   foreach ($uu[1] as $i=>$var) {
      $opt = stripslashes(substr($uu[2][$i],1));
      $type = vartype($var, $opt);
      $c .= " * @param  $type $var  "
          . ($opt ? "(optional) $opt" : "")
          . "\n";
      if ($i==0) { $retype = $type; }
   return $c ? " *\n$c" . " * @return $retype\n" : "";

function vartype($name, $defval="") {
   $deftype = array(
      "/^[\"\']/" => "string",
      "/array\(/" => "array",
      "/^\d+$/" => "integer",
   foreach ($deftype as $rx=>$t) if (preg_match($rx, $defval)) {
      return $t;
   $typenames = array(
      "/int|num|size|count|index|time|offs|len|flags/i" => "integer",
      "/bool|option/i" => "boolean",
      "/str|needle|name|char|form|call|func/i" => "string",
      "/obj|class/i" => "object",
      "/hash|list|keys|values|search|arr/i" => "array",
      "/data|var/i" => "mixed",
      "/asc|desc/i" => "boolean",
   foreach ($typenames as $rx=>$t) if (preg_match($rx, $name)) {
      return $t;
   return "mixed";
