die("'odbc.php' is incomplete. Will not be completed. Use PDO instead.\n");
This is just another SQL interface wrapper. It reimplements the ODBC
functions in PHP by itself chaining to PEAR::DB (a double wrapper,
to simplify this initial version).
- does not use integers as connection_id
Because any mysql_*() calls are easier replaced with odbc_() funcs,
but at the same time offer the same degree of database independence,
this can often make more sense than transitioning to PEAR::DB or the
ADOdb classes.
- PEAR::DB provides the saner OO-interface
- ADOdb is slightly faster, but has a less nicely abstracted API
#-- declare odbc interface functions
if (!function_exists("odbc_connect")) {
#-- load PEAR::DB
#-- initialize connection
function odbc_connect($dsn, $user, $password, $cursor_type=NULL) {
#-- mangle $dsn for PEAR
$dsn = str_replace("://", "://$user:$password@", $dsn);
// ... rename dbtype identifiers
#-- connect
$c = DB::connect($dsn);
if (!PEAR::isError($c)) {
#-- incomplete
function odbc_pconnect($dsn, $user, $password, $cursor_type=NULL) {
return odbc_connect($dsn, $user, $password, $cursor_type);
#-- end connection
function odbc_close($db) {
#-- SQL command execution
function odbc_exec($db, $query) {
return $db->query($db);
function odbc_do($db, $query) {
return odbc_exec($db, $query);
#-- sql pre-parsing
function odbc_prepare($db, $query) {
return( array($db, $db->prepare($db)) );
#-- and execution of prepared query
function odbc_execute($pq, $args=NULL) {
return $pq[0]->execute($pq[1], $args);
#-- return result row
function odbc_fetch_array($res) {
return $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
function odbc_fetch_row($res) {
return $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED);
function odbc_fetch_object($res) {
return $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
function odbc_fetch_into($res, $count, &$array) {
$array = array();
while ($count--) {
$array[] = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED);
#-- more functions on result sets
function odbc_free_result(&$res) {
$res = NULL;
function odbc_next_result($res) {
return $res->nextResult();
function odbc_num_fields($res) {
return $res->numCols();
function odbc_num_rows($res) {
return $res->numRows();
#-- and there's more