PHP userland backwards compatibility layer that emulates PHP 5.5+ core functions.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  upgrade.php

Artifact [c534b538ed]

Artifact c534b538ed89ea0a5f847af0417e7bf9a1548973:

  • File ext/contrib/fix_magic_quotes.php — part of check-in [262eedd52e] at 2012-01-09 15:40:41 on branch trunk — more generic (ewiki_ to upgradephp_ prefix) (user: mario size: 2165)

 * api: php
 * type: intercept
 * title: PHP fixes
 * descriptions: removes bogus magic_quotes and left over superglobals
 * version: 1.2
 * priority: auto
 * autoexec: 1
 * category: library
 * conflicts: strike_register_globals, strip_wonderful_slashes
 *  Outdated and bogus PHP settings (register_globals and magic_quotes) are
 *  undone by this script. This avoids negative impact on contemporary code.
 *  This variant can be manually included, or used as auto_prepend_file=
 *  via .user.ini or .htaccess declarations. Preferrably of course, the main
 *  php.ini should be fixed.

 #-- implementation
 if (!function_exists("upgradephp_recursive_stripslashes")) {
    function upgradephp_recursive_unset(&$TO, $FROM) {
       foreach ($FROM as $var=>$value) {
          if (isset($TO[$var]) && ($TO[$var]==$FROM[$var])) {
             unset($TO[$var]);   // double unset to work around ZE-num/assoc-hashcode bug
    function upgradephp_recursive_stripslashes(&$var) {
       if (is_array($var)) {
          foreach ($var as $key=>$item) {
       else {
          $var = stripslashes($var);

 #-- strike register_globals (injected variables)
 if (ini_get("register_globals") == "1") {
    upgradephp_recursive_unset($GLOBALS, $_REQUEST);
    ini_set("register_globals", 0);

 #-- strip any \'s if magic_quotes (variable garbaging) is still enabled
 if (ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc") && get_magic_quotes_gpc() && !defined("MAGIC_QUOTES_DISABLED")) {
    ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", 0);
    define("MAGIC_QUOTES_DISABLED", 1) or trigger_error("fix_magic_quotes has been invoked twice");

 #-- now that one is really dumb
 get_magic_quotes_runtime() && set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
