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Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2015-05-07 03:54:53.
upgrade.php2015-05-07 03:54:53
- doc1.04 years
- devtools1.39 years
- _dt4.87 years
- _notdefined4.87 years
- cmpversion3.28 years
- cmpversion.data1.39 years
- compact4.87 years
- convertoldtest4.87 years
- crw4.87 years
- doctests4.87 years
- listemu4.87 years
- php-commandline4.87 years
- make_symlinks4.87 years
- phpecho4.87 years
- PhpFunctionCall4.87 years
- README4.87 years
- test-up2.72 years
- gettext.txt4.87 years
- README1.04 years
- runtest4.87 years
- tests1all4.87 years
- array_change_key_case.phpt4.87 years
- array_chunk.phpt4.87 years
- array_combine.phpt4.87 years
- array_diff_assoc.phpt4.87 years
- array_fill.phpt4.87 years
- array_intersect_assoc.phpt4.87 years
- array_udiff_uassoc.phpt4.87 years
- array_walk_recursive.phpt4.87 years
- base16.phpt4.87 years
- bcmath.phpt4.87 years
- class_parents.phpt4.87 years
- file_put_contents.phpt4.87 years
- floatval.phpt4.87 years
- fmod.phpt4.87 years
- fnmatch.phpt4.87 years
- get_headers.phpt4.87 years
- gettext.phpt4.87 years
- glob.phpt4.87 years
- gzdecode.phpt4.87 years
- headers_list.phpt4.87 years
- html_entity_decode.phpt4.87 years
- http_build_query.phpt4.87 years
- is_a.phpt4.87 years
- json.phpt4.87 years
- json2.phpt4.87 years
- md5_file.phpt4.87 years
- mhash.phpt4.87 years
- mime_content_type.phpt4.87 years
- scandir.phpt4.87 years
- spl_classes.phpt4.87 years
- str_ireplace.phpt4.87 years
- str_rot13.phpt4.87 years
- str_shuffle.phpt4.87 years
- str_split.phpt4.87 years
- str_word_count.phpt4.87 years
- strftime.phpt4.87 years
- stripos.phpt4.87 years
- strpbrk.phpt4.87 years
- strripos.phpt4.87 years
- substr_compare.phpt4.87 years
- uuencode.phpt4.87 years
- vprintf.phpt4.87 years
- tests2filter4.87 years
- 001.phpt4.87 years
- 002.phpt4.87 years
- 003.phpt4.87 years
- 004.phpt4.87 years
- 005.phpt4.87 years
- 006.phpt4.87 years
- 007.phpt4.87 years
- 008.phpt4.87 years
- 009.phpt4.87 years
- 010.phpt4.87 years
- 011.phpt4.87 years
- 012.phpt4.87 years
- 013.phpt4.87 years
- 014.phpt4.87 years
- 015.phpt4.87 years
- 016.phpt4.87 years
- 017.phpt4.87 years
- 018.phpt4.87 years
- 019.phpt4.87 years
- 020.phpt4.87 years
- 021.phpt4.87 years
- 022.phpt4.87 years
- 023.phpt4.87 years
- 024.phpt4.87 years
- 025.phpt4.87 years
- 026.phpt4.87 years
- 027.phpt4.87 years
- 028.phpt4.87 years
- 029.phpt4.87 years
- 030.phpt4.87 years
- 031.phpt4.87 years
- 032.phpt4.87 years
- 033.phpt4.87 years
- 034.phpt4.87 years
- 035.phpt4.87 years
- 036.phpt4.87 years
- 037.phpt4.87 years
- 038.phpt4.87 years
- bug7586.phpt4.87 years
- bug7715.phpt4.87 years
- bug8315.phpt4.87 years
- callback_non_modified_var.phpt4.87 years
- LICENSE4.87 years
- updoc4.87 years
- extcurrent
- bcmath.php4.87 years
- contribcurrent
- archive4.87 years
- bcmath.old.php4.87 years
- phprequest.php4.87 years
- fix_magic_quotes.php3.32 years
- header_errors.php4.87 years
- http_query.class.php4.87 years
- http_query.class.txt4.87 years
- input.phpcurrent
- is_utf8.php4.87 years
- pdo_mysql.php1.04 years
- php4_exceptions.php4.87 years
- php5_clone.php4.87 years
- register_long_arrays.php3.22 years
- serialize.php4.55 years
- setcookie2.php1.39 years
- ctype.php4.87 years
- ftp.php4.87 years
- gettext.php4.87 years
- nonstandard4.87 years
- base16.php4.87 years
- password.php1.39 years
- pdo.pgsql.php4.87 years
- pdo.php4.87 years
- pdo.sqlite.php4.87 years
- php40.php4.87 years
- php40array.php4.87 years
- php50.phpcurrent
- pspell.php4.87 years
- stubs4.87 years
- dba.php4.87 years
- zlib.php4.87 years
- uncommon_functions.php4.87 years
- unfinished3.32 years
- filter.php4.87 years
- mime.php3.32 years
- odbc.php4.87 years
- posix.php4.87 years
- var_export54.php265.9 days
- xmlentities.php4.87 years
- upgrade.phpcurrent